N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. "Active ingredient" means any ingredient which will prevent, destroy, repel, control or mitigate a pest or which will act as a regulator, defoliant or desiccant.
B. "Aircraft" means any fixed-wing aerial equipment or helicopter used to apply pesticides.
C. "Antidote" means a practical treatment in case of poisoning and includes first-aid treatment.
D. "Bait" means an edible material containing a pesticide attractive to a pest.
E. "Beneficial insect" means any insect which, during its life cycle, is an effective pollinator of plants, is a parasite or predator of pests, or is an insect that provides useful products.
F. "Certified applicator" means any person who has complied with the certification requirements established by the department to use or supervise the use of any pesticide covered by a valid license issued by the department.
G. "Competent" means properly qualified to perform functions associated with pesticide application and/or use, the degree of capability required being directly related to the nature of the activity and the associated responsibility.
H. "Defoliant" means any substance or mixture of substances intended for causing the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant, with or without causing abscission.
I. "Desiccant" means any substance or mixture of substances intended for artificially accelerating the drying of plant tissue.
J. "Direct supervision" means verifiable instruction to a competent person as follows:
(1) detailed guidance for applying and/or using the pesticide properly; and
(2) provisions for contacting the certified applicator in the event he is needed; or
(3) actual physical presence of a certified applicator when required by the label.
K. "Disposal" means to abandon, deposit, inter, or otherwise discard of waste as a final action after its use has been achieved or a use is no longer intended.
L. "Fungus" means any non-chlorophyll-bearing thallophyte (that is, any non-chlorophyll-bearing plant of a lower order than mosses and liverworts) as, for example, rust, smut, mildew, mold and yeast, except those on or in processed food, beverages, or pharmaceuticals.
M. "Ground equipment" means any equipment used to supply pesticides that is operated on the ground and is self-propelled, or is mounted, drawn, or transported by a tractor, truck or other vehicle, and that is:
(1) gravity fed;
(2) mechanically driven by chain, gears or belts; or
(3) obtains power or pressure from a power-take-off or engine.
N. "Hazardous pesticide waste" means any pesticide waste in a concentration or quantity, or a waste pesticide container which the board declares to be hazardous to the public health and safety, domestic livestock or wildlife or property.
O. "Illegal residue" means the amount of pesticide remaining in or on food or feed crops and crop by-products, or in meat, meat by-products, or in the fat or milk of animals in excess of tolerances established by the U.S. environmental protection agency (EPA).
P. "Inert ingredient" means any ingredient which has no active properties.
Q. "Manual equipment" means any pressurized or electrically operated equipment (excluding hand-sized pressurized containers containing pesticides) used to apply pesticides that is carried or drawn as a complete unit by the person who applies the pesticide.
R. "Open burning" means the combustion of pesticide waste in any fashion other than by incineration in an incinerator approved and permitted by the New Mexico environment department and designed for that waste.
S. "Open dumping" means the placing of pesticide waste in a land site other than a sanitary landfill as defined herein.
T. "Operator technician" means any person who uses any pesticide as an employee of a commercial applicator.
U. "Permit" means a written certificate of authority issued by the department to use or apply pesticides.
V. "Pest" means any living organism injurious to other living organisms (except man and viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms in or on other living organisms other than plants) that is a vector of a disease, or is a parasite on another organism and includes, but is not limited to, organisms in the phyla, Platyhelminthes (flatworms, flukes, tapeworms), Nemathelminthes (roundworms), Mollusca (snails), Annelida (earthworms), Arthropoda (centipedes, millipedes, spiders, mites, ticks, insects) and Chordata (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, excluding man).
W. "Pest control operator" means a commercial applicator certified in one or more of the license classification(s) 7A, 7B, 7C, or 7D of Paragraphs (10) through (13) of Subsection B of NMAC.
X. "Pesticide waste" means any active or inert ingredient, or any combination thereof, of a labeled pesticide in either its packaged concentration or diluted for use which is intended for disposal. The term "pesticide waste" does not include any pesticide packaged in a form suitable for use in the household, or for agricultural use by a farmer or rancher.
Y. "Plant regulator" means any substance or mixture of substances, intended, through physiological action, for accelerating or retarding the rate of growth or rate of maturation, or for otherwise altering the behavior of ornamental or crop plants or the produce thereof but shall not include substances to the extent that they are intended as fertilizers, such as plant nutrients, trace elements, nutritional chemicals, plant inoculants or soil amendments.
Z. "Protective equipment" means clothing, respirators, goggles or other equipment or materials used to shield an applicator against unintended exposure to pesticides.
AA. "Public pest management consultant" means any individual who is employed by a governmental agency or municipality and who offers or supplies technical advice or makes recommendations to a user of restricted-use pesticides.
BB. "Sanitary landfill" means a land site for the disposal of wastes as specified under the environmental improvement board's solid waste management regulations in such a manner so as to preclude hazards to public health and safety, domestic livestock or wildlife, and loss of property by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the wastes to the smallest practical area and to cover with soil.
CC. "Service container" means any container utilized to hold, store or transport a pesticide concentrate or a pesticide use-dilution preparation other than 1) the original labeled container provided by the manufacturer or 2) the application equipment. Containers used for waste pesticides are not deemed to be service containers.
DD. "Service vehicle" means any vehicle used to transport pesticide application equipment, or use-dilution preparation to the application site.
EE. "Use-dilution preparation" means a pesticide preparation which is mixed with a diluent and at a rate specified on the label or labeling which produces the concentration of the pesticide provided on the registered label or labeling.
FF. "Waste pesticide container" means any container intended for disposal which formerly held pesticides.
GG. "Water dumping" means the disposal of pesticide waste in or on lakes, ponds, rivers, sewers, arroyos or any watercourse, except properly designed and constructed manmade facilities approved by the New Mexico environmental improvement division.
HH. "Weed" means any plant which grows where not wanted.

N.M. Admin. Code §

7/1/97; NMAC - Rn, 21 NMAC 17.50.7, 11/30/05; A, 3/14/08