N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A.Dental supplies:
(1) The receipts from selling supplies, gold, silver and similar items of tangible personal property used in making dentures, cement used in fillings, amalgam, anesthetics, orthodontia platinum wire, facing, backing, x-ray film and the like to dentists for use in their practices are not receipts from selling tangible personal property for resale since it is not the custom of the dental profession to bill material separately from the services involved.
(2) The receipts derived from selling the items mentioned in Paragraph (1) of Subsection A of Section NMAC may not be deducted from gross receipts pursuant to Section 7-9-73 NMSA 1978 because the items sold are not prosthetic devices within the meaning of Section 7-9-73 NMSA 1978.
B.Medical supplies: Receipts from selling supplies, drugs, bandages, splints, syringes, tongue depressors, medicine used as injections and other similar items to practitioners of the healing arts for use in their practices are not receipts derived from selling tangible personal property for resale since it is not the custom of such practitioners to bill material separately from the services involved.
C.Sale of radioisotopes:
(1) Receipts from selling radioisotopes to a professional association of medical radiologists which furnishes a nontaxable transaction certificate (nttc) are receipts derived from selling tangible personal property for resale since it is the custom of radiologists to bill these materials separately from the services involved.
(2) If the radiologists delivering the nttc do not resell the radioisotopes in the ordinary course of business, the compensating tax is due.
D.Issuance of nontaxable transaction certificates by oncologists: Receipts from selling drugs used in the treatment of cancer by an oncologist who separately states these items in billings may be deducted by the seller if the oncologist delivers to the seller a Type 2 nontaxable transaction certificate (nttc). If the oncologist delivering the nttc does not sell the items in the ordinary course of business or does not separately state the charges for the sale price of the items on the billings, the compensating tax is due. Receipts from the sale of other tangibles, such as supplies, bandages, syringes, etc., are not deductible.
E.Sale of medicine to veterinarians:
(1) Receipts from selling drugs, medicine, braces, dressings and other substances and preparations used in treating animals to a veterinarian who is engaged in the business of selling such items and who does not administer the items are receipts derived from selling tangible personal property for resale and may be deducted by the seller if the veterinarian delivers a Type 2 nontaxable transaction certificate (nttc). If the veterinarian delivering the nttc does not resell the above items in the ordinary course of business, the compensating tax is due.
(2) Receipts from selling drugs, medicine, braces, dressings and other substances and preparations used in treating animals to a veterinarian who administers the items and who separately states these items in the billings may be deducted by the seller if the veterinarian delivers to the seller a Type 2 nttc because it is the custom of the trade to separately state these items in billings. If the veterinarian delivering the nttc does not resell the items in the ordinary course of business or does not separately state the charges for the sale price of the items on the billings, the compensating tax is due.
F.Vitamins and drugs sold to sale barn: Receipts from selling vitamins and drugs to a person engaged in the business of conducting a sale barn who administers vitamins and drugs to livestock consigned to the barn and who bills the consignor of the livestock for this property without charge for the service of administering the property are receipts from selling tangible personal property for resale.

N.M. Admin. Code §

12/5/69, 3/9/72, 11/20/72, 3/20/74, 7/26/76, 6/18/79, 4/7/82, 5/17/83, 5/4/84, 4/2/86, 11/26/90, 11/15/96; NMAC - Rn, 3 NMAC 2.47.14 & A, 5/31/01