N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - DEFINITIONSA. 15-day diagnostic evaluation refers to the court-ordered evaluation for purposes of diagnosing the child and preparing a report to the court indicating what disposition appears most suitable when the interests of the child and the public are considered. See, NMSA 1978, Section 32A-2-17(D) (2005).B. 15-day diagnostic evaluation report refers to the written report prepared for the court incorporating the findings of the 15-day diagnostic evaluation.C. Behavioral health authority refers to persons designated to direct the delivery of services for CYFD and facility level for behavioral health matters.D. Behavioral health staff refers to employees assigned to the behavioral health unit of a facility, including appropriately licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and counselors.E. Central intake refers to the entry point for clients committed to the custody of CYFD.F. Classification refers to an assessment of the client's risk, needs and strengths by which facility staff determine the level of care and management of clients; the system and procedure through which new clients are assessed and assigned to the appropriate facility and living unit.G. Client refers to a person who is committed to the custody of CYFD's juvenile justice services or who is receiving services from CYFD's juvenile justice services.H. Clinically ordered mechanical restraints refers to devices used to limit the movement of a client's body for medical or behavioral health reasons.I. Contract facilities refers to those facilities which contractually operate secure or non-secure facilities for CYFD. These facilities comply with JJS policies and procedures concerning client care.J. Contract staff refers to a person who is under contract with CYFD to provide contractually specified medical or behavioral health care services to juvenile justice clients.K. Counselor refers to an individual who has a master's degree in counseling, substance abuse or related field who is licensed by the New Mexico counseling and therapy practice board.L. CYFD refers to the New Mexico children, youth and families department.M. Emergency response plan refers to a written document that specifies what actions will be taken in the event of an emergency or disaster.N. Facility refers to a facility operated by, or on behalf of, CYFD's juvenile justice services for purposes of housing and providing care for clients committed to the custody of CYFD.O. First aid refers to care for a condition requiring immediate assistance from an individual trained in first aid care.P. Food hygiene and safety refers to the handling, preparing, and storing of foods to assure compliance with federal, state and local codes and regulations regarding nutrition, safety and hygiene.Q. Grievance system refers to systems and procedures available to clients and families to resolve grievances with facility operations and services.R. Health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) privacy officer refers to the person designated by the secretary to implement compliance with the privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.S. Health promotion and disease prevention refers to health education, nutrition, and exercise, and personal hygiene services.T. Incident reporting and review refers to procedures in place at facilities to report events requiring JJS or CYFD response.U. Infection control program refers to standard precautions to minimize infectious and communicable diseases among clients and staff.V. Intake behavioral health screening refers to a system of structured observation and initial behavioral health assessment of newly arrived clients, for purposes of determining behavioral health treatment needs and appropriate facility placement.W. Intake medical screening refers to a system of structured observation of initial medical assessment of newly arrived clients.X. Juvenile justice services (JJS) refers to the organizational unit within CYFD that operates juvenile justice facilities, and provides other services under the Delinquency Act, NMSA 1978, Section 32A-2-1 et seq. (2005).Y. Licensed practical nurse (LPN) refers to an individual who is licensed by the New Mexico board of nursing as a licensed practical nurse.Z. Living unit refers to an area in a CYFD facility where clients are assigned to perform activities of daily living and to sleep.AA. Medical health authority refers to persons designated to direct the delivery of services at the CYFD, JJS, or facility level for medical matters.BB. Medical staff refers to employees or contractors assigned to the medical unit of a facility, including appropriately licensed physicians, psychiatrists, physician's assistants, nurse practitioners (NPs), registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and emergency medical technicians (EMTs), dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and optometrists.CC. Mid-level provider refers to medical staff at the level of physician's assistant or nurse practitioner.DD. Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) refers to the team that meets at the facility to develop, monitor, and revise client plans for placement and services. The team includes the client and family member(s), and behavioral health, education, medical, a security representative, the juvenile probation and parole officer and a transition coordinator.EE. Multidisciplinary action plan (MAP) refers to the plan developed at the first multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting following placement at the facility and reviewed and updated at each subsequent MDT. The plan included goals and objectives in all disciplines and is broadly available to all staff with client contact.FF. Non-secure facility refers to a facility where the clients have attained a higher level of trust and responsibility. Clients in these facilities may be attending school or working in the community.GG. Officer in charge (OIC) refers to the administrative officer who is in charge of the facility in the absence of the facility superintendent.HH. Pharmaceutical refers to a medication of any chemical compound or narcotic listed in the United States pharmacopoeia and national formulary (USP-NF), that may be administered to humans as an aid in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease or other abnormal condition, for the relief of pain or suffering, or to control or improve any medical or behavioral health condition.II. Physical intervention refers to physical contact of a client by staff to control or restrict the movement of the client to protect the health or safety of the client, staff or another person, using a technique approved by CYFD and taught in a CYFD-approved course.JJ. Physician refers to an individual with a medical degree (M.D. or D.O.) appropriately licensed to practice in New Mexico.KK. Primary care provider refers to medical physicians, psychiatrists, dentists, mid-level provider and doctoral level licensed psychologists.LL. Psychiatrist refers to a physician who is specialized to practice in the area of psychiatry and behavioral health, appropriately licensed to practice in New Mexico.MM. Psychologist refers to an individual with a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in psychology who is licensed by the New Mexico board of psychologist examiners.NN. Quality assurance and continuous quality improvement systems are programs that monitor and review health and behavioral health care access and delivery at facilities.OO. Receiving facility refers to the facility to which a client is being transferred.PP. Registered nurse (RN) refers to an individual who is licensed by the New Mexico board of nursing as a registered nurse.QQ. Sanitation and hygiene program refers to services provided at the facility to ensure a clean, safe and healthy environment.RR. Secretary refers to the secretary of CYFD.SS. Secure facility refers to a facility that is either physically or staff-secure. Clients in secure facilities generally do not attend school or work in the community.TT. Sending facility refers to the facility from which a client is being transferred.UU. Separation refers to any instance in which a client is confined alone, either in a room other than the room in which the client usually sleeps, or in the client's room at a time when the client would otherwise be at liberty to leave the room or when the client is removed from regularly scheduled activities. This does not include protective isolation for injured clients or clients whose safety is threatened, nor routine isolation at the time of client admission, isolation for medical reasons, or removal from regularly scheduled activities to attend medical, behavioral health or other similar appointments.VV. Social worker refers to a person who is licensed by the New Mexico board of social work examiners.WW. Special needs and services refers to programs and services for clients requiring close medical supervision including chronic disease, serious infectious and communicable disease, HIV/AIDS, terminal illness, mental illness, developmental disability, convalescent care, management of prostheses and orthodontic devices, care of clients in need of behavior management and crisis intervention, and care of clients in need of behavior management, crisis response, and suicide prevention.XX. Staff refers to employee(s) of CYFD.YY. Standards of care refer to standards developed or adopted by JJS that specify how care and treatment will be delivered to clients.ZZ. Superintendent refers to the chief facility administrator for the secure and non-secure centers.AAA. Use of force refers to those actions required for justifiable self defense, protection of the client or others, protection of property, and prevention of escapes.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 8/15/2008