N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 12 § 32.13

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 32.13 - Adoption of ANSI B77 standard

The following ANSI B77 2006 sections are to be modified as indicated. Text in brackets [ ] is to be deleted. Underlined text is to be added to the ANSI sections. ANSI B77 Section 1 is not adopted and is excluded in its entirety.

ANSI B77, Section Foundations

In determining the resistance of the soil to motion of the foundation, the subsoil conditions at the site shall be considered, including any buoyancy due to groundwater that may be present. If the resistance of the soil is not practically determinable, the foundation or anchorage [should] shall be designed as a gravity anchor, using a coefficient of friction appropriate to the general character of the soil. Bottoms of foundations shall be below the normal frost depth unless resting on non-frost susceptible soil or solid rock. Foundations on rock shall be firmly anchored to solid rock, unless designed as gravity foundations.

The top of concrete foundations shall not be less than 6 inches (150 mm) above finished grade unless specific direction for the protection of the foundation and structural steel below grade is specified by the designer. The design shall have a minimum factor of safety of 2 in resisting overturning and, concurrently, 2 against sliding, under dead-load and live-load conditions. The minimum factors shall be 1.5 under these loadings plus wind acting simultaneously.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance inspection

Before an aerial tramway that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given a thorough inspection by [qualified personnel] the Commissioner to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance tests

Before an aerial tramway that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given thorough tests by qualified personnel to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer. The designer or manufacturer shall propose and submit an acceptance test procedure. The Commissioner shall be advised by the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the test.

Thorough load and operating tests done in the presence of the Commissioner shall be performed under full loading and any partial loadings that may provide the most adverse operating conditions.

ANSI B77, Section Brakes

The aerial tramway shall have the following friction-type brakes: - service brake (see; - drive sheave brake (see NOTE - For requirements of systems with or without track cable brakes, see

All drive braking systems shall be designed and monitored to ensure that:

a) once the aerial tramway begins movement in the intended direction, the brakes are maintained in the open position;
b) the service brake shall not open prior to the prime mover providing control for the ropeway;
c) multiple brakes or brake systems shall not be simultaneously applied such that excessive deceleration is applied to the aerial tramway under any design loading condition;
d) the failure of one braking system to stop the aerial tramway shall automatically initiate a second braking system, if any.

The service brake and drive sheave brake shall be designed such that failure of one braking system shall not impair the function of the other systems. All brakes shall have the braking force applied by springs, weights, or other approved forms of stored energy.

Hydraulic systems shall be designed to reduce the possibility of oil contaminating the braking surfaces in the event of a failure of a hose, cylinder or fitting.

The service brake and drive sheave brake shall be designed to assure operation under all anticipated conditions.

All drive braking systems shall be capable of operation to comply with the daily inspections and periodic testing.

The manufacturer or a Qualified Engineer shall furnish a written procedure to be followed and shall specify the auxiliary equipment necessary for periodic testing and adjustment of the holding force of each brake. Direction of travel, speed, percent load, and position of the carriers shall be determined and added to the procedure in the maintenance manual. The procedure shall additionally specify:

e) the minimum and maximum holding force for the service brake and drive sheave brake or other criteria which establishes the acceptable range of holding force, and;
f) the minimum and maximum deceleration rates for the service brake and drive sheave brake.

This baseline procedure shall be performed at the completion of the acceptance test, and then at the frequency specified, in order to demonstrate the ability of each brake to produce the required force (see

Testing shall be accomplished as part of normal maintenance. As a minimum, testing shall be performed [monthly] weekly during the normal operating season(s) of the tramway. Testing shall not be done while the tramway is open for public operation.

If a device is permanently installed to cause a brake to be disabled for testing, it shall be monitored so that the tramway cannot be operated in its normal mode when the brake is so disabled.

ANSI B77, Section General

All sheaves, including their mountings and frames, shall be designed to withstand static and dynamic loads. Sheave bearings and mountings shall be selected, designed, and installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers of the bearings.

When unlined sheave grooves are used for wire rope, they [should] shall be V-shaped and shall have rounded bottoms with a radius equal to approximately 55% of the rope diameter.

When lined sheave grooves are used, the allowable bearing pressures of the liner material shall not be exceeded.

ANSI B77, Section Location

All electrical power transmission wiring located near or proposed to cross over aerial tramways shall comply with the applicable requirements of IEEE C2-2002. No aerial lift shall pass under any transmission lines operating at a potential exceeding 50 volts.

ANSI B77, Section Haul rope grounding

Grounding sheaves with conductive liners or equivalent means [should] shall be provided at one location for the purpose of grounding haul ropes and track cables, as applicable, for static electrical discharge. For the haul rope on bicable systems or monocable systems with an isolated or insulated haul rope incorporated in the operating circuitry, no means of grounding are required when the operating circuit takes into consideration static electrical discharge.

ANSI B77, Section Evacuation

The owner of each aerial tramway shall submit to the Commissioner a detailed written plan for evacuation of passengers from cabins or carriers in the event of a power failure or breakdown. The procedures set forth in the evacuation plan shall be tested, at any location on the lift, in the presence of the Commissioner at his request. The Commissioner, when satisfied with the evacuation plan and the results of the test, shall notify the owner in writing of such acceptance. A copy of the accepted plan shall be kept on the premises and shall be readily available to the Commissioner's representative. [A plan for evacuation of passengers from each aerial tramway shall be developed and documented.] The written plan shall include, but not be limited to:

a) the definition of the line of authority in the event of an evacuation. This line of authority shall list:
1) the individuals or positions responsible for determining the need for an evacuation;
2) the individuals or positions responsible for ordering an evacuation;
3) the individuals or positions responsible for performing the evacuation, for first aid, and for ground care of evacuated passengers.
b) a description of the equipment necessary for evacuation and where it will be stored;
c) provisions for adequate training in the functions performed in the evacuation process at least once each operating season. Such drills are to be recorded in the operational log of each aerial tramway (see;
d) an estimate of the time necessary for the total evacuation of each aerial tramway and any conditions which might cause the time to exceed 2 hours after the lift stoppage;
e) a description of unusual terrain conditions and how each of these conditions will be dealt with during an evacuation;
f) an estimate of when the evacuation should begin in the event the aerial tramway becomes inoperable;
g) provisions for communications with passengers of an inoperable aerial tramway, the frequency of such communication, how soon after the aerial tramway becomes inoperable such communication to the passengers will start, and the frequency of communications thereafter;
h) the methods of evacuation to be used for the typical passenger and the methods to be used for incapacitated passengers and non-ambulatory passengers;
i) provisions for communication with the evacuation teams;
j) provisions for suspending the evacuation in the event that the aerial tramway is made operable during the evacuation;
k) provisions for control and assistance of evacuated persons until released;
l) provisions for a post-evacuation report available for review by the Commissioner.

All nonmetallic rope used for evacuation shall be of nylon or polyester (Dacron) fiber of either laid or braided construction. Laid rope of nylon shall be of a hard lay. These ropes shall be either of a static rescue type or a dynamic mountaineering type. Breaking strength, when new, shall be at least 15 times the maximum expected operating load, but in no case less than [4000]5000 pounds ([17.8] 22.3 kilonewtons). No natural fiber or polypropylene ropes shall be used.

