Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 1245.6 - Hard Copy Filing and Service(a) Filing of Additional Hard Copies. (1) Unless otherwise directed by the court, authorized e-filers shall, in addition to submitting electronic filings, file hard copies of documents as follows: (i) appellate briefs, records, appendices, agreed statements in lieu of record: one original and five copies.(ii) papers in original proceedings, transferred proceedings, motions, applications: such number as required by court rule in matters not subject to e-filing.(2) Authorized e-filers shall delay the filing of such additional hard copies of documents until receipt of email notification that the clerk has reviewed and approved the electronic version of the document, and shall file the hard copies within two business days of such notification. A failure to file such additional hard copies of documents shall cause the filing to be deemed incomplete.(b) Filing of Unbound Copy of Documents by Exempt Attorneys and Exempt Litigants. Exempt attorneys and exempt litigants filing and serving documents in hard copy shall additionally file, together with the bound copy or copies of the document in such number as required by court rule, a single unbound copy of the filing, containing no staples or binding other than easily removable clips or rubber bands.(c) Motions and Applications Seeking Emergency Relief. Where a motion or application seeks interim or emergency relief, the court may permit the initial submissions of a party or parties to be filed and served in hard copy, and e-filed thereafter. All such filings, other than filings by an exempt litigant, shall be accompanied by a notice of hard copy submission on a form approved by the Appellate Division.(d) Technical Failure. (1) If the NYSCEF site is subject to technical failure pursuant to 22 NYCRR 202.5-b(i), authorized e-filers shall file and serve documents in hard copy and e-file those documents within three business days after restoration of normal operations at that site.(2) If an authorized e-filer is unable to e-file a document because of technical problems with his or her computer equipment or internet connection, the e-filer shall file and serve the document in hard copy, together with a notice of hard copy submission in a form approved by the Appellate Division, and shall e-file those documents within three business days thereafter.N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 22 § 1245.6
Adopted New York State Register May 23, 2018/Volume XL, Issue 21, eff. 3/1/2018