N.M. Admin. Code § 8.281.510.10

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section 8.281.510.10 - TRUSTS ESTABLISHED ON OR AFTER AUGUST 11, 1993

Trusts established on or after August 11, 1993 are evaluated using the provisions of OBRA 93. The term "medicaid qualifying trust" or MQT is no longer used after that date. Any trust which meets the basic definition of a trust can be counted in determining eligibility for medicaid. No clause or requirement in a trust, no matter how specifically it applies to medicaid or other federal or state programs (i.e. exculpatory clauses) precludes a trust from being considered under 8.281.500 NMAC. Depending on how the trust is structured, the amounts in the trust may count as resources, income, or a transfer of assets. All trusts submitted for review by the department must be in writing, signed, and fully executed. Trusts that are not signed and executed will not be considered as effective trusts until they are signed and executed. Assets are not part of a trust and are considered outside of the trust until the date they are actually transferred into the trust, as demonstrated by verifiable documentation, regardless of the effective date of the trust.

A. The standards set forth in this section shall apply to trusts or similar legal devices without regard to:
(1) the purposes for which the trust is established;
(2) whether the trustee(s) has discretion or exercises such discretion under the trust;
(3) any restrictions on when or whether distributions can be made from the trust; and
(4) or any restrictions on the use of distributions from the trust.
B.Trust establishment: An applicant/recipient is considered to have established a trust and that trust is considered to belong to that applicant/recipient if his/her assets were used to form all or part of the corpus of the trust. Applicants/recipients to whom the trust provisions apply shall include any applicant/recipient who establishes a trust and who is an applicant/recipient for medicaid services. An applicant/recipient shall be considered to have established a trust if any of his/her assets, regardless of the amount, were used to form part or all of the corpus of the trust.
(1) The trust must have been established, other than by will, by any of the following individuals:
(a) applicant/recipient;
(b) applicant/recipient's spouse;
(c) an individual, including a court or administrative body, with legal authority to act in place of, or on behalf of, the applicant/recipient or his/her spouse; or
(d) an individual, including a court or administrative body, acting at the direction of, or upon the request of, the applicant/recipient or his/her spouse.
(2) When the corpus of a trust includes assets of another person or persons not described in (a) through (d) above, as well as assets of the applicant/recipient, the rules apply only to the portion of the trust attributable to the assets of the applicant/recipient. Thus, in determining countable income and resources in the trust for eligibility and post-eligibility purposes, the ISD caseworker shall prorate any amounts of income and resources, based on the proportion of the applicant/recipient's assets in the trust to those of other persons. (For example: if the applicant/recipient and his two sisters create a trust and each sister contributes a total value of $50,000 and the applicant contributes $25,000, the applicant's prorated share is 20 percent of the entire value of the trust.)
C.Treatment of trusts: For purposes of determining medicaid eligibility, the treatment of trusts shall be dependent on the characteristics of the trust.
D.Revocable trusts:
(1) the entire corpus of the trust shall be counted as a resource available to the applicant/recipient; and
(2) any payments from the trust made to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient shall be counted as income (unless otherwise excludable, see 8.281.500.20 NMAC, unearned income, and 8.281.500.21 NMAC, deemed income); and
(3) any payments from the trust which are not made to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient shall be considered as assets transferred for less than fair market value (see Section 8.281.500.14 NMAC, assettransfers).
E.Irrevocable trusts: In an irrevocable trust from which payment can be made under the terms of the trust to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient from all or a portion of the trust.
(1) The following shall apply to that trust or that portion of the trust:
(a) payments from income or from the corpus made to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient shall be treated as income to the applicant/recipient unless otherwise excludable (see 8.281.500.20 NMAC and 8.281.500.21 NMAC);
(b) income on the corpus of the trust which could be paid to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient shall be counted as a resource available to the applicant/recipient;
(c) the portion of the corpus that could be paid to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient shall be treated as a resource available to the applicant/recipient; and
(d) payments from income or from the corpus that are made, but not to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient, shall be treated as a transfer of assets for less than fair market value (see Section 8.281.500.14 NMAC).
(2) In the case of an irrevocable trust from which payments from all or a portion of the trust cannot, under any circumstances, be made to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient, all of the trust, or any such portion or income thereof, shall be treated as a transfer of assets for less than fair market value (see Section 8.281.500.14 NMAC).
(a) In treating these portions as a transfer of assets, the date of transfer shall be considered to be the date the trust was established, or, if later, the date on which the applicant/recipient no longer had a right of payment.
(b) For transfer of assets purposes, in determining the value of the portion of the trust which cannot be paid to the applicant/recipient, amounts that have been paid, for whatever purpose, shall not be subtracted from the value of the trust on the date the trust was created or, if later, the date that payment could no longer be made. The value of the transferred amount shall be no less than the value on the date the trust is established or, if later, on the date that payment could no longer be made. If additional funds are added to this portion of the trust, those funds shall be treated as a new transfer of assets for less than fair market value, as of the date the additional funds were added to the trust. (See Section 8.281.500.14 NMAC)
F. Payments are considered countable to the applicant/recipient when made from a revocable or irrevocable trust to or on behalf of the applicant/recipient including payments of any sort, including an amount from the corpus or income produced by the corpus, paid to another person or entity such that the applicant/recipient derives some benefit from the payment.
G. In determining whether payments can or cannot be made from a trust to or for an applicant/recipient, the department shall take into account any restrictions on payments, such as use restrictions, exculpatory clauses, or limits on trustee discretion that may be included in the trust. Any amount in a trust for which payment can be made, no matter how unlikely the circumstance of payment might be or how distant in the future, shall be considered a payment that can be made under some circumstances. For example, if an irrevocable trust provides that the trustee can disburse only $1,000 to or for the applicant/recipient out of a $10,000 trust, only the $1,000 is treated as a payment that could be made. The remaining $9,000 is treated as an amount which cannot, under any circumstances, be paid to or for the benefit of the applicant/recipient and may be subject to a transfer penalty. On the other hand, if a trust contains $25,000 that the trustee can pay to the applicant/recipient only in the event that the applicant/recipient needs, for example, a heart transplant, this full amount is considered as a payment that could be made under some circumstance, even though the likelihood of payment is remote. Similarly, if a payment cannot be made until some point in the distant future, it is still payment that can be made under some circumstances and the funds are counted as a resource.
H. Institutionalized individuals with a community spouse: A transfer to a trust (or similar instrument) for the sole benefit of a community spouse shall be treated in accordance with the provisions above. If the trust is established by either spouse (using at least some of the couple's assets) the trust shall be reviewed by the department for availability of resources, in accordance with the provisions above. If the payment from such a trust shall be considered an available resource to either spouse, the trust shall be included as a countable resource in determining medicaid eligibility for the institutionalized spouse.
I. Trust records shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by the department and copies shall be provided upon the request of an authorized representative of the department. The department shall not be charged any fees or costs associated with providing trust records to the department.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.281.510.10

8.281.510.10 NMAC - Rp, 8.281.500.15 NMAC, 10-1-12