These ropes shall be carefully stored when not in use and shall be examined after each completed aerial tramway evacuation and prior to each season of operation, both summer and winter, to ascertain that they are in satisfactory condition.

Carabiners, if used, shall be of the locking type.

ANSI B77, Section Bypass requirements

The use of temporary circuits that have been installed for the purpose of bypassing failed electrical circuit(s) (see 2.2.6) shall meet these requirements in the following order:

a) The condition that the circuit indicated is in default shall be thoroughly inspected to ensure an electrical operating circuit malfunction, rather than the indicated condition, actually exists;
b) The bypass shall be authorized only by the aerial lift supervisor or his/her designated representative;
c) When a bypass is in operation, the function bypassed shall be under constant, close, visual observation;
d) The use of a bypass circuit shall be logged and shall indicate when, who authorized, and for what duration a bypass was used;
e) The operator control panel shall indicate that a bypass is in use.
f)When a required aerial lift control circuit is bypassed, all passengers shall be off loaded and no passengers other than maintenance personnel being transported to the repair site shall be allowed to board the lift until the malfunction is corrected.

ANSI B77, Section Foundations

In determining the resistance of the soil to motion of the foundation, the subsoil conditions at the site shall be considered, including any buoyancy due to groundwater that may be present. If the resistance of the soil is not practically determinable, the foundation or anchorage [should] shall be designed as a gravity anchor, using a coefficient of friction appropriate to the general character of the soil. Bottoms of foundations shall be below the normal frost depth unless resting on non-frost susceptible soil or solid rock. Foundations on rock shall be firmly anchored to solid rock, unless designed as gravity foundations.

ANSI B77, Section Communications

A permanently installed two-way voice communication system shall be provided between the prime mover, evacuation power unit control point, machinery areas, loading stations, and unloading stations. The power for this system shall be independent of the primary power and the communication system shall be functional and audible during a power failure (see 3.2.5(a)).

On lifts installed prior to 1995, radiophones or suitable public address systems may be used.

Audio indicators shall be audible over all ambient noise levels, and visual indicators (e.g., Light Emitting Diodes) shall be visible even in bright sunlight.

ANSI B77, Section Loading areas for chair lifts

The loading area length, profile, and loading point shall be installed according to the carrier speed, carrier type, carrier conveyance system, passenger type, and aerial lift design. Load Gates, artificial surfaces, and other loading aids when used shall be designed and installed with regards to all passengers including adaptive. Load Gates shall have an override control to hold them in the open position by the lift operator. At least one point of access to the lift shall have a minimum clearance width of 36 inches (915 mm) to accommodate passengers using adaptive equipment.

Approach paths to the loading platform shall be approximately level or slightly downsloped to facilitate passengers moving to the loading point. The approach path shall be such that waiting passengers have a view of the loading area. The maze or corral area shall be approximately level, free of obstructions and marked, roped, or fenced in a manner to guide passengers to the "Wait Here" and "Load Here" markers. The corral and maze [should] shall be as straight as possible with gradual turns.

ANSI B77, Section Provisions for evacuation

Aerial lifts shall be provided with means to evacuate passengers from stranded carriers. Provisions shall be made in the design of the aerial lift for emergency evacuation of [common passenger types] all passengers (see

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance inspection

Before an aerial [tramway] lift that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given a thorough inspection by [qualified personnel] the Commissioner to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance tests

Before an aerial [tramway] lift that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given thorough tests by qualified personnel to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer. The designer or manufacturer shall propose and submit an acceptance test procedure. The Commissioner shall be advised by the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the test.

Thorough load and operating tests done in the presence of the Commissioner shall be performed under full loading and any partial loadings that may provide the most adverse operating conditions.

ANSI B77, Section Power units

All aerial lifts shall be equipped with at least two power units, one of which, at a minimum, meets the requirements of

All power units shall have the capacity to handle the most unfavorable design loading conditions, including the starting of the aerial lift loaded to 110% of capacity in weight. If downhill capacity is desired, the aerial lift shall comply with Where manual multispeed transmissions are used on a power unit, they shall not be shifted when the aerial lift is moving.

Where reverse capability is provided on a power unit for an aerial lift, provisions shall be made to prevent accidentally shifting into reverse whenever the aerial lift is operating. No aerial lift shall be operated using a single power unit without a second operable power unit being available except for unloading passengers or for maintenance purposes.

[EXCEPTION - An aerial lift may continue loading passengers if the following requirements are met:

a) The power unit in use meets the requirements of a prime mover (see;
b) Evacuation gear and personnel shall be immediately available in sufficient number and quantity to evacuate the entire aerial lift in a period specified in the evacuation plan (see]

If changes are made to the drive train components that affect rotational inertia (i.e. removal of electric motor), the changes to stopping distances and deceleration rates shall meet the requirements of

ANSI B77, Section Brakes and rollback devices

The aerial lift shall have the following friction-type brakes and other devices as specified in table 3-2:

- service brake (see;

- drive sheave brake (see;

- rollback device (see

All braking systems shall be designed and monitored to ensure that:

a) once the aerial lift begins movement in the intended direction, the brakes are maintained in the open position;
b) the service brake shall not open prior to the drive system developing sufficient torque to prevent overhauling;

EXCEPTION - For an aerial lift that overhauls only in the reverse direction, a drive train backstop ( may be used in lieu of the above.

c) multiple brakes or brake systems shall not be simultaneously applied such that excessive deceleration is applied to the aerial lift under any anticipated conditions of loading;
d) the failure of one braking system to properly decelerate the aerial lift shall automatically initiate a second braking system, if any.

The service brake, drive sheave brake, and rollback device shall be designed such that failure of one braking system will not impair the function of the other systems. All brakes shall have the braking force applied by springs, weights, or other approved forms of stored energy.

The service brake, drive sheave brake, and rollback device shall be designed to assure operation under all anticipated conditions.

Each braking system shall be capable of operation to comply with daily inspections and periodic testing.

The manufacturer or a Qualified Engineer shall furnish a written procedure to be followed and specify the auxiliary equipment necessary for periodic testing and adjustment of the holding force of each brake, rollback, and backstop device.

The procedure shall additionally specify:

e) the minimum and maximum holding force for the service brake and drive sheave brake independently, and;
f) the minimum and maximum stopping distance for the service brake and drive sheave brake independently, with a specified loading condition.

This baseline procedure shall be performed at the completion of the acceptance test and then at the frequency specified in order to demonstrate the ability of each brake to produce the required force.

Testing shall be accomplished as part of normal maintenance during the operating season, but shall not be performed when the aerial lift is open to the public. As a minimum, this testing shall be performed [monthly] weekly during the operating season.

ANSI B77, Section General

All sheaves, including their mountings and frames, shall be designed to withstand static and dynamic loads. Sheave bearings and mountings shall be selected, designed, and installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers of the bearings.

When unlined sheave grooves are used for wire rope, they [should] shall be V-shaped and shall have rounded bottoms with a radius equal to approximately 55% of the rope diameter.

When lined sheave grooves are used, the allowable bearing pressures of the liner material shall not be exceeded.

ANSI B77, Section Cabin

Fully enclosed passenger cabins shall be ventilated. They shall be equipped with doors that fill the entire entrance opening. The minimum clearance width opening shall be 32 inches (815 mm). Each door shall be provided with a lock located in such a manner that it can be unlocked only by authorized persons or by automatic means.

