Equation 2
is the overall removal efficiency
(VOC)c is the maximum permissible pounds of VOC per gallon of coating minus water and excluded VOC at application, as set forth in the tables of this Subpart.
(VOC)a is the VOC content of an as applied coating, expressed as pounds of VOC per gallon of coating minus water and excluded compounds.
(Vn)c is the volumetric fraction of solids, expressed as gallon of solids per gallon of coating minus water and excluded compounds, in a compliant coating expressed as:
Equation 3
(Vn)c = 1 - (Vv)c
(Vv)c is the volumetric fraction of VOC, expressed as gallon of VOC per gallon of coating minus water and excluded compounds, in a compliant coating expressed as:
Equation 4
(Vn)a is the volumetric fraction of solids, expressed as gallon of solids per gallon of coating minus water and excluded compounds, in an as applied coating expressed as:
Equation 5
(Vn)a = 1 - (Vv)a
(Vv)a is the volumetric fraction of VOC, expressed as gallon of VOC per gallon of coating minus water and excluded compounds, in an as applied coating expressed as:
Equation 6
dvoc is the density of VOC as applied, i.e., total volatiles minus water and excluded compounds, in pounds of VOC per gallon of VOC.
Equation 7
V is the actual coating volume used, minus water and excluded compounds, in gallons.
<<eta>> is the overall removal efficiency, expressed as:
Equation 8
<<eta>>c is the percent CE, as determined by section 228-1.6(d)(2) of this Subpart.
<<eta>>d is the percent destruction and/or removal efficiency, as determined by section 228-1.6(d)(1) of this Subpart.
<<eta>> = 0, for coating systems without a control device and capture system.
dVOC = 7.36 pounds of VOC per gallon of VOC when (VOC)a = 0 and (Vn)a=1
When section 228-1.6(d)(1) of this Subpart applies, <<eta>> is the VOC solvent recovery fraction.
All other terms are defined in subdivision (c) of this section.
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 §§ 228-1.5