N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - DEFINITIONSA. Absconder refers to a client on probation or supervised release that leaves the jurisdiction without permission or an escapee or runaway from a placement.B. Adjudication refers to a judicial determination that a juvenile has committed a delinquent act.C. Adjudicatory hearing refers to children's court hearing to decide whether the evidence supports the allegations of a petition, i.e., whether a delinquent act has been committed.D. Affidavit for warrant refers to a sworn statement submitted to the court detailing the basis for the warrant request including information regarding efforts to locate the subject of the warrant.E. Aftercare refers to supervised release case management provided to clients released from juvenile justice facilities and treatment programs.F. Arrest warrant refers to a warrant issued from district court ordering that a client be taken into custody.G. Children's court attorney (CCA) refers to each district attorney who is the children's court attorney for the judicial district (Section 32A-1-6A NMSA 1978).H. Classification refers to an assessment of the client's risk, needs and strengths to determine the level of supervision of clients receiving community supervision.I. Client family baseline assessment refers to a written report by the juvenile probation officer that identifies the client's delinquent history and the strengths and needs of the client and family.J. Conditional release refers to a client's release from detention under court ordered requirements related to behavior, activities or movement.K. Delinquent act refers to an act committed by a juvenile that would be designated as a crime under the law if committed by an adult.L. Detention refers to the temporary care of juveniles alleged to be delinquent who require secure custody in facility certified for that purpose by the department (Section 32A-2-4 NMSA 1978).M. Electronic monitoring (EM) refers to the use of an electronic device to monitor the movement and location of an individual.N. Facility release panel (panel) is the departmental secretary-designated releasing authority that considers juveniles for supervised release.O. A FINS refers to families in need of services (Section 32A-3A-2 NMSA 1978).P. Family automated client tracking (FACTS) refers to the CYFD computer database in which client information is maintained.Q. Informal probation refers to a period of voluntary non-judicial supervision that does not exceed a specified duration. Conditions for successful completion of the period of informal supervision are defined in the individualized plan of care.R. Intake refers to the assessment of services and supervision required for an individual referred to youth and family services and those activities associated with placing a client on probation, supervised release or receiving a client at a juvenile justice facility.S. Interstate compact on juveniles refers to a voluntary agreement between the states and territories of the United States to provide for the welfare and protection of juveniles and the public with respect to supervision of delinquent juveniles on probation or supervised release, the return of delinquent juveniles who have escaped or absconded, the return of non-delinquent juveniles who have run away from home, and additional measures for the protection of juveniles and the public (Section 32A-10-1, NMSA, 1978).T. Juvenile probation refers to a court-ordered sanction and disposition which places an adjudicated client under the supervision and care of a juvenile probation officerU. Juvenile probation officer (JPO) refers to a department staff person whom provides court-ordered and informal supervision for clients.V. Supervised release refers to the release of a juvenile, whose term of commitment has not expired, from a facility for the care and rehabilitation of adjudicated delinquent children, with specified conditions to protect public safety and promote successful transition and reintegration into the community. A juvenile on supervised release is subject to monitoring by the department until the term of commitment has expired, and may be returned to custody for violating conditions of release.W. Petition refers to a legal document in which the state formally alleges the client to be a delinquent or a youthful offender due to the commission of a delinquent act(s), or of a family subject to FINS.X. Plan of care refers to a plan for treatment or supervision of clients in the custody of, or under the supervision of, CYFD.Y. Preliminary inquiry (PI) refers to a conference between the JPO, client, and parent or guardian to assess whether a referral to the CCA should be made to file a delinquency petition.Z. Probation refers to a court-ordered sanction and disposition that places an adjudicated client under the, supervision and care of a juvenile probation officer.AA. Referral refers to a report alleging delinquency or families in need of services (FINS) that comes from law enforcement, schools, department facilities, parents or citizens.BB. Retake warrant refers to the document issued by youth and family services directed to law enforcement and department staff, to detain a client alleged to have violated conditions of supervised release and return the client to a detention facility.CC. Supervision plan refers to the probation or supervised release agreement and the plan of care.DD. Triage refers to a case staffing between the assigned JPO, JPO supervisor, and community behavioral health clinician (CBHC). The purpose of the case staffing is to review placement options and develop a treatment plan for clients that are at risk of out of home placement. The statewide entity managing behavioral health contracts (Optum Health or its successor) are invited to attend triage meetings.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 7/31/2009