Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
Section - ENFORCING RULES OF CONDUCTA. Enforcing attendance requirements. Local school districts and public schools shall establish, maintain, and enforce attendance policies and requirements set forth in Section 22-12A-1 et seq. NMSA 1978, the Attendance for Success Act, and Section 32A-3A-1 et seq. NMSA 1978, the Family Services Act.B. Search and seizure. School property assigned to a student and a student's person or property while under the authority of a public school are subject to search, and items found are subject to seizure, in accordance with the following requirements: (1) Notice of search policy. Students shall be given reasonable notice, through distribution of written policies or otherwise, of each school's policy on searches at the beginning of each school year or upon admission for students entering during the school year.(2) Who may search. Certified school personnel, school security personnel and school bus drivers are "authorized persons" to conduct searches when a search is permissible as set forth in Subsection B of NMAC. An authorized person who is conducting a search may request the assistance of one or more people, who upon consent become authorized to search for the purpose of that search only.(3) When a search is permissible. Unless local school board policy provides otherwise, an authorized person may conduct a search when the authorized person has a reasonable suspicion that a crime or other breach of disciplinary rules is occurring or has occurred. An administrative authority may direct or conduct a search under the same conditions and also when the administrative authority has reasonable cause to believe that a search is necessary to help maintain school discipline.(4) Conduct of searches and witnesses. The following requirements govern the conduct of permissible searches by authorized persons.(a) School property, including lockers and school buses, may be searched with or without students present unless a local school board or administrative authority provides otherwise. When students are not present for locker searches, another authorized person shall serve as a witness whenever possible. Locks furnished by students should not be destroyed unless a student refuses to open one or circumstances otherwise render such action necessary in the judgment of the administrative authority.(b) Student vehicles when on campus or otherwise under school control and students' personal effects, which are not within their immediate physical possession, may be searched in accordance with the requirements for locker searches in Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (4) of Subsection B of NMAC.(c) Physical searches of a student's person may be conducted only by an authorized person of the same sex as the student and, except when circumstances render it impossible, may be conducted only in the presence of another authorized person of the same sex. The extent of the search must be reasonably related to the infraction, and the search shall not be excessively intrusive in light of the student's age and sex, and the nature of the infraction.(5) Seizure of items. Illegal items, legal items which threaten the safety or security of others and items which are used to disrupt or interfere with the educational process may be seized by authorized persons. Seized items shall be released to appropriate authorities or a student's parent or returned to the student when and if the administrative authority deems appropriate.(6) Notification of law enforcement authorities. Unless a local school board policy provides otherwise, an administrative authority shall have discretion to notify the local children's court attorney, district attorney, or other law enforcement officers when a search discloses illegally possessed contraband material or evidence of some other crime or delinquent act.C. Basis for disciplinary action. A student may appropriately be disciplined by administrative authorities in the following circumstances:(1) for committing any act that endangers the health or safety of students, school personnel, or others for whose safety the public school is responsible, or for conduct that reasonably appears to threaten such dangers if not stopped, regardless of whether an established rule of conduct has been violated;(2) for violating valid rules of student conduct established by the local school board or by an administrative authority to whom the local school board has delegated rulemaking authority, when the student knew or should have known of the rule in question or that the conduct was prohibited; or(3) for committing acts prohibited by this rule, when the student knew or should have known that the conduct was prohibited.D. Selection of disciplinary sanctions. Within legal limits as defined in Subsection L of NMAC, local school boards have discretion to determine the appropriate sanction(s) to be imposed for violations of rules of student conduct or to authorize appropriate administrative authorities to make such determinations. (1) School discipline and criminal charges. Appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken against students regardless of whether criminal charges are also filed in connection with an incident.(2) Nondiscriminatory enforcement. Local school boards and administrative authorities shall not enforce school rules or impose disciplinary punishments in a manner which discriminates against any student on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender status), or disability, except to the extent otherwise permitted or required by law or regulation. This statement shall not be construed as requiring identical treatment of students for violation of the same rule; it shall be read as prohibiting differential treatment which is based on race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender status), or disability rather than on other differences in individual cases or students.E. Restraint or seclusion. In accordance with Section 22-5-4.12 NMSA 1978, each school shall establish requirements for the use of restraint and seclusion techniques. (1) Schools shall establish policies and procedures, as approved by the local school board or governing body, for the use of restraint and seclusion techniques. Schools shall review such policies and procedures on a triennial basis, before submitting the school safety plan. (a) A school may permit the use of restraint or seclusion techniques on any student only if the student's behavior presents an imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others and only if less restrictive interventions appear insufficient to mitigate the imminent danger of serious physical harm. Less restrictive interventions include de-escalation strategies, positive behavioral intervention supports, or other comparable behavior management techniques.