Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 10075.4 - Sanitary facilities required(a) Connections. Sanitary facilities for all structures in the City of Buffalo shall be provided in accordance with chapter XI of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo: Buffalo Housing and Property Code, chapter XII of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo: Buffalo Building Code and chapter XXV of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo: Buffalo Health Ordinance and shall be connected with the facilities of the authority.(b) Building or house connections. Building service sewers to residential, commercial or industrial buildings shall be required in accordance with applicable ordinances and with the Plumbing Code of the City of Buffalo adopted by the Examining Board of Plumbers on February 4, 1957 and approved by the Erie County Health Department on April 2, 1957, as the same may be amended from time to time, and all other sewer construction shall be governed by such code and other ordinances of the city.(c) Private disposal system. Where a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available, a private sewage disposal system shall be required, and shall be installed in accordance with all laws of the State of New York, Code of the City of Buffalo and regulations of the State Department of Health. This installation shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Health of the County of Erie, and shall be maintained and operated in a sanitary manner.(d) Existing connections. (1) Existing connections to the combined sewer system will be allowed to function in their present form until such time that separate sanitary and storm water sewers are constructed to service such premises. At such time, all sanitary sewer outlets shall be required to be connected only to the sanitary sewers and stormwater discharges to the MS4.(2) Among others, a purpose of this regulation is to deter, prevent and eliminate, as far as possible, the introduction of storm waters into the B.S.A. combined or trunk sewer system and all public sewers tributary thereto. However, it is recognized that in certain areas the immediate and strict application and enforcement of these regulations against existing and established connections would not be feasible.(3) This statement shall not be construed to mitigate in any way the application and enforcement of these regulations against the construction of any new combined sewers and against any new connections discharging storm water to the B.S.A. combined or trunk sewer system and public sewers tributary thereto. Nor shall this statement of policy be construed to be used as a defense against any changes which may be ordered by State or Federal regulatory agencies.(e) Other laws, rules and regulations. These regulations are in addition to the applicable charter and code of the City of Buffalo, and the laws, rules and regulations of the State of New York and the United States. Where such laws, codes, rules and regulations contain provisions more restrictive than those contained in these regulations, the former shall apply.N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 21 § 10075.4