N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. All existing UST systems (installed on or before December 22, 1988), by the effective date of these regulations, must have complied with one of the following requirements:
(1) new UST performance standards in 20.5.106 NMAC;
(2) upgrade requirements in Subsection B of NMAC; or
(3) closure requirements in 20.5.115 NMAC.
B. UST upgrading requirements. Owners and operators must have upgraded existing steel USTs by the effective date of these regulations to meet one of the following requirements in accordance with the current edition of an industry standard or code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory approved in advance by the department. Steel USTs that have not been upgraded by the effective date of these regulations shall be immediately permanently closed in accordance with 20.5.115 NMAC.
(1) Internal lining.
(a) USTs upgraded by internal lining must meet the following:
(i) the lining was installed in accordance with an industry standard or code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory that was approved in advance by the department, and
(ii) within 10 years after installation of internal lining and every five years thereafter, the lined UST is required to be internally inspected in accordance with the current edition of an industry standard or code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory, or manufacturer's recommendation, approved in advance by the department.
(b) One of the following shall be used to comply with internal lining upgrading requirements:
(i)National Leak Prevention Association Standard 631, Chapter B, "Future Internal Inspection Requirements for Lined Tanks";
(ii)American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1631, "Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks"; or
(iii)Ken Wilcox Associates Recommended Practice, "Recommended Practice for Inspecting Buried Lined Steel Tanks Using a Video Camera".
(c) Owners and operators shall permanently close USTs in accordance with the requirements of 20.5.115 NMAC if the internal lining is not performing in accordance with the original design specifications and cannot be repaired in accordance with one of the following codes:
(i)National Fire Protection Association Standard 30, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code";
(ii)American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice RP 2200, "Repairing Hazardous Liquid Pipelines";
(iii)American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice RP 1631, "Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks";
(iv)National Fire Protection Association Standard 326, "Standard for the Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning, or Repair" or;
(v)National Leak Prevention Association Standard 631, Chapter A, "Entry, Cleaning, Interior Inspection, Repair, and Lining of Underground Storage Tanks".
(2) Cathodic protection. USTs upgraded by cathodic protection shall meet the requirements of NMAC and owners and operators must have ensured the integrity of the tank by:
(a) performing internal inspections and assessments to ensure that the tank was structurally sound and free of corrosion holes prior to installing the cathodic protection system; or
(b) if the tank had been installed for less than 10 years, by either having monitored monthly for releases in accordance with 20.5.108 NMAC or by having assessed for corrosion holes by conducting two tightness tests that met the requirements of 20.5.108 NMAC and that were approved in advance by the department. Owners and operators must have conducted the first tightness test prior to installing the cathodic protection system. Owners and operators must have conducted the second tightness test between three and six months following the first operation of the cathodic protection system.
(c) Owners and operators shall use one or more of the following to comply with cathodic protection upgrade requirements:
(i)Steel Tank Institute Recommended Practice R972, "Recommended Practice for the Addition of Supplemental Anodes to STI-P3® USTs" ;
(ii)NACE International Standard Practice SP0285, "External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection"; or
(iii)American Petroleum Institute Publication RP 1632, "Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems".
(3) Internal lining combined with cathodic protection. USTs upgraded by internal lining combined with cathodic protection must have met the following:
(a) the lining was installed in accordance with the current edition of an industry standard or code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory, as follows:
(i)National Leak Prevention Association Standard 631, Chapter B, "Future Internal Inspection Requirements for Lined Tanks";
(ii)American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1631, "Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks";
(iii)National Fire Protection Association Standard 326, "Standard for the Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning, or Repair", or
(iv)National Leak Prevention Association Standard 631, Chapter A, "Entry, Cleaning, Interior Inspection, Repair, and Lining of Underground Storage Tanks"; and
(b) the cathodic protection meets the requirements of NMAC and has complied with one of the following:
(i)Steel Tank Institute Recommended Practice R972, "Recommended Practice for the Addition of Supplemental Anodes to STI-P3®USTs"; or
(ii)NACE International Standard Practice SP0285, "External Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection"; or
(iii)American Petroleum InstitutePublication RP 1632, "Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems".
C. Piping upgrade requirements. Owners and operators shall cathodically protect and upgrade metal piping in existing UST systems that routinely contain regulated substances and are in contact with an electrolyte, such as soil, to meet the requirements of NMAC or NMAC.
D. Spill and overfill prevention equipment. Owners and operators shall comply with the spill and overfill prevention requirements in NMAC. Owners and operators of existing UST systems who installed oil/water separators to meet spill prevention requirements shall discontinue their use in meeting these requirements and shall install new spill prevention equipment that meets the requirements in Subsection F of NMAC no later than three years after the effective date of these regulations.
E. Owners and operators of existing fiberglass reinforced plastic UST systems may install an internal lining in order to address compatibility issues in accordance with Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Institute Recommended Practice T-95-1, "Remanufacturing of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Underground Storage Tanks".

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 14, July 24, 2018, eff. 7/24/2018