Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - PUBLICATION REFERENCES These documents are intended as guidance and are available for public review during regular business hours at the offices of the surface water quality bureau. Copies of these documents have also been filed with the New Mexico state records center in order to provide greater access to this information.
A. American public health association. 1992. Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition. Washington, D.C. 1048 p.B. American public health association. 1995. Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, 19th Edition. Washington, D.C. 1090 p.C. American public health association. 1998. Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition. Washington, D.C. 1112 p.D. American public health association. 2018. Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23rd Edition. Washington, D.C. 1796 p.E. United States geological survey. 1989. Methods For Determination of Inorganic Substances In Water And Fluvial Sediments, Techniques of Water-Resource Investigations of The United States Geological Survey. Washington, D.C. 545 p.F. United States geological survey. 1987. Methods For The Determination Of Organic Substances In Water And Fluvial Sediments, Techniques Of Water-Resource Investigations Of The United States Geological Survey. Washington, D.C. 80 p.G. United States environmental protection agency. 1983. Methods For Chemical Analysis Of Water And Wastes. Office of research and development, Washington, DC. (EPA/600/4-79/020). 491 p.H. New Mexico water quality control commission. 2020. State Of New Mexico Water Quality Management Plan and Continuing Planning Process. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 277 p.I. Colorado river basin salinity control forum. 2020. 2020 Review, Water Quality Standards For Salinity, Colorado River System. Phoenix, Arizona. 97 p.J. United States environmental protection agency. 2002. Methods For Measuring The Acute Toxicity Of Effluents And Receiving Waters To Freshwater And Marine Organisms. Office of research and development, Washington, D.C. (5th Ed., EPA 821-R-02-012). 293 p.K. United States environmental protection agency. 2002. Short-Term Methods For Estimating The Chronic Toxicity Of Effluents And Receiving Waters To Freshwater Organisms. Environmental monitoring systems laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio. (4th Ed., EPA 821-R-02-013). 335 p.L. United States environmental protection agency. 1991. Ambient-induced mixing, in Technical Support Document For Water Quality-Based Toxics Control. Office of water, Washington, D.C. (EPA/505/2-90-001). 335 p.M. United States environmental protection agency. 1983. Technical Support Manual: Waterbody Surveys And Assessments For Conducting Use Attainability Analyses, Volume I:. Office of water, regulations and standards, Washington, D.C. 232 p.N. United States environmental protection agency. 1984. Technical Support Manual: Waterbody Surveys And Assessments For Conducting Use Attainability Analyses, Volume III: Lake Systems . Office of water, regulations and standards, Washington, D.C. 208 p.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp 20 NMAC 6.1.4000, 10-12-00; A, 05-23-05; A, 12-01-10, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 02, January 31, 2017, eff. 2/1/2017, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 07, April 5, 2022, eff. 4/23/2022