N.M. Admin. Code § 8.102.500.10

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024
A. Purpose: The diversion payment is a one-time cash assistance payment, that is intended to assist the benefit group alleviate a specific short-term need: to accept a bona fide offer of employment, retain employment, remedy an emergency situation or an unexpected short-term need.
B. Eligibility criteria:
(1) Applicant: Eligibility for a diversion payment shall be limited to an applicant making an initial application for cash assistance. Initial application shall not include a NMW cash assistance case which is within a six-month mandatory closure because of a third sanction. For the purposes of diversion payments, an initial applicant is one who has never received cash assistance, or one whose cash assistance case has been closed for one or more calendar months.
(a) An applicant for NMW cash assistance who meets all NMW eligibility criteria may volunteer to accept a NMW diversion payment in lieu of monthly cash assistance payments if there is no need for long-term cash assistance to meet basic needs.
(b) The caseworker shall explain the diversion program is not a supplement to other assistance but is in place of it and screen the applicant for eligibility for a diversion payment.
(c) Final approval for all diversion payments shall be made by the county director and documentation submitted to income support division central office.
(2) NMW eligibility is established:
(a) The applicant must be otherwise eligible for NMW cash assistance, except that the applicant demonstrates that monthly cash assistance to meet basic needs is not required by the benefit group because there is a means of on-going financial support, and the applicant chooses to accept a diversion payment in lieu of cash assistance to meet ongoing needs.
(b) An applicant who cannot demonstrate that monthly cash assistance to meet basic needs is not needed shall not be eligible for a diversion payment.
(3) Specific need: The applicant must make an informed choice whether cash assistance is needed to meet a specific short term need. The applicant may demonstrate a need for a specific item or type of assistance which will allow the applicant to keep a job or accept a bona fide offer of employment, remedy and emergency situation or alleviate a short term need. Such assistance may include, cash, support services, housing, transportation, car repairs, and uniforms.
(4) Eligibility for support services: A recipient of a diversion payment shall remain eligible for support services such as child care and transportation until the end of the 12-month lock-out period, until closure of the case is requested or the participant moves out of state. A referral to the NMW work program service provider and to CYFD shall be made after the applicant signs the agreement to accept a diversion payment and payment is authorized.
(5) Verification and documentation:
(a) The applicant shall be required to provide verification of the specific item or type of assistance which will allow the applicant to meet the basic short-term need.
(b) Documentation shall be required to establish that a diversion payment may be authorized in lieu of cash assistance to meet ongoing needs. An agreement signed by the applicant shall include a description of a diversion payment, terms and conditions, lifetime limitations, availability of work program services, reason for accepting a diversion payment, any prior assistance received in or out of the state.
C. Amounts: Diversion assistance is a one time, lump sum payment. The amount of the diversion payment is as follows:
(1) one to three benefit group members: may be entitled to an amount of up to $1,500 non-recurring payment; or
(2) four or more benefit group members: may be entitled to an amount of up to $2,500 non-recurring payment.
D. Countable assistance: The effects a diversion payment on other categories of assistance is as follows:
(1) the receipt of a diversion payment shall be excluded from income considerations in the medicaid program; and
(2) categorical eligibility is extended to the food stamp benefit group for the lockout period, unless the benefit group requests closure or moves out of New Mexico; and
(3) an applicant who accepts a diversion payment shall be eligible for TANF funded child care assistance for the lockout period, unless the benefit group requests closure or moves out of New Mexico.
E. Limitations and conditions: An applicant may receive a diversion payment a maximum of two times during a participant's 60-month term limit.
(1) Receipt of a diversion payment does not count toward the NMW 60-month term limit for any adult included in the benefit group, unless the benefit group also receives monthly NMW cash assistance during the period covered by the diversion payment.
(2) The acceptance of a diversion payment does not reduce the number of months in a participant's 60-month lifetime limit; however, a diversion payment can only be authorized a maximum of two times during the 60-month lifetime limit. The 60-month lifetime limit began on July 1, 1997, for any adult or minor head of the benefit group, or spouse of the minor, who received TANF since July 1997.
(3) A participant who has reached the 60-month lifetime limit is not eligible for a diversion payment. A participant who has never received a month of TANF is eligible for a diversion payment.
(4) Cash assistance lockout period:
(a) Acceptance of a diversion payment: An applicant who accepts a diversion payment shall be prohibited from participating in the NMW cash assistance program for a period of 12 months beginning in the month the diversion payment is authorized. A written agreement that defines the terms and expectations of the diversion grant; documents the reason why cash assistance to meet basic needs is not required; identifies the need for a specific type of short-term assistance; and describes the support services available to diversion participants must be signed by the participant.
(b) Receipt of a diversion payment from another state: An applicant who has accepted a diversion payment in any other state shall be prohibited from receiving NMW cash assistance or a diversion payment in New Mexico for a period of 12 months, beginning in the month the diversion payment in the other state was authorized, or for the length of the lockout period in the other state, whichever is shorter.
(5) A participant of a diversion payment is not required to comply with work program or child support enforcement requirements.
F. Re-application: A participant may apply for cash assistance during the lockout period based on the following criteria.
(1) Applying during lock-out period: An applicant who determines an inability to adhere to the terms and conditions for receipt of a diversion payment may apply for cash assistance to meet ongoing basic needs.
(a) An applicant is ineligible for cash assistance payment regardless of good cause within the first four months of receiving a diversion payment.
(b) An applicant is eligible for cash assistance payment if good cause is met at least five months after receipt of diversion payment.
(2) Good cause: Good cause must apply in order for an applicant to re-apply for cash assistance during the lockout period. Good cause can only be considered for applicants applying at least five months after initial receipt of a diversion payment. Good cause is not considered to exist for the first four months from initial receipt of a diversion payment. Good cause must be approved by the HCA and may include, loss of employment, but not a voluntary quit or dismissal due to poor job performance or failure to meet a condition of employment; or use of an illegal substance or other drug; catastrophic illness or accident of a family member which requires an employed participant to leave employment; a victim of domestic violence; or another situation or emergency that renders an employed family member unable to care for the basic needs of the family.
G. Claims:
(1) A benefit group that receives monthly cash assistance within the 12-month lock out period shall not be subject to an overpayment if the household meets good cause.
(2) A benefit group may be subject to an overpayment if the diversion payment was issued in error and subject to recoupment as specified in 8.102.640 NMAC.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.102.500.10

8.102.500.10 NMAC - Rp 8.102.500.10 NMAC, 7/1/2001; Repealed, 7/17/2006; 8.102.500.10 NMAC - N, 11/15/2007; A, 8/14/2009; A, 7/1/2013, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 12, June 25, 2024, eff. 7/1/2024