Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - DEFINITIONSA.Definitions beginning with "A":(1)"Accredited veterinarian" means a veterinarian approved by the deputy administrator of USDA-APHIS-VS in accordance with provisions of Part 161, Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). An accredited veterinarian is pre-approved to perform certain functions of federal and cooperative state/federal programs.(2)"Animal and plant health inspection service (APHIS)" means the agency providing leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants. The agency improves agricultural productivity and competitiveness and contributes to the national economy and public health.(3)"Approved laboratory" means a state, federal or private diagnostic laboratory that must be approved for EVA testing by the UDSA-AHPIS-VS.(4)"Approved laboratory tests" means laboratory tests for the diagnosis of EVA infection that are approved by the office of the state veterinarian and UDSA-AHPIS-VS.(5)"Area veterinarian in charge (AVIC)" means the veterinary official of USDA-APHIS-VS, who is assigned by the deputy administrator of VS to supervise and perform the official animal health work of APHIS in the states or states concerned.B.Definitions beginning with "B":(1)"Board" means the New Mexico livestock board.(2)"Book or booking" means the contracting or scheduling of a mare to breed to a stallion by natural service.C.Definitions beginning with "C":(1)"Carrier" means a clinically normal stallion that sheds EAV continuously in its semen.(2)"Certificate" means an official document issued by the chief livestock health official or a VS representative or accredited veterinarian at the point of shipment of equine. It includes all of the following:(a) the description, including age, breed, color, sex, distinctive markings or unique and permanent forms of identification, when present (e.g. brands, tattoos, EID, scars or blemishes), of each of the restricted equine to be moved;(b) the number of restricted equine covered by the document;(c) the purpose for which the equine are to be moved;(d) the points of origin and destination;(3)"Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI)" means the form issued by the state of origin that records the consignor, consignee, identity, origin, destination and health status of animals, issued by an accredited veterinarian of that state. It is commonly known as a health certificate.(4)"Chief livestock health official" means the state veterinarian of New Mexico.(5)"Commercial stallion" means a stallion that is utilized for breeding mares which are owned by someone other than the owner of the stallion.(6)"Cover" means the act of breeding a stallion to a mare.D.Definitions beginning with "D":"Director" means the executive director of the New Mexico livestock board.E.Definitions beginning with "E":(1)"Electronic identification device (EID)" means an electronic implant with a transponder, inserted into the nuchal ligament of an equid. The transponder contains an approved 15 digit number that uniquely corresponds to a specific equine(2)"Equine arteritis virus (EAV)" means the organism which causes the disease equine viral arteritis.(3)"Equine" means any animal in the family equidae, including horses, asses, mules, ponies and zebras.(4)"Equine viral arteritis (EVA)" means an infectious communicable disease in equine.(5)"Exposed animals" means animals in the family equidae that have been exposed to EAV by reason of associating or commingling with equine known to be infected with the virus.F.Definitions beginning with "F": [RESERVED]G.Definitions beginning with "G": [RESERVED]H.Definitions beginning with "H":(1)"Herd" means all animals of the family equidae, such as horses, asses or zebras: under common ownership or supervision that are:(a) grouped on more than one or more parts of any single premises (lot, farm or ranch); or(b) on two or more premises that are geographically separated but between which equine have been interchanged or had contact with equine from the other premises; it will be assumed that contact between animals of the family equidae on the different premises has occurred unless the owner can establish otherwise and the results of the epidemiologic investigation are consistent with the lack of contact between the premises; or(c) on common premises, such as community pastures or grazing association units, but owned by different persons; other groups of equine owned by the persons involved that are located on the other premises are considered to be part of a herd unless epidemiologic investigation establishes that the equine from an affected herd have not had the opportunity for direct or indirect contact with equine from that specific premises.(2)"Herd of origin" means a farm or ranch or other premises where equine were born or where they have been kept for 30 days or more before the date of shipping. For the purpose of this rule, herd of origin has the same meaning as place of origin, premise of origin, farm of origin and ranch of origin.I.Definitions beginning with "I": "Identification" means any modality that provides a unique and permanent identification of an individual equine.J.Definitions beginning with "J": [RESERVED]K.Definitions beginning with "K": [RESERVED]L.Definitions beginning with "L": [RESERVED]M.Definitions beginning with "M": "Mare" means the intact female of the equine species.N.Definitions beginning with "N": "Nurse mare" means a mare that has lost her foal and has adequate milk for supplementing an orphaned foal.O.Definitions beginning with "O":(1)"Official seal" means a serially numbered metal or plastic strip, consisting of a self-locking device on one end and a slot on the other end that forms a loop when the ends are engaged. An official seal is tamperproof and cannot be reused if opened. It is applies to the doors of a transport vehicle by a representative of APHIS AVIC or the chief livestock health official. A serially numbered, self-locking button that cannot be reused may be substituted for the metal or plastic strip type of seal.