N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. "AAP" means the American academy of pediatrics
B. "ACOG" means the American college of obstetricians and gynecologists.
C. "CYFD" means the New Mexico children, youth and families department.
D. "Child fatality review" or "CFR" means a review that includes all reported deaths of children due to fatal injury or other undetermined cause from birth through 24 years of age, or a specific age range as determined appropriate by a special panel.
E. "Community based review" means the review that takes place in the community where the death occurs, is staffed by Team members approved by the department and may involve follow-back interview with informed consent to surviving family, providers of care or other relevant persons.
F. "Coordinator" means the person designated by the department to administer and manage the day to day operations of the review teams.
G. "Confidentiality" means the protection of the privacy of the decedent, the decedent's family, and any information pertaining to the fatality.
H. "Department" or "DOH" means the New Mexico department of health.
I. "Department designee for MCH death review" means the department staff person, usually an epidemiologist, authorized to receive information regarding deaths that fit the criteria for MMR, FIMR and CFR.
J. "Death investigation" means the investigation of a death by appropriate authorities for the purpose of establishing the manner and cause of death.
K. "Expert" means a person by whose training and present work-related activities or professional licensure has the requisite knowledge to review case information and contribute to an assessment of prevention factors, risk reduction factors and/or systems failure factors. The expert is bound by confidentiality policies and statute, and must be recognized by the department.
L. "Fetal and infant mortality review" or "FIMR" means a review including all reported deaths of fetuses (death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from the mother of a product of human conception, fetus and placenta, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy), and infants (any death at any time from birth through one year).
M. "MCH" means public health practice concerned with maternal and child health.
N. "Maternal mortality review" or "MMR" means the review of all reported deaths of the following: pregnant women who die from any cause during pregnancy, or who die within one calendar year of pregnancy termination.
O. "Multidisciplinary team" means a team of experts comprising, but not limited to, the disciplines essential to death review, such as medicine, nursing, social work, law enforcement, mental health, public health, education, domestic violence, and child advocacy.
P. "OMI" means the New Mexico office of medical investigator.
Q. "PHD" means the public health division of the department.
R. "Prevention factors" means the circumstances, events, exposures or products that are identified by the death review team as potential contributors to the death and about which providers, communities and/or the public need to be informed and/or educated for the prevention of future such death(s).
S. "Retrospective case review" means the gathering of case information and analysis of information after the manner and cause of death have been registered with vital records and health statistics. Retrospective case review is not a death investigation process. It is a public health function concerned with assessment, prevention, risk reduction and/or systems improvements.
T. "Risk reduction factors" means the circumstances, events, exposures or products that are identified by the death review team as potential contributors to the death and about which providers, communities and/or the public need to be informed and/or educated for the prevention of future such death(s).
U. "Secretary" means the secretary of the department or his/her designee.
V. "Special panel" means a group convened on a permanent or temporary basis for the MMR, FIMR or CFR Team, to review an aggregation of deaths by selected categories to increase the power of analysis and interpretation by reviewing several cases of a similar manner or cause of death.
W. "State level review" means the process whereby statewide quantitative and qualitative data, gathered either at the state level or by a local community death review team, are analyzed and used for development of public policy, public health recommendations, and/or implementation of prevention measures.
X. "System failure factors" means the community-based circumstances, events, resources including the lack thereof, and provider policies that are identified by the death review team as potential contributors to the death and about which providers, communities and/or the public need to be informed and or educated for the prevention of future such death(s).
Y. "Team" means one of the state or community level MMR, FIMR or CFR teams.
Z. "UNM" means the university of New Mexico.
AA. "VRHS/NM" means the department entity responsible for vital records and health statistics in New Mexico.

N.M. Admin. Code §

01/01/98; Recompiled 10/31/01