(b) The restraint or seclusion techniques shall be used only by school employees who are trained in de-escalation strategies, positive behavioral intervention supports, and the safe and effective use of restraint and seclusion techniques, unless an emergency does not allow sufficient time to summon those trained school employees.(c) The restraint or seclusion techniques shall not impede the student's ability to breathe or speak, shall be in proportion to a student's age and physical condition, and shall end when the student's behavior no longer presents an imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others.(d) If a restraint or seclusion technique is used on a student, trained and authorized school employees shall maintain continuous visual observation and monitoring of the student while the restraint or seclusion technique is in use.(2) In accordance with Section 22-5-4.12 NMSA 1978, schools shall establish policies and procedures for the use of restraint and seclusion techniques in a school safety plan. (a) A school safety plan, pursuant to requirements of Paragraph (7) of Subsection D of NMAC, shall include the following minimum requirements: (i) The school safety plan shall not be specific to any individual student; and(ii) The school safety planning team shall include at least one administrator, one educator, and one special education expert and may include a counselor or social worker, nurse, and school resource officer or security staff. The school safety planning team shall include personnel who are trained as designated school personnel restraint and seclusion.(b) A school safety plan, pursuant to requirements of Paragraph (7) of Subsection D of NMAC, shall be submitted to the department on a triennial basis, on a schedule determined by the department. The department will provide local education agencies notice of a deadline to submit a school safety plan 90 days prior to the due date.(3) Policies and procedures for the use of restraint and seclusion techniques shall require and describe appropriate training for designated school personnel. (a) School districts and charter schools shall provide training for designated school personnel regarding de-escalation strategies, positive behavioral intervention supports, or other comparable behavior management techniques and the use of restraint or seclusion techniques. Designated school personnel shall attend training at least every two years or complete a certification course, exam, or other comparable demonstration of competency that provides evidence that the individual has up-to-date knowledge of proper restraint and seclusion techniques.(b) In the event that new designated school personnel are identified within the school after the provision of the training, certification course, exam, or other comparable demonstration of competency, the school district or charter school shall ensure that a training or other competency demonstration is provided to new designated school personnel within 60 days of being designated.(4) Policies regarding restraint or seclusion shall consider school district support and strategies for school employees to successfully reintegrate a student who has been restrained or secluded back into the school or classroom environment.(5) Schools shall implement the following review procedures for incidents in which restraint or seclusion techniques are used.(a) If a student has been restrained or secluded two or more times within 30 calendar days, the school shall review strategies used to address the student's behavior and determine whether the student needs a functional behavior assessment or referral to a student assistance team, behavioral intervention plan team, or, if a student has an individualized education program, a referral to the student's individualized education program team.(b) If a student has been restrained or secluded two or more times within 30 calendar days, the student's individualized education program team, behavioral intervention plan team, or student assistance team shall meet within two weeks of each subsequent use to provide recommendations for avoiding future incidents requiring the use of restraint or seclusion.(c) The review shall include whether school personnel involved in the incidents were trained in the use of de-escalation strategies, positive behavioral intervention supports, or restraint and seclusion techniques. Additionally, the review shall consider whether the individual who restrained or secluded a student needs additional training.(d) To improve internal practices relative to incidents of restraint or seclusion, schools shall conduct an annual review and analysis of all incidents in which restraint or seclusion techniques were used, including the number of incidents, the type of incident, personnel involved, the need for additional training, and student demographics.(6) Schools shall establish documentation and reporting procedures pursuant to the requirements listed in Section 22-5-4.12 NMSA 1978. In addition, schools shall provide written or oral assurance of secure storage and access to written documentation in accordance with this rule, 20 USC. Section 1232(g), 34 CFR Part 99, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and any other applicable federal or state laws or rules governing the privacy of such documents.(a) A school employee shall provide the student's parent with written or oral notice on the same day the incident occurred, unless circumstances prevent same-day notification. If notice is not provided on the same day of the incident, notice shall be given within 24 hours after the incident.(b) Within a reasonable time following the incident, no longer than two school days, a school employee shall provide the student's parent with written documentation that includes information about any persons, locations, or activities that may have triggered the behavior, if known, and specific information about the behavior and its precursors, the type of restraint or seclusion technique used, and the duration of its use.(c) Schools shall report to the department, through the department's data collection and reporting system, the following information on a timeline and reporting frequency established by the department: (i) all instances in which a restraint or seclusion technique is used;(ii) all instances in which law enforcement is summoned instead of using a restraint or seclusion technique;(iii) the names of the students and school personnel involved in an incident in which restraint or seclusion was used; and(iv) if a student was restrained, the type of restraint, including mechanical restraint or physical restraint, that was used.