The horizontal gap between the cabin door opening floor edge and platform edge shall not be greater than 1 inch (25.4 mm). The height of the cabin floor to the platform shall be within += 1/2 inch (+= 12.7 mm). Where it is not operationally or structurally practical to meet these requirements, platform devices, vehicle devices, system devices, or bridge plates shall be provided for independent loading.

All windows shall be of shatter-resistant material.

Means of emergency evacuation of passengers shall be provided.

The maximum capacity of each cabin, both in pounds and kilograms and number of passengers, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in each cabin (see table D-1(r)). The minimum clear floor space in accessible cabins shall be 48 inches by 30 inches (1220 mm x 760 mm). Where special accessible cabins are used, [it is recommended] the waiting interval shall [should] not exceed 10 minutes.

All carriers shall be clearly identified with numbers located on each end of each carrier.

Semi-open carriers shall meet applicable requirements for enclosed cabins and open chairs.

ANSI B77, Section Chairs

Chair lift carriers shall be designed to support a vertical load 4 times the design load without permanent deformations of the assembly or component parts.

All carriers shall be uniquely identified with numbers visible to the operator and attendant.

Each chair shall be equipped with a railing at each side, to a height of not less than 4 inches (100 mm) above the seat for a distance of not less than 12 inches (305 mm) from the back of the seat.

For aerial lifts operating primarily for skiers, the thickness of the chair seat front, including padding, shall not exceed 5 inches (125 mm) from the top of the seating surface to the bottom of the curl. Tilt back angle of the seat bottom [should] be a minimum of 7 degrees when loaded. Loaded shall mean an evenly distributed load using load test criteria. Provisions shall be made to keep the tails of skis from passing through and becoming trapped in open spaces between framework, safety restraints and chair seat underside.

[For aerial lifts operating primarily for foot passengers, each chair shall be equipped with a restraining device that will not open under forward pressure] Each chair shall be equipped with a restraining device referred to as a restraint bar that will not open under forward pressure.

The chair shall be designed to accommodate equipment for the purpose of emergency evacuation of passengers.

ANSI B77, Section 3.2.1 General design and installation testing

Prior to operation of newly installed aerial lifts or after any modification thereafter of the electrical system, the electrical system shall be tested and shown to meet [the requirements of] this [standard] Part and the test results shall be recorded. Design of all electronic controls and drives shall consider minimum sensitivity to electrical noise and electrical emissions, such as noise spikes from power lines and lightning, radio transmitters, thyristors (SCR), or solenoid or relay noise at levels and frequencies that could initiate loss of control.

(a) Electrical system acceptance test. Upon the completion of the acceptance test and before public operation of the aerial lift, the design and function of software and/or replay logic shall be certified by the Qualified Engineer of record and the certification shall be included in the acceptance test report. Any modifications made to the electrical design shall be clearly marked on the on-site documentation and signed by a Qualified Engineer. (see also section 32-3.12)
(b) Software security. The "as built" documents shall include a procedure, developed by the lift manufacturer or Qualified Engineer, to ensure the security of the software logic and operating parameters that will control the aerial lift. Upon completion of the acceptance testing, this procedure shall be implemented in a manner that will prevent unauthorized personnel from making changes to the Page 21 of 42 logic or operating parameters. All programmable logic and parameters shall be documented.

ANSI B77, Section Haul rope grounding

Grounding sheaves with conductive liners or equivalent means [should] shall be provided at one location for the purpose of grounding haul ropes and track cables, as applicable, for static electrical discharge. For the haul rope on bicable systems or monocable systems with an isolated or insulated haul rope incorporated in the operating circuitry, no means of grounding are required when the operating circuit takes into consideration static electrical discharge.

ANSI B77, Section Evacuation

[A plan for evacuation of passengers from each aerial lift shall be developed and documented. The plan shall included:] The owner of each aerial lift shall submit to the Commissioner a detailed written plan for evacuation of passengers from cabins or carriers in the event of a power failure or breakdown. The procedures set forth in the evacuation plan shall be tested, at any location on the lift, in the presence of the Commissioner at his request. The Commissioner, when satisfied with the evacuation plan and the results of the test, shall notify the owner in writing of such acceptance. A copy of the accepted plan shall be kept on the premises and shall be readily available to the Commissioner's representative. The written plan shall include, but not be limited to:

a) The definition of the line of authority in the event of an evacuation. This line of authority shall list:
1) the individuals or positions responsible for determining the need for an evacuation;
2) the individuals or positions responsible for ordering an evacuation;
3) the individuals or positions responsible for performing the evacuation, for first aid, and for ground care of evacuated passengers.
b) a description of the equipment necessary for evacuation and where it will be stored;
c) provisions for adequate training in the functions performed in the evacuation process at least once each operating season. Such drills are to be recorded in the operational log of each aerial lift (see;
d)a statement that sufficient number of experienced evacuation personnel will be readily available to evacuate the entire lift within 2 hours of the lift stoppage and any conditions which might cause this time to be exceeded; [an estimate of the time necessary for the total evacuation of each aerial lift;]
e) a description of unusual terrain conditions and how each of these conditions will be dealt with during an evacuation;
f) an estimate of when the evacuation should begin in the event the aerial lift becomes inoperable;
g) provisions for communications with passengers of an inoperable aerial lift, the frequency of such communication, how soon after the aerial lift becomes inoperable such communication to the passengers will start, and the frequency of communications thereafter;
h) the methods of evacuation to be used for the typical passenger, incapacitated passenger, common adaptive ski equipment, and nonambulatory passengers.
i) provisions for communication with the evacuation teams;
j) provisions for suspending the evacuation in the event that the aerial lift is made operable during the evacuation;
k) provisions for control and assistance of evacuated persons until released;
l) provisions for a post-evacuation report available for review by the Commissioner;
m)a special separate written evacuation plan shall be provided when the aerial lift is used primarily for foot passengers such as for sight seeing or amusement rides. This plan shall include a specific outline for the evacuation of the very old and/or very young, including babes in arms.

All nonmetallic rope used for evacuation shall be of nylon or polyester (Dacron) fiber of either laid or braided construction. Laid rope of nylon shall be of a hard lay. These ropes shall be either of a static rescue type or a dynamic mountaineering type. Breaking strength, when new, shall be at least 15 times the maximum expected operating load but in no case less than [4000] 5000 pounds ([17.8]22.3 kilonewtons). No natural fiber or polypropylene ropes shall be used.

These ropes shall be carefully stored when not in use and shall be examined after each completed aerial lift evacuation and prior to each season of operation, both summer and winter, to ascertain that they are in satisfactory condition.

Carabiners, if used, shall be of the locking type.

ANSI B77, Section Bypass requirements

The use of temporary circuits that have been installed for the purpose of bypassing failed electrical circuit(s) (see 3.2.6) shall meet these requirements in the following order:

a) The condition that the circuit indicated is in default shall be thoroughly inspected to ensure an electrical operating circuit malfunction, rather than the indicated condition, actually exists;
b) The bypass shall be authorized only by the aerial lift supervisor or his/her designated representative;
c) When a bypass is in operation, the function bypassed shall be under constant, close, visual observation;
d) The use of a bypass circuit shall be logged and shall indicate when, who authorized, and for what duration a bypass was used;
e) The operator control panel shall indicate that a bypass is in use.
f)When a required aerial lift control circuit is bypassed, all passengers shall be off loaded and no passengers other than maintenance personnel being transported to the repair site shall be allowed to board the lift until the malfunction is corrected.