(2)"Official test" means the virus neutralization test and virus isolation test (in cell culture) are the official laboratory procedures currently employed for the diagnosis of EVA infection.(3)"Owner" means any person with the legal right of possession or having legal control over any equidae and shall include but not limited to agents, caretakers and other persons acting on behalf of that person.P.Definitions beginning with "P":(1)"Permit" means on official document (VS form 1-27 or comparable state form) issued by the chief livestock health official, federal representative or by an accredited veterinarian. The permit must accompany all EAV carrier stallions and those EVA exposed equine being moved under official seal to a specified destination.(2)"Polymerase chain reaction test (PCR)" means a test to detect EAV in samples.Q.Definitions beginning with "Q":(1)"Quarantine" means the act of placing exposed or infected animals into isolation from other animals to prevent the transmission of an infection.(2)"Quarantined area" means a confined area under the direct supervision and control of chief livestock health official or federal animal health official who establishes procedures for the monitoring and recording of all animals entering or leaving the area. All equine under EVA quarantine are considered to have been exposed to EAV.R.Definitions beginning with "R":(1)"Reactor" means any horse, ass, mule, pony or zebra that has been subjected to an officially approved laboratory test that is confirmed positive for antibodies to EAV.(2)"Reference laboratory" means the national reference laboratory for the serological testing of EAV infection is the diagnostic virology laboratory in Ames, Iowa, a part of USDA-APHIS-VS' National veterinary services laboratories (NVSL).S.Definitions beginning with "S":(1)"Semen" means secretion or ejaculate from the reproductive organs of a stallion containing spermatozoa and seminal fluid from the accessory sex glands.(2)"Sero-conversion" means the development of neutralizing antibodies to EAV in response to natural infection with EAV or to the administration of EVA vaccine.(3)"Sero-negative" means a horse that has a serum neutralizing antibody titer of 1:4 to EAV using the virus neutralization test.(4)"Sero-positive" means a horse that has a serum neutralizing antibody titer of 1:4 or greater to EAV using the virus neutralization test.(5)"Shedder or shedding" means an equine has been determined to have EAV in its body. Specifically a term used to refer to a carrier stallion that has been determined to have EAV present in his semen and is capable of transmitting the infection to other equine through the act of breeding either by natural service or the use of artificial insemination.(6)"Standard insemination volume" means 10 ml of semen.T.Definitions beginning with "T": "Teaser stallion" means the intact male equid utilized in equine reproduction to aid in determination of estrus in a mare.U.Definitions beginning with "U": "United States department of agriculture (USDA)" means, a federal agency charged with protecting American agriculture.V.Definitions beginning with "V:(1)"Vaccinated or vaccination" means an equine has been vaccinated with an approved EVA modified virus vaccine and for which the vaccination status has been kept current in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.(2)"Vaccinated sero-positive stallion" means a stallion that was sero-negative prior to receiving a vaccine for EVA that demonstrates a sero-positive titer post vaccination.(3)"Veterinary services (VS)" means the animal health arm of APHIS, VS protects and improves the health, quality and marketability of our nations animals, animal products and veterinary biologicals by preventing, controlling or eliminating animal disease and monitoring and promoting animal health and productivity.(4)"VS form 1-27" means an official restriction of livestock movement. This form is issued by a regulatory veterinarian and specifies the owner, owner's address, owner's telephone, premises affected, number, breed, age, sex, positive unique individual identification and destination of animals included.(5)"Virus isolation test" means a test to isolate EAV. This test shall be conducted by an approved laboratory.(6)"Virus neutralization test (VN)" means an assay for determining serum neutralizing antibodies to a particular virus, in this case EAV. This test shall be conducted by an approved laboratory.Q.Definitions beginning with "Q": [RESERVED]W.Definitions beginning with "W": [RESERVED]X. Definitions beginning with "X": [RESERVED]Y.Definitions beginning with "Y": [RESERVED]Z. Definitions beginning with "Z": [RESERVED]N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N/E, 11/17/06; A, 2/26/10, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, July 16, 2024, eff. 7/16/2024