N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. The director of the museum shall serve at the pleasure of the board and shall be responsible for the administration and management of the museum in conformity with all appropriate state laws, rules and regulations, and for the implementation of the powers and duties set forth in Section 5, Chapter 264, Laws of 1975, by the staff of the museum, subject to his management and supervision and in accordance with the policies of the board and any specific direction or delegation of authority by the board.
B. The director shall select, subject to confirmation by the board, one division head who shall serve as associate director and whose duties shall be to assist the director in matters pertaining to the administration of the museum and who shall serve as acting director in the absence of the director.
C. The director and associate director shall attend all board meetings, shall cause all board meetings to be publicly announced as to time and place in conformity with law, and shall prepare the agenda in cooperation with and subject to the approval of the president of the board for such meetings and all information which will be required for consideration at such meetings. The director shall also require attendance at board meeting of such other members of the staff as shall be appropriate to the agenda, and shall cause minutes to be taken of all regular and special board meetings.
D. The director shall prepare and present at board meetings a report of the activities of the museum subsequent to the previous board meeting and proposed and projected plans of operation; and shall cause to be prepared a financial report for presentation at each meeting, and a report of any proposed property dispositions.
E. The director, in coordination with the heads of all divisions, shall determine the budgetary requirements necessary and desirable to carrying out the programs and objectives of the museum and shall supervise preparation of the annual budget request with the assistance of the head of the budget and finance division. The budget request shall be submitted for the approval of the board at the regular meeting preceding the required completion date or at a special meeting called for this purpose. The budget request shall be prepared in conformity with all rules and regulations of the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee.
F. Following notification of the annual appropriation, the director, in coordination with all division heads, shall prepare the budget for the ensuing fiscal year, and the budget shall be submitted for approval of the board at the next regular meeting of the board prior to the required completion date or at a special meeting called for this purpose.
G. The budget shall be administered by the director and the head of the budget and finance division. Such contingency adjustments as shall be required shall be made with the approval of the department of finance and administration, and shall be reported to the board at the next meeting.
H. The director shall furnish to the board copies of the state auditor's annual audit report of the agency's books and records, and such interim or other reports as the board may request.
I. The director shall obtain approval from the president of the board for annual leave and proposed official out-of-state travel.
J. The director shall exercise his delegated authority to employ, promote, demote, suspend or terminate members of the museum staff in compliance with the State Personnel Act and all rules and regulations of the state personnel department. The director shall inform the board, at a regular or special meeting, of any contemplated action to demote, suspend or terminate the associate director or any division head, provided further, however, that the decision of the director shall be final.
K. The director shall serve ex officio on all committees of the board and any other committees created by the board.

N.M. Admin. Code §

MD 75-1; Recompiled 10/31/01