N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

Each local board of education or charter school administrator is responsible for adopting transportation policies, which ensure a safe, timely, and efficient system of transportation for all eligible students, including children in foster care and homeless children and youth, within its jurisdiction. School transportation services for eligible students shall be provided by use of a school bus, per capita feeder route, or SUVs or a combination of school bus, per capita feeder route, or SUVs. Additional options for transportation of children in foster care or homeless children and youth may be explored while ensuring the safety of students. Therefore, each local board of education or charter school administrator shall establish policies in the following areas.

A.Community, parent and staff involvement: Each LEA shall:
(1) provide a platform for adequate community, parent, staff, and transportation service provider participation in the development of policies and procedures for providing transportation services to eligible students;
(2) approve a policy defining the responsibilities of parents, students, teachers, staff, and transportation service providers;
(3) provide a platform for adequate information and training provided to the community, parents, and school personnel so that each understands the rights and responsibilities associated with transportation services;
(4) approve a policy concerning complaints from parents, students, transportation providers, and others regarding school transportation;
(5) approve a policy concerning transportation as a related service for a student with an IEP as the IEP requires. The transportation administrator or designee, or transportation service provider shall be afforded the opportunity to participate in the development of the IEP as it relates to transportation;
(6) approve disciplinary procedures, including an appeal process, applicable to all students being transported. The procedures shall comply with all applicable federal and state law and department regulation. Information regarding disciplinary procedures shall be provided to parents and students;
(a) the procedures shall include the process for emergency removal of a student from a school bus;
(i) if emergency removal of a student is necessary, the driver shall report the incident or behavior to the transportation administrator within 24 hours of the incident; and
(ii) a written behavioral report shall be filed with the school and a copy of the report provided to the parents;
(b) nothing contained herein or in local board of education policy shall prevent the emergency removal of any student from a school bus if the student endangers or reasonably appears to endanger the health, welfare, or safety of themselves, any other student, teacher, or employee;
(7) approve disciplinary procedures including an appeal process applicable to students with an IEP being transported. The procedures shall comply with all applicable federal and state law and department regulation governing students with disabilities. Information regarding disciplinary procedures shall be provided to parents, students, and IEP teams;
(a) disciplinary procedures for a student with an IEP shall be specified in the student's IEP;
(b) the procedures shall include the process for emergency removal of a student with an IEP from a school bus;
(i) if emergency removal of a student is necessary, the driver shall report the incident or behavior to the transportation administrator within 24 hours of the incident; and
(ii) the transportation administrator shall report each incident or behavior in writing to the LEA's special education director within 24 hours of receiving the driver's report;
(c) nothing contained herein or in local school board policy shall prevent the emergency removal of any student from a vehicle if the student endangers or reasonably appears to endanger the health, welfare, or safety of themselves, any other student, teacher, or employee; and
(d) suspension of transportation service for a student with an IEP for more than ten cumulative days requires a change in transportation service in that student's IEP; and
(8)adopt and approve policies in specialized areas affected by federal regulations, state law, and new legislative initiatives related to school transportation.
B.Student services: Transportation is provided to students who are eligible for transportation pursuant to Sections 22-16-2 and 22-16-4, NMSA 1978. Students who do not obey the state and local LEA regulations governing student transportation may have their transportation services revoked by the LEA. Each LEA shall adopt:
(1) a student disciplinary policy for school transportation, including procedures for suspending a student's transportation privilege and for holding parents responsible for any malicious destruction to the vehicle or assault on a driver or others. Policies shall be in agreement with and subject to procedural safeguards and protections specified in federal, state, and department regulations;
(2) a comparable travel time policy that shall:
(a) ensure that transportation time for a student with an IEP is comparable to transportation time provided to neighborhood students who do not have an IEP;
(b) consider the least distance from a student with an IEP's home to the school site as compared to the least distance from the homes of neighborhood students who do not have an IEP to the school site;
(c) consider the time for other transportation services identified in the IEP. Any variance from the comparable travel time policy shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the IEP team and shall be clearly stated in the IEP;
(3) a policy regarding the transportation of specialized personnel, such as licensed nurses and special education assistants, or other designated persons;
(4) a policy regarding the transportation of animals that accompany a student with an IEP and shall ensure that the certification, training, and immunization requirements for the animal are completed and current;
(5) a policy outlining acceptable procedures for medicine transport. The policy shall include the designated place for transport and the personnel authorized to administer medication during transport when necessary;
(6) a policy regarding the maintenance of a roster or seating chart for students who ride school buses;
(7) a policy for providing transportation services for students eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 when such services are specified in the student's accommodation plan; and
(8) a policy covering a do not resuscitate request from the parents or guardians specific to the student while the student is being transported on a school bus, school-owned activity vehicle, or SUV.
C.Relationship with transportation providers. When a transportation service provider is contracted to provide school transportation services, each local board of education or charter school administrator shall:
(1) approve all contracts and contract amendments with a transportation service provider in accordance with state law and department regulation;
(2) approve a policy governing the termination of a contract with a transportation service provider in accordance with state law and department regulation;
(3) include as a part of each contract a scope of work which ensures that this regulation and all other applicable state and federal regulations and state statutes and department regulations are adhered to; and
(4) develop policy involving finger-print based background checks in accordance with state law.
D.Planned LEA-sponsored activities: Each local board of education or charter school administrator shall adopt policies and procedures concerning the safety and welfare of students who are transported to and from planned LEA-sponsored activities. Policies and procedures shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and department regulations.
(1) Vehicles used for school-sponsored activities shall be school-owned, leased, or private vehicles that meet the following department requirements:
(a) vehicles shall not be vans or mini-vans;
(b) excluding buses, vehicles shall not seat less than six or more than nine people including the driver;
(c) excluding buses, vehicles shall have seat belts available for all occupants and all occupants are required to wear them while the vehicle is in motion;
(d) vehicles shall have available secure cargo storage or other adequate tie-down for securing items in the vehicle, excluding hitched trailers; and
(e) trailers shall not be hitched to vehicles while the vehicle is transporting students.
(2) Policies and procedures shall include provision for the use of commercial common carrier buses, taking into account that commercial common carrier buses do not meet current New Mexico school bus construction standards and school bus phase-out pursuant to 6.40.2 NMAC.
(3) Policies and procedures shall include provisions for rest and relaxation for students and the driver(s) during the trip.
(4) Policies and procedures shall include procedures for releasing students on the planned activity trip to parents or guardians.
(5) Policies shall explicitly state that prior to and during work periods all drivers, school bus assistants, and substitute school bus assistants have not used and do not use alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, or legal substances which would impair the driver's or the assistant's ability to perform required duties.

N.M. Admin. Code §

12-31-98; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC & A, 07-01-01, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 06, March 27, 2018, eff. 3/27/2018