N.M. Admin. Code § 8.281.500.15

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A.Community property resource determination methodology: Community property resource determination methodology is used in the eligibility determination for a married applicant or recipient who began institutionalization for a continuous period prior to September 30, 1989.
(1) To determine the countable value of resources, the ISD worker must:
(a) add the total value of all resources owned by both spouses;
(b) exclude the separate property of the non- applicant or recipient spouse; and
(c) attribute one-half of the total value of the community property to the applicant or recipient spouse plus the value of their separate property;
(d) the resulting figure must be less than $2,000.
(2)Application of community property rules: Under community property rules, all property held by either spouse is presumed to be community property unless successfully rebutted by the applicant or recipient, or representative. To rebut community property status, the applicant or recipient, or representative must document that the property was:
(a) acquired before marriage or after a divorce or legal separation;
(b) designated as separate property by a judgment or decree of any court;
(c) acquired by either spouse as a gift or inheritance; or
(d) designated as separate property by a written agreement between the spouses, including a deed or other written agreement concerning property held by either or both spouses in which the property is designated as separate property.
(i) If one of the parties to this written agreement is incompetent, legal counsel must execute the agreement on behalf of the incompetent spouse.
(ii) Property designated as separate by written agreement is evaluated according to current rules regarding transfer of resources.
(iii) Income cannot be designated as separate by an agreement between spouses; income is considered separate only if it is derived from a resource that has been determined separate.
B.Spousal impoverishment: Spousal impoverishment provisions apply if one spouse of a married couple is institutionalized for a continuous period of at least 30 consecutive days beginning on or after September 30, 1989. See spousal impoverishment provisions of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (MCCA). No comparable treatment of resources and income is required for non-institutionalized applicants or recipients who do not have a spouse remaining in the community. These provisions cease to apply as of the month following the month an applicant or recipient is no longer institutionalized or no longer has a community spouse. If a community spouse or other dependents apply for a MAP category of eligibility they are subject to the rules governing treatment of income and resources for the individual applicant or recipient.
(1)Resource assessment: A resource assessment must be completed to evaluate a couple's resources as of the first moment of the first day of the month one member of the married couple is institutionalized for a continuous period of at least 30 consecutive days beginning on or after September 30, 1989. This process is used to determine the amount of resources which may be protected for the community spouse. See Subparagraph (f) below for resources which must be included in the resource assessment. The resource assessment and computation of spousal shares occurs only once, at the beginning of the first continuous period of institutionalization beginning on or after September 30, 1989. A new resource assessment may be completed if it is later determined that the original resource assessment was inaccurate. Upon the death of the community spouse, the ISD worker may review the applicant's or recipient's resources.
(a) A MAP application does not need to be submitted at the time the assessment is requested. A reasonable fee may be charged for completing assessments which are not made in conjunction with the applications. Applications for assessments are available at the ISD offices which determine eligibility for a MAP category of institutional care. Either member of the couple or their authorized representative may request an assessment application.
(b) The ISD worker must complete a resource assessment using the following criteria:
(i) one member of a married couple became institutionalized on or after September 30, 1989 in an acute care hospital or nursing facility for a continuous period of at least 30 consecutive days;
(ii) the institutionalized applicant or recipient has a spouse who remains in the community in a non-institutionalized setting; and
(iii) the institutionalized spouse remains, or is likely to remain, institutionalized for a period of at least 30 consecutive days based on a written statement from their physician and supporting medical documentation; the institutionalized applicant or recipient is considered "likely to remain" even if they do not actually remain in an institution for 30 consecutive days if they met this condition at the beginning of the period of institutionalization.
(c) The ISD worker explains exactly what verification is required to complete the assessment. If the ISD worker requires further information, the individual requesting the assessment is notified in writing and given a reasonable time period of at least 10 working days to provide the additional information.
(d) The institutionalized individual or their spouse or an authorized representative is responsible for providing all verification necessary to complete the assessment.
(e) The ISD worker completes the resource assessment within 45 calendar days of the date of receipt of the completed and signed assessment application unless verification is still pending by the 45th day. In that case, the assessment is not completed until all necessary information is provided by the institutionalized individual or their spouse or authorized representative.
(f) Assessments include the total value of the couple's countable resources held jointly or separately as of the first moment of the first day of the month one spouse became institutionalized for a continuous period of at least 30 consecutive days beginning on or after September 30, 1989. The assessment form identifies the spousal shares and the CSRA. The couple is entitled to all resource exclusions allowed in 8.281.500.13 NMAC except that value limits for the exempt vehicle and household goods of the community spouse do not apply. Assets excluded under the QSLTCIP program are counted in the spousal resource assessment. The disregarded assets are included in determining the amount of the CSRA. The disregarded asset is not counted in determining the applicant's or recipient's eligibility.