ANSI B77, Section Foundations

In determining the resistance of the soil to motion of the foundation, the subsoil conditions at the site shall be considered, including any buoyancy due to groundwater that may be present. If the resistance of the soil is not practically determinable, the foundation or anchorage [should] shall be designed as a gravity anchor, using a coefficient of friction appropriate to the general character of the soil. Bottoms of foundations shall be below the normal frost depth unless resting on non-frost susceptible soil or solid rock. Foundations on rock shall be firmly anchored to solid rock, unless designed as gravity foundations.

The top of concrete foundations shall not be less than 6 inches (150 mm) above finished grade unless specific direction for the protection of the foundation and structural steel below grade is specified by the designer.

The design shall have a minimum factor of safety of 2 in resisting overturning and, concurrently, 2 against sliding, under dead-load and live-load conditions. The minimum factors shall be 1.5 under these loadings plus wind acting simultaneously.

ANSI B77, Section Communications

A permanently installed two-way voice communication system shall be provided between the prime mover and evacuation power unit control point, drive machinery building, loading stations, and unloading stations. The power for this system shall be independent of the primary power and the communication system shall be functional and audible during a power failure (see 4.2.5(a)). On lifts installed prior to 1995 radiophones or suitable public address systems may be used.

ANSI B77, Section Loading areas

The loading area length, profile, and loading point shall be installed according to the aerial lift's speed, terminal sheave location, and carrier type, such as to minimize carrier swing while loading passengers. Load gates, artificial surfaces, and other loading aids when used shall be designed and installed with regards to all passengers including adaptive. Load Gates shall have an override control to hold them in the open position by the lift operator. At least one point of access to the lift shall have a minimum clearance width of 36 inches (915 mm) to accommodate passengers using adaptive equipment.

Approach paths to the loading platform shall be approximately level or slightly down sloped to facilitate passengers moving to the loading point. The approach paths shall be such that waiting passengers have a view of the loading area. The maze or corral area shall be approximately level, free of obstructions and marked, roped, or fenced in a manner to guide passengers to the "Wait Here" and "Load Here" markers. The corral and maze [should] shall be as straight as possible with gradual turns.

For aerial lifts used primarily by foot passengers, the loading area shall be provided with approximately level load platforms and the necessary handrails, steps, or ramps to provide access, guidance and public control.

The "Wait Here" point shall be marked. This marker shall be located to provide horizontal clearance between passengers at the "Wait Here" point and passing carriers.

The loading point shall be approximately level, marked as to where the passengers are to position themselves using a "Load Here" marker located on/in the platform/snow surface. The width of the "Load Here" marker shall not be greater than the carrier width.

Elevated loading areas shall be protected on all sides by guardrails, safety net or ramps.

ANSI B77, Section Unloading areas

The unloading area length, profile, unload point, and exit ramp shall be installed according to the aerial lift's speed, terminal sheave location, and carrier type. The approach end of the unloading area shall be fitted with inclined guards as necessary to reduce the risk of passengers or their equipment from being entangled with the platform edges. The rope gradient shall not be more than 10 percent upward or downward.

For chair lifts, the unloading point where the passengers stand up and disembark shall be marked on or near the unloading surface. For unloading skiers on a snow surface, this point shall be at the breakover point where the exit ramp starts. The chair height shall not exceed 22 inches (560 mm). This point shall be signed "Unload Here," as required in table D-1 (j) in Annex D. An exit ramp for skiers shall not be sloped downward more than 30 percent.

Foot passengers shall be provided with approximately level unload platforms and the necessary handrails, steps, or ramps to exit the unload area. The exit route for foot passengers shall be designated.

The width of the unloading path on the unloading platform and the breakover point shall be greater than the carrier width.

For chair lifts, there shall be no impediment to obstruct passengers inadvertently failing to unload at the unload point. Appropriate guards are required to reduce the risk of injury caused by catching equipment or passengers failing to unload and passing the unload point.

When an aerial lift is designed for skiers to unload in close proximity to the haul rope terminal sheave, normally designated as bull wheel unloading, the following requirements shall be met:

a) The unloading point and exit ramp shall be so located in relation to the point of tangency of the bull wheel that the unloading passengers skiing down the ramp shall be able to accelerate away from their carrier;
b) The automatic stop device (stop gate) required in shall be located to stop the aerial lift in the event a passenger fails to unload. Provisions shall be made to unload such passengers from the carrier onto an unload platform without lift reversal or carrying passengers beyond the platform.

Elevated loading areas shall be protected on all sides by guardrails, safety net or ramps.

ANSI B77, Section Provisions for evacuationAerial lifts shall be provided with means to evacuate passengers from stranded carriers. Provisions shall be made in the design of the aerial lift for emergency evacuation of [common passenger types] all passengers (see

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance inspection

Before an aerial lift that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given a thorough inspection by [qualified personnel] the Commissioner to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance tests

Before an aerial lift that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given thorough tests by qualified personnel to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer. The designer or manufacturer shall propose and submit an acceptance test procedure. The Commissioner shall be advised by the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the test.

Thorough load and operating tests done in the presence of the Commissioner shall be performed under full loading and any partial loadings that may provide the most adverse operating conditions.

ANSI B77, Section Power units

All aerial lifts shall be equipped with at least two power units, one of which, at a minimum, meets the requirements of

All power units shall have the capacity to handle the most unfavorable design loading conditions, including the starting of the aerial lift loaded to 110% of capacity in weight. If downhill capacity is desired, the aerial lift shall comply with Where manual multispeed transmissions are used on a power unit, they shall not be shifted when the aerial lift is moving.

Where reverse capability is provided on a power unit for an aerial lift, provisions shall be made to prevent accidentally shifting into reverse whenever the aerial lift is operating.

No aerial lift shall be operated using a single power unit, except for unloading passengers or for maintenance purposes.

[EXCEPTION - An aerial lift may continue loading passengers if the following requirements are met:

a) The power unit in use meets the requirements of a prime mover (see;
b) Evacuation gear and personnel shall be immediately available in sufficient number and quantity to evacuate the entire aerial lift in a period specified in the evacuation plan (see]

If changes are made to the drive train components that effect rotational inertia (i.e. removal of electric motor), the changes to stopping distances and deceleration rates shall meet the requirements of

ANSI B77, Section Brakes and rollback device

The aerial lift shall have the following friction-type brakes and other devices as specified in table 4-3:

- service brake (see;

- drive sheave brake (see;

- rollback device (see;

- drive train backstop (see

Exception: A drive train backstop is only required of lifts installed after 1995, existing lifts with drive train backstops shall comply with section

All braking systems shall be designed to ensure that:

a) once the aerial lift begins movement in the intended direction, the brakes are maintained in the open position;
b) the service brake shall not open prior to the drive system developing sufficient torque to prevent overhauling;

EXCEPTION - For an aerial lift that overhauls only in the reverse direction, a drive train backstop may be used in lieu of the above.

c) multiple brakes or brake systems shall not be simultaneously applied such that excessive deceleration is applied to the aerial lift under any anticipated conditions of loading;
d) the failure of one braking system to properly decelerate the aerial lift shall automatically initiate a second braking system, on an overhauling forward direction aerial lift.

