Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 16.17 - Transportation(a) No person shall transport, package for transport, or cause to be transported, outside of the confines of his installation, any radioactive material within this State unless: (1) such transport conforms to those regulations of the United States Department of Transportation or other agencies of the United States having jurisdiction with respect to packaging of the radioactive material and to the marking and labeling of the package and transporting vehicle which would be applicable if such transport were interstate; and(2) procedures are established for opening and closing packages in which radioactive material is transported to provide safety and to assure that, prior to delivery to a carrier for transport, each package is properly closed for transport; and(3) prior to delivery of a package for transport, such person shall assure that any special instructions needed to open the package are sent to, or have been made available to the consignee; or(4) such transport complies with such requirements as have been approved by the commissioner.(b) Transport of radioactive material is exempt from the requirements set forth in subdivision (a) of this section provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the package must consist of an outer container and an inner container and must be such that there can be no leakage of radioactive material under conditions normally incident to transportation;(2) the package must contain not more than 0.01 millicurie of any alpha emitting radioactive material exclusive of fissionable material, or 0.1 millicurie of Argon 41, Barium 133, Bismuth 210, Europium 154, Krypton 87, Lead 210, Lead 212, Strontium 90, or Xenon 135, or one millicurie of any beta-gamma emitting radioactive material;(3) the package must be such that there is no significant removable surface contamination[FN7] on the exterior of the package and the radiation dose rate at any point on the external surface of the package must be less than 12 milliroentgens for 24 hours; and(4) the outside of the inner container of the package must bear the marking "RADIOACTIVE".(c) Transport of radioactive material by a physician for use in the practice of medicine is exempt from the requirements set forth in subdivisions (a) and (b) of this section, provided that the physician is authorized to use radioactive materials by a license issued by the department under this Part. [FN7] Removable radioactive contamination is not significant if the average amount of radioactive contamination which can be removed by wiping the external surface of the package with an absorbent material, as measured on the wiping material, does not exceed:
(1) 10 picocurie per square centimeter beta-gamma (2,200 disintegrations/min. per 100 square centimeters) and 1 picocurie per square centimeter alpha (220 disintegration/min. per 100 square centimeters) for all contaminants except natural or depleted uranium and natural thorium; or (2) 100 picocurie per square centimeter beta-gamma (22,000 disintegrations/min. per 100 square centimeters) and 10 picocurie per square centimeter alpha (2,200 disintegration/min. per 100 centimeters) where the only contaminant is known to be natural or depleted uranium or natural thorium.N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 10 § 16.17