N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

The members of maternal mortality review team, the fetal and Infant mortality review team and child fatality review team will be state or local experts in their field and appointed by the department. Members are selected to achieve a culturally diverse, multidisciplinary team that may include but is not limited to representatives of the following disciplines: medicine and selected subspecialties, nursing, nurse-midwifery, forensic medicine, mental health, social work, specialists in child abuse and neglect, public health epidemiology, law enforcement, the judiciary, prosecution, traffic safety, education, child advocacy, grief intervention and support, domestic violence, health education, survivor or parent support groups. Membership will include representation from federal (military and Indian), state and local entities. Membership is voluntary and team members or special panel members shall not be remunerated by the department.

A. State level teams are organized for MMR, FIMR and CFR and are responsible for initial and/or final review of all cases, aggregate analysis of statewide data, and the identification and preparation of reports or other documents to address statewide and or local systems improvements, prevention, and risk reduction factors. State level teams are responsible for training, support and consultation to community level teams.
B. Community level teams shall be organized with training and support of state level teams, and shall abide by state level regulations, protocols and policies. The formation of community level teams shall be contingent upon available resources including consultation by specialists in appropriate disciplines. The purpose of a community team is to bring case review to the local level where identification of problems and development of interventions for systems improvements, risk reduction or prevention can take place
C. Special panels: Special ad hoc panels may be organized in response to any identified profile or cluster of fatalities that are identified by a team and the department, the OMI, or other appropriate entities as approved by the executive committee.
D. Maternal mortality review: The organizational membership of MMR shall seek to include, but not be limited to, representatives of the New Mexico section of ACOG; the New Mexico academy of family practice; the New Mexico hospital and health service association; the New Mexico association for women's health, obstetrics, and neonatal nursing; the New Mexico department of health, public health division; the New Mexico chapter of the American college of nurse midwives; the New Mexico vital records and health statistics entity; the Indian health service; the New Mexico office of the medical investigator; tertiary center perinatologists (institutions designated as level III neonatal intensive care unit); and community obstetricians and family practitioners.
E. Fetal and infant mortality review: The organizational membership of FIMR shall seek to include but not be limited to representatives from New Mexico units of the American academy of family physicians; the American academy of pediatrics; the American anthropological association; ACOG; the American college of nurse midwives; the New Mexico hospital and health service association; the MCH Title V entity of the department; the New Mexico vital records and health statistics entity; the association of state and territorial health officials; the college of American pathologists; the march of dimes birth defects foundation; the association for women's health, obstetric and neonatal nurses; and the society of perinatal obstetricians.
F. Child fatality review: The membership of CFR shall seek to include but not be limited to representatives of the following organizations and interest areas: law enforcement; prosecution; the medical and mental health communities; tribal governments; tribal social service agencies; military bases; a domestic violence program; a grief intervention program; the New Mexico traffic safety bureau; the New Mexico sudden infant death syndrome program; a child advocacy group; the unit responsible for the investigation and prevention of child abuse and neglect in CYFD; public health epidemiology, the New Mexico vital records and health statistics entity; the MCH Title V entity in the department; a representative from OMI; a representative of the New Mexico not even one project, and a representative from the public school system.

N.M. Admin. Code §

01/01/98; Recompiled 10/31/01