The service brake, drive sheave brake, rollback device, and drive train backstop device shall be designed such that failure of one system will not impair the function of the other systems. All brakes shall have the braking force applied by springs, weights, or other approved forms of stored energy.

The service brake, drive sheave brake, rollback, and drive train backstop devices shall be designed to assure operation under all anticipated conditions. Each braking system shall be capable of operation to comply with daily inspections and periodic testing.

The manufacturer or a Qualified Engineer shall furnish a written procedure to be followed, and specify the auxiliary equipment necessary for periodic testing and adjustment of the holding force of each brake and backstop device. The procedure shall additionally specify:

e) the minimum and maximum holding force for the service brake and drive sheave brake independently;
f) the minimum and maximum stopping distance for the service brake and drive sheave brake independently, with a specified loading condition.

This baseline procedure shall be performed at the completion of the acceptance test and then at the frequency specified in order to demonstrate the ability of each brake to produce the required force.

Testing shall be accomplished as part of normal maintenance during the operating season, but shall not be performed when the aerial lift is open to the public.

As a minimum, this testing shall be performed monthly during the operating season. If a device is permanently installed to cause a brake, rollback, or drive train backstop device to be disabled for testing, it shall be monitored so that the aerial lift cannot be operated in its normal mode when the brakes are so disabled.

ANSI B77, Section Drive sheave brake

The drive sheave brake shall operate on the drive sheave assembly. The drive sheave brake shall be capable of being activated both manually and automatically to stop and hold the aerial lift under the most unfavorable design loading condition. Deceleration rates or stopping distances specified in shall be achieved by the drive sheave brake without the aid of other braking devices or drive regeneration.

Application of the drive sheave brake shall automatically disconnect the power source to the power unit in use. This brake shall act automatically when the speed of the haul rope exceeds the design value by 15% in either direction on an overhauling lift.

The controls for the brake shall not be located in a position that would require the operator or attendant to pass through the path of moving carriers in order to operate the controls. Controls shall not be more than 6 feet from the normal operating position of the operator.

ANSI B77, Section Drive train backstop

A drive train backstop device shall conform to the following requirements:

a) A drive train backstop device is a one-way or overrunning clutch device. The drive train shall be so arranged that there is no belt, friction clutch, or similar friction-type device between the backstop device and the drive sheave;
b) The backstop device shall be rated for the maximum design load;
c) Under the most unfavorable design loading condition, the backstop device shall automatically prevent reverse rotation of the aerial lift before the aerial lift travels in excess of 36 inches (915 mm) in the reverse direction;
d) all backstops installed after 1995 shall be capable of being disengaged.

ANSI B77, Section General

All sheaves, including their mountings and frames, shall be designed to withstand static and dynamic loads. Sheave bearings and mountings shall be selected, designed, and installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers of the bearings.

When unlined sheave grooves are used for wire rope, they [should] shall be V-shaped and shall have rounded bottoms with a radius equal to approximately 55% of the rope diameter.

When lined sheave grooves are used, the allowable bearing pressures of the liner material shall not be exceeded.

ANSI B77, Section Haul rope terminal sheaves (Bull wheels and deflection sheaves)

Provisions shall be incorporated in the terminal design to retain the terminal sheaves in their approximate normal operating position in the event of failure of the bearings, shaft, or hub on lifts installed after 1995.

Provisions shall be incorporated in the terminal and rope retention design to control the position of the rope, including possible overhaul, to minimize the effects of its departure from its normal operating position.

The minimum diameter of terminal sheaves shall be 80 times the nominal diameter of the haul rope. The sheave assembly or related structures shall be designed to minimize the probability of a deropement. A flange extension of 1-1/2 times the rope diameter (measured radially from the bottom of the rope groove) shall be one acceptable means of minimizing the probability of deropement when in full compliance with the provisions of

Haul rope terminal sheaves that act as driving, braking, or holding sheaves shall be so designed that the haul rope does not slip in the sheave groove. The design coefficient of friction for a particular sheave liner shall not exceed the values shown in table 4-4.

ANSI B77, Section Floating tension sheave carriages

The sheave mounting shall be installed and operated in such a manner that the haul rope, in every case, considering every possibility of overloading, remains in the center of the sheave groove. The lateral tilt of the sheave shall not exceed [2] 1 degrees from the horizontal when in a stationary position, and when the up-going and down-going unloaded carriers are equidistant from the sheave.

To prevent excessive lateral tilt in case a loaded carrier passes around the sheave, the tension system or anchor cables shall be connected to at least two points on the mounting frame of the sheave. The connections of the tension system or anchor cables to the sheave frame and the support points of the cables shall be spaced a minimum of 70% of the pitch diameter of the sheave and increased as necessary to limit the allowable lateral tilt of the sheave to a maximum of 6 degrees from the static position when passing a carrier with full design load.

The design shall incorporate provision for adjustment to control the position of the haul rope entering the terminal sheave.

ANSI B77, Section Cabin

Fully enclosed passenger cabins shall be ventilated. They shall be equipped with doors that fill the entire entrance opening. The minimum clearance width opening shall be 32 inches (815 mm). Each door shall be provided with a lock located in such a manner that it can be unlocked only by authorized persons or by automatic means.

The horizontal gap between the cabin door opening floor edge and platform edge shall not be greater than 1 inch (25.4 mm). The height of the cabin floor and the platform shall be within ± 1/2 inch (±12.7 mm). Where it is not operationally or structurally practical to meet these requirements, platform devices, vehicle devices, system devices, or bridge plates shall be provided for independent loading.

All windows shall be of shatter-resistant material.

Means of emergency evacuation of passengers shall be provided.

The maximum capacity of each cabin, both in pounds and kilograms and number of passengers, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in each cabin (see Annex D).

The minimum clear floor space in accessible cabins shall be 48 inches by 30 inches (1220 mm X 760 mm). Where special accessible cabins are used, [it is recommended] the waiting interval shall [should] not exceed 10 minutes.

All carriers shall be clearly identified with numbers located on each end of each carrier. Semi-open carriers shall meet applicable requirements for enclosed cabins and open chairs.

ANSI B77, Section Chair safety details

Each chair shall be equipped with a railing at each side, to a height of not less than 4 inches (100 mm) above the seat for a distance of not less than 12 inches (305 mm) from the back of the seat.

For aerial lifts operating primarily for skiers, the thickness of the chair seat front, including padding, shall not exceed 5 inches (125 mm) from the top of the seating surface to the bottom of the curl. Tilt back angle of the seat bottom [should] shall be a minimum of 7 degrees when loaded. Loaded shall mean an evenly distributed load using load test criteria. Provisions shall be made to keep the tails of skis from passing through and becoming trapped in open spaces between framework, safety restraints and chair seat underside.

[For aerial lifts operating primarily for foot passengers, each chair shall be equipped with a restraining device that will not open under forward pressure.] Each chair shall be equipped with a restraining device referred to as a restraint bar that will not open under forward pressure.

ANSI B77, Section Location

All electrical power transmission wiring located near or proposed to cross over aerial lifts shall comply with the applicable requirements of IEEE C2-2002. No aerial lift shall pass under any transmission line operating at a potential exceeding 50 volts.

