Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - BRANDING OF LIVESTOCKA. Branding of cattle: All cattle in the state of New Mexico shall be required to be branded with a recorded New Mexico brand, excepting calves with branded mother, registered animals, which are identified by a proper registration mark and whose owner has been issued a certificate of brand exemption for the registered herd, and dairy cattle, which are identified in accordance with the provisions of NMAC, and cattle in a feedlot, which are identified in accordance with the provisions of NMAC.B. Identification of equines: All equines shall be required to be branded with a New Mexico recorded brand, or identified by a horse identification card (Form 1-H or 1HA) showing individual markings, scars, etc.C. Branding of sheep and goats: All owners of sheep and goats in the state of New Mexico shall be required to have a wool/hair brand registered in the office of the New Mexico livestock board and such brand is to be the sole property of the recorded owner. The brand may be applied by means of paint, chalk, hot iron, tattoo, or eartags. Additionally, earmarks may be used as a means of identification and, if used as a means of identification, the earmark must be recorded in conjunction with the recorded brand. The board, at its discretion, may immediately halt the use of earmarks as a means of identification and require branding, tattooing, or eartagging of all sheep and goats.D. All sheep and goats being moved, transported, driven, or otherwise transferred from one premises to another or all of those presented for or requiring inspection, shall be required to bear a recorded means of identification. All such sexually intact sheep and goats, regardless of age and wethers of either species 18 months of age and older must also be identified with a permanent official identification device or a permanent method approved by USDA for use in the scrapie program unless the animals are under 18 months of age and are moving directly or through a slaughter only sale to slaughter or to a terminal feedlot or are animals of any age moving for management purposes to another premises also rented or owned by the flock owner without a change of ownership.E. Sheep and goats destined for show or exhibition shall be exempt from paint, chalk, or fire brand regulations, provided such sheep and goats are identified with a permanent official identification device or permanent method approved by USDA for use in the scrapie program. Exhibition livestock, to include sheep, goats, cattle, and swine may be identified with an official EID tag and will be an accepted means of identification. Cattle will still be required to have a New Mexico registered brand. Exhibition cattle with an official EID tag may be inspected for ownership and transportation on a Form 1 inspection that may be used for the entire shown season for that calendar year. Any transfer of ownership of livestock on those forms will require the issuance of a new Form 1.F. Nothing herein shall exempt any owner of livestock from possessing necessary bills of sale or proof of ownership for their livestock and presenting proof of ownership upon request.N.M. Admin. Code §
3-1-99; NMAC - Rn & A, 21 NMAC 32.2.8, 7-31-2000; A, 9-15-2010; A, 7-15-2013, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, July 16, 2024, eff. 7/16/2024