(d) If a school summons law enforcement instead of using a restraint or seclusion technique on a student, the school shall comply with the reporting, documentation, and review procedures established pursuant to this rule and Section 22-5-4.12 NMSA 1978.F. Corporal punishment. Corporal punishment shall be prohibited by each local school board pursuant to Subsection B of Section 22-5-4.3 NMSA 1978. Restraint or seclusion techniques used in compliance with Subsection E of NMAC shall not be deemed to be corporal punishment.G. Detention, suspension and expulsion. Where detention, suspension, or expulsion is determined to be the appropriate penalty, it may be imposed only in accordance with procedures that provide at least the minimum safeguards prescribed in NMAC. Suspensions or expulsions of students with disabilities shall be subject to the further requirements of Subsection I of NMAC and NMAC.H. Discipline of students experiencing homelessness. Removing students experiencing homelessness from school shall be used only as a last resort, pursuant to the requirements in 42 USC Sec. 11431 et seq., the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act. (1) Public schools shall develop discipline policies and procedures that are reviewed at least annually and align with local school board policies. Policies and procedures shall: (a) through professional development activities, create an awareness among educators and administrators of the types of behaviors that students experiencing homelessness may exhibit due to homelessness and provide strategies and supports to address the behaviors through the student assistance team process in accordance with Subsection D of NMAC;(b) take into account the issues related to a student's homelessness by talking with the student and applicable staff and families prior to taking disciplinary action;(c) consult with school behavior response teams or other applicable personnel to assign appropriate discipline related to the behavior;(d) implement discipline alternatives to temporary or long-term suspensions or expulsions or classroom removals, if possible; and(e) connect students with mental health services as needed.(2) Public schools shall review school discipline records and data of students experiencing homelessness in order to identify any patterns in disciplinary actions that indicate an unfair bias against the students. The collection and review of such records shall be in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as well as any other applicable federal or state laws or rules governing the privacy of such documents.I. Discipline of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are not immune from school disciplinary processes, nor are they entitled to remain in a particular educational program when their behavior substantially impairs the education of other children in the program. However, public schools are required by state law and rule to meet the individual educational needs of students with disabilities to the extent that current educational expertise permits. Public school personnel may consider any unique circumstances on a case-by-case basis when determining whether a change of placement, consistent with the other requirements of NMAC, is appropriate for a student with a disability who violates a code of conduct as provided in 34 CFR Sec. 300.530. (1) Long-term suspensions or expulsions of students with disabilities shall be governed by the procedures set forth in NMAC.(2) Temporary suspensions of students with disabilities may be imposed in accordance with the normal procedures prescribed in Subsection D of NMAC, provided that the student is returned to the same educational placement after the temporary suspension and unless a temporary suspension is prohibited under the provisions of Paragraph (3) of Subsection I of NMAC.(3) Program prescriptions. A student with a disability's individualized education program (IEP), under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), need not affirmatively authorize disciplinary actions which are not otherwise in conflict with this rule. However, the IEP team may prescribe or prohibit specified disciplinary measures for an individual student with a disability by including appropriate provisions in the student's IEP. Administrative authorities shall adhere to any such provisions contained in a student with a disability's IEP, except that an IEP team may not prohibit the initiation of proceedings for long-term suspension or expulsion which are conducted in accordance with this rule.(4) Immediate removal. Immediate removal of students with disabilities may be done in accordance with the procedures of Subsection C of NMAC.(5) A student who has not been determined to be eligible for special education and related services under 6.31.2 NMAC and who has engaged in behavior that violated a code of student conduct may assert any of the protections provided for in this subsection if the conditions set forth in 34 CFR Sec. 300.534 have been met.(6) Referral to and action by law enforcement and judicial authorities. (a) Nothing in these rules of conduct prohibits an administrative authority from reporting a crime committed by a student with a disability to appropriate authorities or prevents state law enforcement and judicial authorities from exercising their responsibilities with regard to the application of federal and state law to crimes committed by a student with a disability.(b) Transmittal of records. (i) An administrative authority reporting a crime committed by a student with a disability must ensure that copies of the special education and disciplinary records of the student are transmitted, for consideration by the appropriate authorities, to whom the administrative authority reports the crime.(ii) An administrative authority reporting a crime under this section may transmit copies of the student's special education and disciplinary records only to the extent that the transmission is permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.N.M. Admin. Code §
08-15-97; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC 1.4.10, 11-30-00; A, 6-29-07; A, 11-13-09; A, 10-31-11, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 12, June 26, 2018, eff. 7/1/2018, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXI, Issue 16, August 25, 2020, eff. 8/25/2020