ANSI B77, Section Location

Lights shall be mounted on substantial poles or standards. Aerial lift towers and terminal structures may be used for supporting lights subject to the following requirements:

a) Approval shall be obtained from a Qualified Engineer; Approval of a Qualified Engineer is not required for lights installed on towers prior to 1995, and is in compliance with AV-39.
b) The service conductors to each aerial lift tower or terminal structure shall be underground or in rigid raceways. No wiring shall be supported between towers and no open wiring shall pass over or under the aerial lift;
c) A separate enclosed disconnect or circuit breaker shall be required for each tower or terminal structure;
d) All metallic raceways on a tower or terminal structure shall be grounded;
e) The lighting installation shall not conflict with other requirements of this standard and shall not interfere with operations of the aerial lift in any manner.

ANSI B77, Section Signs. See normative Annex D for public sign requirements.

The requirements of Annex D shall only be required for lifts installed after the effective date of this standard. Lifts installed prior to the effective date of this standard may comply with Annex D of this standard or with the signage requirement of the 2003 edition of Code Rule 32-4.53.

See for electrical wirings.

The sign "Personnel Working on Lift - Do Not Start" or a similar warning sign shall be posted as required by 4.2.10.

ANSI B77, Section Operators

An operator shall be in charge of each aerial lift. This operator shall be trained and experienced in normal operational and emergency procedures, and such training shall be documented.

Operators shall be at least 18 years of age.

ANSI B77, Section Evacuation

The owner of each aerial lift shall submit to the Commissioner a detailed written plan for evacuation of passengers from cabins or carriers in the event of a power failure or breakdown. The procedures set forth in the evacuation plan shall be tested, at any location on the lift, in the presence of the Commissioner at his request. The Commissioner, when satisfied with the evacuation plan and the results of the test, shall notify the owner in writing of such acceptance. A copy of the accepted plan shall be kept on the premises and shall be readily available to the Commissioner's representative. [A plan for evacuation of passengers from each aerial lift shall be developed and documented.] The plan shall include:

a) The definition of the line of authority in the event of an evacuation. This line of authority shall list:
1) the individuals or positions responsible for determining the need for an evacuation;
2) the individuals or positions responsible for ordering an evacuation;
3) the individuals or positions responsible for performing the evacuation, for first aid, and for ground care of evacuated passengers;
b) a description of the equipment necessary for evacuation and where it will be stored;
c) provisions for adequate training in the functions performed in the evacuation process at least once each operating season. Such drills are to be recorded in the operational log of each aerial lift (see;
d)a statement that sufficient number of experienced evacuation personnel will be readily available to evacuate the entire lift within 2 hours of the lift stoppage and any conditions which might cause this time to be exceeded; [an estimate of the time necessary for the total evacuation of each aerial lift;]
e) a description of unusual terrain conditions and how each of these conditions will be dealt with during an evacuation;
f) an estimate of when the evacuation should begin in the event the aerial lift becomes inoperable;
g) provisions for communications with passengers of an inoperable aerial lift, the frequency of such communication, how soon after the aerial lift becomes inoperable such communication to the passengers will start, and the frequency of communications thereafter;
h) the methods of evacuation to be used for the typical passenger, incapacitated passenger, passengers using common adaptive ski equipment, and nonambulatory passengers;
i) provisions for communication with the evacuation teams;
j) provisions for suspending the evacuation in the event that the aerial lift is made operable during the evacuation;
k) provisions for control and assistance of evacuated persons until released;
l) provisions for a post-evacuation report available for review by the Commissioner.
m)A special separate written evacuation plan shall be provided when the aerial lift is used primarily for foot passengers such as for sight seeing or amusement rides. This plan shall include a specific outline for the evacuation of the very old and/or very young, including babes in arms.

All nonmetallic rope used for evacuation shall be of nylon or polyester (Dacron) fiber of either laid or braided construction. Laid rope of nylon shall be of a hard lay. These ropes shall be either of a static rescue type or a dynamic mountaineering type. Breaking strength, when new, shall be at least 15 times the maximum expected operating load but in no case less than [4000] 5000 pounds ([17.8] 22.3 kilonewtons). No natural fiber or polypropylene ropes shall be used.

These ropes shall be carefully stored when not in use and shall be examined after each completed aerial lift evacuation and prior to each season of operation, both summer and winter, to ascertain that they are in satisfactory condition.

Carabiners, if used, shall be of the locking type.

ANSI B77, Section Bypass requirements

The use of temporary circuits that have been installed for the purpose of bypassing failed electrical circuit(s) (see 4.2.6) shall meet these requirements in the following order:

a) The condition that the circuit indicated is in default shall be thoroughly inspected to ensure an electrical operating circuit malfunction, rather than the indicated condition, actually exists;
b) The bypass shall be authorized only by the aerial lift supervisor or his/her designated representative;
c) When a bypass is in operation, the function bypassed shall be under constant, close visual observation;
d) The use of a bypass circuit shall be logged and shall indicate when, who authorized, and for what duration a bypass was used;
e) The operator control panel shall indicate that a bypass is in use.
f)When a required aerial lift control circuit is bypassed, all passengers shall be off loaded and no passengers other than maintenance personnel being transported to the repair site shall be allowed to board the lift until the malfunction is corrected.

ANSI B77, Section Rope grips

The initial installation and each relocation of a clamptype grip shall be field-checked by a method established by the designer to provide assurance that the requirement of the first sentence of has been met and that the maximum slippage resistance is not exceeded. All grips shall be moved at least once every [24] 12 calendar months. The grips [should] shall be moved a uniform distance each time and in the same direction. A grip [should] shall never be installed or allowed to migrate closer than a distance of 20 haul rope diameters from a splice tuck or rope repair tuck. The designer's instructions shall be followed if they are more restrictive than these requirements. Movements shall be recorded in the maintenance records (see and

As each grip is relocated, the haul rope shall be examined for deterioration at or near the grip location. The initial location and each subsequent relocation shall be marked by a spray paint or other marking on the rope to identify slippage. A Qualified Engineer shall supply information to the operator to enable him/her to identify excessive slippage.

ANSI B77, Section Foundations

In determining the resistance of the soil to motion of the foundation, the subsoil conditions at the site shall be considered, including any buoyancy due to groundwater that may be present. If the resistance of the soil is not practically determinable, the foundation or anchorage [should] shall be designed as a gravity anchor, using a coefficient of friction appropriate to the general character of the soil. Bottoms of foundations shall be below the normal frost depth unless resting on non-frost susceptible soil or solid rock. Foundations on rock shall be firmly anchored to solid rock, unless designed as gravity foundations.

The top of concrete foundations shall not be less than 6 inches (150 mm) above finished grade unless specific direction for the protection of the foundation and structural steel below grade is specified by the designer.

The design shall have a minimum factor of safety of 2 in resisting overturning and, concurrently, 2 against sliding, under dead load and live-load conditions. The minimum factors shall be 1.5 under these loadings plus wind acting simultaneously.

ANSI B77, Section Communications

A permanently installed two-way voice communication system shall be provided between the prime mover control point, drive machinery building if any, loading stations, and unloading stations. The communication system shall be functional and audible during operation. (see 5.2.5(c)). On lifts installed prior to 1995 radiophones or suitable public address systems may be used.

