N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 12 § 38.32

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 38.32 - Procedures for picking up, receiving, and opening packages
(a) Each licensee who expects to receive a package containing quantities of radioactive material in excess of the applicable A 1 or A 2value specified in Appendix A-12, Table 1 of section 38.41 of this Part (rule), shall make arrangements to:
(1) receive the package when the carrier offers it for delivery; or
(2) receive notification of the arrival of the package at the carrier's terminal and to pick up the package expeditiously.
(b) Each licensee, upon receipt of a package containing radioactive material in quantities described in subdivision (a) of this section, or any package that shows evidence of damage or leakage shall monitor the external surfaces of the package for radioactive contamination and radiation levels. The licensee shall perform the monitoring as soon as practical after receipt of the package, but not later than three hours after the package is received during the licensee's normal working hours, or not later than three hours from the beginning of the next working day if it is received after working hours.
(c) Upon receipt of a package marked as containing radioactive material, and in a quantity equal to or less than the applicable A 1 or A 2quantity, each licensee shall:
(1) survey each package for radiation levels; and
(2) monitor the package surface for radioactive contamination, unless the shipper of the package provides documentation of monitoring for radioactive contamination immediately prior to shipment demonstrating the absence of contamination.
(3) the licensee shall perform the monitoring required by this subdivision as soon as practical after receipt of the package, but not later than three hours after the package is received during normal working hours, or not later than three hours from the beginning of the next working day if it is received after working hours.
(d) The licensee shall immediately notify the final delivery carrier and the commissioner if packages are found to have any of the conditions in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision. Notification to the commissioner shall be made by telephone as well as by telegram, mailgram or facsimile.
(i) Removable radioactive contamination in excess of 10 picocuries (22 dpm, or 370 mBq) per square centimeter on the external surfaces of the package for beta/gamma emitters, radionuclides with half lives less than 10 days, natural uranium and thorium, U-235, U-238, Th-232, or Th-228 and Th-230 in ores; and one picocurie (2.2 dpm, or 37 mBq) per square centimeter for all other alpha emitting radionuclides; all such contamination is to be averaged over 300 square centimeters;
(ii) For exclusive use shipments, removable contamination in excess of ten times the limit specified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph.
(i) Radiation levels at one meter from the external surface of the package in excess of 10 millirem (0.1 mSv) per hour, or radiation levels at the surface of the package in excess of 200 millirem (2 mSv) per hour;
(ii) For exclusive use shipments, a radiation level in excess of 1000 millirem (10 mSv) per hour at the package surface.
(e) Each licensee shall:
(1) establish and maintain written procedures for the safe opening of packages in which radioactive material is received that include consideration given to special instructions for the type of package being opened; and
(2) ensure that the procedures are followed.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 § 38.32