N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 10 §§ 5-4.3

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 5-4.3 - Qualifications required
(a)Preliminary qualifications.
(1) An applicant for certification as a water treatment operator, water treatment assistant operator or distribution system operator must satisfactorily complete training courses or demonstrate equivalent training, education, experience, and take and pass a validated examination, under the requirements of sections 5-4.4 and 5-4.5 of this Subpart.
(2) An applicant for certification as a water treatment operator or water treatment assistant operator must be able to demonstrate the ability to make all operational and water quality tests necessary for the operation of a water treatment plant, such as, but not limited to, chlorine residual, color, pH, turbidity, bacteriological sampling techniques and fluoride when fluoridation is provided.
(b)Required experience and education/training.

Table 5-4.3 of this Subpart provides the requisite experience, education, training, and examination for each grade of water treatment operator, water treatment assistant operator and distribution system operator.

Table 5-4.3-Required Experience, Education, Training and Examination




Training and examination

IATen years of operating experience; with at least one year operating experience at a grade IA water treatment plant and one year at a minimum of a grade IIA water treatment plant.Minimum of a high school diploma or New York State equivalency diploma.* Grade I Course - minimum 60 hours * Grade A course - minimum 60 hours * Validated examination for grade IA as outlined in section 5-4.5 of this Subpart * And/or the requirements of section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.
IIAOne year of operating experience at a water treatment plant with facilities for filtration.Minimum of a high school diploma or New York State equivalency diploma.* Grade A course - minimum 60 hours * Validated examination for grade IIA as outlined in section 5-4.5 of this Subpart * And/or the requirements of section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.
IBTen years of operating experience at a water treatment plant, with two years operating experience at a minimum of a grade B water treatment plant.Minimum of a high school diploma or New York State equivalency diploma.* Grade I course- minimum 60 hours * Grade B course - minimum 30 hours * Validated examination for grade IB as outlined in section 5-4.3(d) of this Subpart * And/or the requirements of section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.
IIBOne year of operating experience at a water treatment plant.Minimum of a high school diploma or New York State equivalency diploma.* Grade B Course - minimum 30 hours * Validated examination for grade IIB as outlined in section 5-4.5 of this Subpart * And/or the requirements of section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.
CSix months of operating experience at a minimum of a grade C water treatment plant.Minimum of a high school diploma or New York State equivalency diploma.* Grade C course - minimum 18 hours * Validated examination for grade C as outlined in section 5-4.5 of this Subpart * And/or the requirements of section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.
DOne year of operating and maintenance experience in a distribution system serving 1,000 people or more.Minimum of a high school diploma or New York State equivalency diploma.* Grade D course - minimum 15 hours * Validated examination for grade D as outlined in section 5-4.5 of this Subpart * And/or the requirements of section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.

(1) The department will require proof of education to be submitted with the initial application. This proof will include:
(i) a copy of the high school diploma, or general equivalency diploma; and/or
(ii) a copy of a college diploma and transcripts duly signed, notarized or sealed by the individual that has the authority to issue such transcripts must be submitted for all education, experience, and/or training substitutions as outlined in section 5-4.4 of this Subpart.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 10 §§ 5-4.3