Audio indicators shall be audible over all ambient noise levels, and visual indicators (e.g., Light Emitting Diodes) shall be visible even in bright sunlight.

NOTE - Voice communication systems are not required for those surface lifts qualifying for operation by a single operator, as defined in

ANSI B77, Section Loading areas

The loading area length, profile, and loading point shall be installed according to the surface lift's speed, terminal sheave location, and carrier type to provide a smooth transition from standing, to the towing device pulling the passenger, at full line speed. Load gates, artificial surfaces, and other loading aids when used shall be designed and installed with regards to all passengers including adaptive. At least one point of access to the lift shall have a minimum clearance width of 36 inches (915 mm) to accommodate passengers using adaptive equipment.

Approach paths to the loading zone shall be approximately level or slightly downgraded to facilitate passengers moving to the loading point. The approach paths shall be such that waiting passengers have a view of the loading area. The maze or corral area shall be approximately level, free of obstructions and marked, roped, or fenced in a manner to guide passengers to the "Wait Here" and "Load Here" markers. The maze or corral [should] shall be as straight as practical.

The "Wait Here" point shall be marked. This marker shall be located to provide horizontal clearance between passengers and passing towing devices.

The loading point shall be marked as to where passengers are to stand using a loading marker located in/on the platform/snow surface.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance inspection

Before a surface lift that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given a thorough inspection by [qualified personnel] the Commissioner to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer.

(b) ANSI B77, Section Acceptance tests

Before a surface lift that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given thorough tests by qualified personnel to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer. The designer or manufacturer shall propose and submit an acceptance test procedure. The Commissioner shall be advised by the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the test.

ANSI B77, Section General

All sheaves, including their mountings and frames, shall be designed to withstand static and dynamic loads. Sheave bearings and mountings shall be selected, designed, and installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers of the bearings. When unlined sheave grooves are used for wire rope, they [should] shall be V-shaped and shall have rounded bottoms with a radius equal to approximately 55% of the rope diameter.

When lined sheave grooves are used, the allowable bearing pressures of the liner material shall not be exceeded.

ANSI B77, Section Additional requirements

When single sheaves are used for other than guide sheaves, which normally carry no load other than the weight of the rope and towing devices, the sheave diameter [should] shall not be less than 20 times the nominal rope diameter. The sheaves for the return rope shall be installed in a manner to prevent a passenger from contacting the rope or being hit by one of the returning towing devices. All line sheaves shall be so guarded that towing devices cannot become entangled in the sheaves or sheave supports while traveling in either a forward or reverse direction.

ANSI B77, Section Slippage

The rope grip shall be designed and installed so as to resist a force which tends to slide it along the haul rope, and which is a minimum of 2 times the force required to move a carrier along a properly lubricated haul rope at its steepest incline, under the most adverse conditions of carrier loading.

The grip designer shall specify the proper grip installation and testing procedures, and for clamping type grips, the minimum force below which the grip [should] shall not slip on the rope and a maximum force above which the grip should slip on the rope.

ANSI B77, Section Strength

The strength of the grip shall be based upon the following criteria:

a) A minimum factor of safety of 6 shall exist in all parts of the grip wherein stress is proportional to the dead and live load of the carrier. This factor of safety is defined as follows: With the grip in its operating position (gripping the rope or equivalent), a downward load, equal to the dead load of the carrier plus 6 times the design live load, shall not cause any part of the grip to fail;
b) Those parts whose stress is not changed by application of live load shall be designed on the basis of an allowable stress of not more than the yield point divided by 3.0. In the design of springs, where used, the allowable stress may be increased if load tests are conducted by an approved testing laboratory to provide assurances that the fatigue life of the actual spring is more than ample for the various applied loads;
c) The material of which the grip is made shall be selected or selected and treated to obtain optimum impact resistance;
d) Special attention shall be paid to fatigue considerations. A grip that has not been proved in service [should] shall be subjected to fatigue tests.

The manufacturer's quality control provision shall assure that the grips and their parts meet the designer's specifications and the foregoing criteria.

ANSI B77, Section Towing Devices for Recreational Devices

The connection between the towing device and a recreational device shall be designed to minimize inadvertent detachment due to line surges including stops and starts and [should] shall not be detached by passenger movements without their reaching the towing device.

The designer shall specify the following relative to any towing device:

a) The allowable loading to which the towing device may be subjected;
b) the specifications relating to how the towing device is to be used, (i.e. if it is designed for use with a recreational device.);
c) the characteristics of the connection details appropriate for the connection of the recreational device to the towing device.

ANSI B77, Section Signs

See normative Annex D for public sign requirements. The requirements of Annex D shall only be required for lifts installed after the effective date of this standard. Lifts installed prior to the effective date of this standard may comply with Annex D of this standard or with the signage requirement of the 2003 edition of Code Rule 32-5.53.

See for electrical warnings.

The sign "Personnel Working on Lift - Do Not Start" or a similar warning sign shall be posted as required by 5.2.10.

ANSI B77, Section Minimum operating personnel

The following personnel are the minimum that shall be required:

a) an operator who shall be in charge of each surface lift;
b) one attendant who shall be on duty at each loading area;
c) one attendant who shall be on duty at each unloading area.

NOTE - An operator may serve concurrently as an operator and an attendant at a loading or unloading area that may be adjacent to the operator's station unless the duties of that area preclude his/her maintaining reasonable surveillance of the entire surface lift operation.

The above regulations for minimum operating personnel may be modified in the following cases:

d) Surface lifts may be operated with a single operator at the loading station provided the following conditions are met:
1) The length of the surface lift, measured from the loading area to the stop gate, shall not exceed 800 feet (244 meters);
2) The entire tow path and the entire haul rope system shall be visible to the operator;
3) The surface lift shall have a clearly identified stop switch located at the unloading area, in addition to the required stop gate;
4) The operator shall have all surface lift controls immediately available;
5) The restarting of the surface lift following actuation of an automatic or manual stopping device shall be impossible until clearance is assured and the automatic or manual stopping device(s) has been reset by an authorized person;
6) There shall be no obstructions at the top bull wheel area that could come into contact with a passenger who might fail to unload.
e) Surface lifts provided with television surveillance of sections of the tow path and designated unloading stations not visible to the operator do not require an unloading attendant, provided conditions (3) through (6) are enforced and the unloading areas of the surface lift meet the requirements of

NOTE - When specifically approved, platter lifts with single passenger hangers do not require either an unloading attendant or television surveillance providing conditions (3) through (6) are enforced and the unloading area of the platter lift meets all manufacturer's design specifications.]

ANSI B77, Section Bypass requirements

The use of temporary circuits that have been installed for the purpose of bypassing failed electrical circuit(s) (see 5.2.6) shall meet these requirements in the following order:

a) The condition that the circuit indicated is in default shall be thoroughly inspected to ensure an electrical operating circuit malfunction, rather than the indicated condition, actually exists;
b) The bypass shall be authorized only by the surface lift supervisor or his/her designated representative;
c) When a bypass is in operation, the function bypassed shall be under constant, close visual observation;
d) The use of a bypass circuit shall be logged and shall indicate when, who authorized, and for what duration a bypass was used;
e) The operator control panel shall indicate that a bypass is in use.
f)When a required surface lift control circuit is bypassed, all passengers shall be off loaded and no passengers other than maintenance personnel being transported to the repair site shall be allowed to board the lift until the malfunction is corrected.