(g) When the assessment is complete, the ISD worker copies all documentation used to make the determination of countable resources and retains the documents in the case record. The ISD worker also provides complete copies of the assessment forms to the following parties:
(i) institutionalized applicant or recipient;
(ii) community spouse; and
(iii) authorized representative(s) if any.
(h) When the amount of the couple's total countable resources has been determined, the resulting amount is divided by two to determine the spousal shares. The community spouse is entitled to their spousal share or the MAD minimum resource allowance, whichever is greater, up to the applicable federal maximum standard or an amount determined at a HSD administrative hearing or an amount transferred pursuant to a district court order. The CSRA is the amount by which the greatest of the spousal shares or state minimum resource allowance exceeds the amount of resources otherwise available to the community spouse without regard to such an allowance. The CSRA remains in effect until one of the spouses dies. The remainder of the couple's total countable resources in excess of the CSRA is considered available to the institutionalized spouse. If either the institutionalized spouse or the community spouse is dissatisfied with the computation of the spousal share of the resources, the attribution of resources or the determination of the community spouse resource allowance, they can request a HSD administrative hearing pursuant to 8.352.2 NMAC. Refer to 8.352.2 NMAC for a detailed description of the HSD administrative hearing process.
(2)CSRA standards: The state minimum resource allowance and the federal maximum standards vary based on when the applicant or recipient became institutionalized for a continuous period of at least 30 consecutive days. See 8.281.500.10 NMAC for the applicable standards.
(3)CSRA revision: The CSRA can be revised if either of the following occurs:
(a) a different amount is determined by a HSD administrative hearing final decision or district court decision; or
(b) inaccurate information was provided to the ISD worker at the time the spousal share was calculated.
(4)Resource availability after computation of CSRA: Resources of a couple remaining after the computation of the CSRA are considered available to the institutionalized spouse. These remaining resources are compared to the resource limit.
(a) From the time of the initial determination of eligibility until the first regularly scheduled redetermination, the CSRA is not considered available to the institutionalized spouse.
(b) The CSRA may be applied retroactively for the three months prior to the month of application and is not considered available to the institutionalized spouse until the first periodic review following initial approval.
(5)Resource transfer after computation of the CSRA: When eligibility has been approved for an institutionalized spouse, resources equal to the amount of the CSRA may be transferred to the community spouse. This transfer is intended to assist the community spouse in meeting their needs in the community. Couples should transfer resources in the amount of the CSRA to the community spouse as soon as possible after approval for a MAP category of institutional care eligibility. The institutionalized spouse or authorized representative can complete this transfer at any time between the date of the assessment and the first periodic review 12 months after approval.
(6)Resource transfers which exceed the CSRA: Resources transferred to a community spouse at less than fair market value are not subject to transfer penalties. Resources transferred to the community spouse in excess of the computed CSRA are considered available to the institutionalized spouse and must be spent down to below the resource standard before eligibility can be established. Resources transferred to the community spouse may exceed the CSRA if an increased amount is ordered by any court having jurisdiction or by the MAD director as part of a HSD administrative hearing final decision.
(7)Transfer deadlines: If the resource transfer is not completed by the institutionalized spouse by the end of the initial period of eligibility, the resources are considered completely available to the institutionalized spouse beginning with the first periodic review after the initial determination of eligibility.
(8)Newly acquired assets: After a continuous period of institutionalization begins, newly acquired resources or increases in the value of resources owned by the institutionalized spouse are countable. Recalculations of eligibility for the institutionalized spouse based on countable resources are effective at the beginning of the month following the month in which new resources were received or an increase occurred in the value of resources already owned.
(a) The institutionalized spouse may transfer newly acquired resources to the community spouse without a penalty up to the difference between the CSRA and the state minimum resource standard in effect as of the date of institutionalization.
(b) After a continuous period begins, new resources acquired by the community spouse or increases in the value of resources which are part of the CSRA are not considered available to the institutionalized spouse.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.281.500.15

2-1-95, 7-31-97; 8.281.500.15 NMAC - Rn, 8 NMAC 4.ICM.517, 3-1-01; A, 4-1-09; Repealed, 10-1-12
Replaced by 8.281.510 NMAC, Trust Standards, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 15, August 14, 2015, eff. 8/15/2015, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 04, February 27, 2018, eff. 3/1/2018, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 22, November 29, 2022, eff. 12/1/2022