ANSI B77, Section Fixed rope grips - Additional requirements

All fixed grips shall be moved at least once every 24 calendar months. The grips [should] shall be moved a uniform distance each time and in the same direction. A fixed grip [should] shall never be installed or allowed to migrate closer than a distance of 20 haul rope diameters from a splice tuck or rope repair tuck. The designer's instructions shall be followed if they are more restrictive than these requirements. Movements shall be recorded in the Maintenance records (see and

As each grip is relocated, the haul rope shall be examined for deterioration at or near the grip location. A Qualified Engineer shall supply information to the owner to enable him/her to identify excessive slippage.

ANSI B77, Section Foundations

In determining the resistance of the soil to motion of the foundation, the subsoil conditions at the site shall be considered, including any buoyancy due to groundwater that may be present. If the resistance of the soil is not practically determinable, the foundation or anchorage [should] shall be designed as a gravity anchor, using a coefficient of friction appropriate to the general character of the soil. Bottoms of foundations shall be below the normal frost depth unless resting on non-frost susceptible soil or solid rock. Foundations on rock shall be firmly anchored to solid rock, unless designed as gravity foundations.

The top of concrete foundations shall not be less than 6 inches (150 mm) above finished grade unless specific direction for the protection of the foundation and structural steel below grade is specified by the designer.

The design shall have a minimum factor of safety of 2 in resisting overturning and, concurrently, 2 against sliding, under dead-load and live-load conditions. The minimum factors shall be 1.5 under these loadings plus wind acting simultaneously.

ANSI B77, Section Communications

A permanently installed two-way voice communication system shall be provided between the prime mover control point, drive machinery building if any, loading stations, and unloading stations. The communication system shall be functional and audible during operation. On lifts installed prior to 1995, radiophones or suitable public address systems may be used.

Audio indicators shall be audible over all ambient noise levels, and visual indicators (e.g., Light Emitting Diodes) shall be visible even in bright sunlight.

NOTE - Voice communication systems are not required for those tows qualifying for operation by a single operator, as defined in

ANSI B77, Section Unloading areas

The unloading areas length, profile, and exit pathway shall be installed in accordance with the tow's speed, usage and manufacturer's recommendations. The exit pathway [should] shall be inclined downward in the direction of travel and outward from the line of the uphill tow path to provide passenger movement away from the tow.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance inspection

Before a tow that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given a thorough inspection by [qualified personnel] the Commissioner to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance tests

Before a tow that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given thorough tests by qualified personnel to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer. The designer or manufacturer shall propose and submit an acceptance test procedure. The Commissioner shall be advised by the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the test.

ANSI B77, Section General

All sheaves, including their mountings and frames, shall be designed to withstand static and dynamic loads. Sheave bearings and mountings shall be selected, designed, and installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers of the bearings. When unlined sheave grooves are used for wire rope, they [should] shall be V-shaped and shall have rounded bottoms with a radius equal to approximately 55% of the rope diameter.

When lined sheave grooves are used, the allowable bearing pressures of the liner material shall not be exceeded.

ANSI B77, Section Towing devices

Rope grippers for skiers shall not be permitted. Towing devices shall be allowed on tows operating at 400 feet per minute (2.0 meters per second) or less.

Towing devices shall be designed to prevent sliding along the haul rope when subject to twice the pull required to move a passenger along the tow path at the steepest point. The towing device shall be designed to preclude entangling gloves or clothing, or pinching fingers between the towing device and the haul rope. Attaching the towing device to the haul rope shall in no way impair the strength of the haul rope.

The connection between the towing device and a recreational device shall be designed to minimize inadvertent detachment due to line surges including stops and starts and [should] shall not be detached by passenger movements without their reaching the towing device.

The designer shall specify the following relative to any towing device:

a) The allowable loading to which the towing device may be subjected;
b) The specifications relating to how the towing device is to be used, i.e. if it is designed for use with a recreational device;
c) The characteristics of the connection details appropriate for the connection of the recreational device to the towing device.

ANSI B77, Section Location

All electrical power transmission wiring located near or proposed to cross over tows shall comply with the applicable requirements of IEEE C2-2002. No aerial lift shall pass under any transmission line operating at a potential exceeding 50 volts.

ANSI B77, Section Signs. See normative Annex D for public sign requirements.

The requirements of Annex D shall only be required for lifts installed after the effective date of this standard. Lifts installed prior to the effective date of this standard may comply with Annex D of this standard or with the signage requirement of the 2003 edition of Code Rule 32-6.53.

See for electrical wirings.

The sign "Personnel Working on Lift - Do Not Start" or a similar warning sign shall be posted as required by 6.2.10.

ANSI B77, Section Additional requirements for towing devices

All wire rope towing devices shall be moved at least once annually. The towing devices [should] shall be moved a uniform distance each time and in the same direction. The designer's instructions shall be followed if they are more restrictive than these requirements. Movements shall be recorded in the maintenance records (see

As each towing device is relocated, the haul rope shall be examined for deterioration at or near the towing device location.

ANSI B77, Section Conveyor gradient

The maximum grade of a conveyor shall be maintained within the design limits. In no case shall the conveyor belt grade exceed 40 percent.

ANSI B77, Section Structures and foundations

All structures and foundations shall be designed and constructed in conformance with 1.3 and shall be appropriate for the site. Applied design loads shall include dead, live, snow, wind and dynamic loads due to normal conditions and for foreseeable abnormal conditions.

Structures and foundations located in snow creep areas shall be designed for such conditions and loads, or protective. A minimum live load of 100 lbs/ft2 (488 kg.m2) shall be used.

ANSI B77, Section Foundations

In determining the resistance of the soil to motion of the foundation, the subsoil conditions at the site shall be considered, including any buoyancy due to groundwater that may be present. If the resistance of the soil is not practically determinable, the foundation or anchorage [should] shall be designed as a gravity anchor, using the coefficient of friction appropriate to the general character of the soil. Foundations on rock shall be firmly anchored to solid rock, unless designed as gravity foundations.

The top of concrete foundations shall not be less than 6 inches (150 mm) above finished grade unless specific direction for the protection of the foundation and structural steel below grade is specified by the designer.

The design shall have a minimum factor of safety of 2 in resistance to overturning and, concurrently, 2 against sliding, under dead-load and live-load conditions; the minimum factors shall be 1.5 under these loadings plus wind acting simultaneously.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance inspection

Before a conveyor that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given a thorough inspection by [qualified personnel] the Commissioner to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer.

ANSI B77, Section Acceptance tests

Before a conveyor that is new or relocated or that has not been operated for routine maintenance within the previous 2 years is opened to the public, it shall be given thorough tests by qualified personnel to verify compliance with the plans and specifications of the designer. The designer or manufacturer shall propose and submit an acceptance test procedure. The Commissioner shall be advised by the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the test.

ANSI B77, Section Location

All electrical power transmission wiring located near or proposed to cross over conveyors shall comply with the applicable requirements of IEEE C2-2002. No conveyor shall pass under any transmission line operating at a potential exceeding 50 volts.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 § 32.13