N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

The mining plan prepared by the operator for approval by the Director shall set forth the following information:

A. a statement of the operator's name and address and the name and address of the person designated by the operator to receive service;
B. a description of the affected area;
C. the owner of the affected area;
D. the owner of the coal to be mined;
E. an estimate of the acreage to be affected during the operator's first year of the operation; for operators conducting mining operations on February 29, 1972, acreage shall be computed from that date;
F. a topographical map or maps of the area to be affected prepared on a scale suitable to facilitate interpretation showing the following:
(1) an outline and total acreage of the permit area and of the area anticipated to be affected by the mining operations;
(2) the location of any areas within the permit area which were affected prior to February 29, 1972, provided, however, that mining plans submitted for underground permits shall show the location of any areas within the permit area which were affected prior to May 4, 1978;
(3) drainage on and away from the affected area, showing direction and an estimate of the quantity of flow of water in drainways and natural surface water courses and streams (intermittent or flowing) discharging onto and receiving discharge from the affected area in its original character and as it is anticipated to be during mining and following reclamation;
(4) surface topography at an appropriate contour interval;
(5) location of land to become affected area during the first calendar year next succeeding February 29, 1972, in the case of operators conducting mining operations on that date or the location of land to become affected area during the year immediately succeeding the issuance of a permit in the case of operators requiring a permit before commencing operations;
(6) date the map was prepared or updated;
(7) north point; and
(8) name of United States geological survey quandrangle, if any, covering the same area.
G. a diagrammatic sketch comparing the physiographic features of the area prior to mining operations, with a projection of the physiographic features of the affected area after reclamation;
H. the present use of the land to be mined and the surface owner's proposed end use of the affected area including, as may be known, current and planned uses of surrounding land which by proximity may influence or guide the choice of end use in the affected area;
I. a summary of the climatological (including as available temperature ranges on a monthly basis, a statement of the annual rainfall for the preceding ten years in the area to be mined and maximum and minimum annual rainfall, if possible, on a monthly basis), topographical, soil, water, agricultural and wildlife data and other factors that influence the current use of the affected areas and will influence the proposed use of the reclaimed land;
J. an estimate of any water to be stored, diverted or used and any resulting pollutants;
K. a description of the soil types and analyses of the soils in the area to be affected prepared in conformance with professionally accepted standards (National Cooperative Soil Survey's Basic System of Soil Classification);
L. an estimate, on the basis of presently available information, of the range of depths of surface mining operations for which the operator requests the permit;
M. an estimate of the anticipated volume of overburden to be removed and its placement;
N. an estimate of the acreage to be affected on an annual basis;
O. the depth of the topsoil in the affected area before any mining takes place;
P. the efforts which will be made to remove and preserve topsoil prior to mining;
Q. a detailed proposal and time schedule for grading the affected area; the grading schedule shall be set out graphically on a separate copy of the topographical map;
R. a description of the existing vegetation in the area to be affected and a description of the vegetation as it is anticipated to be following reclamation, including a description of the general type or species of plant to be initially utilized in the revegetation procedure, together with estimates of planting times and growths to maturity;
S. a detailed proposal and time schedule for revegetating the affected area;
T. the type and quantity of any organic material or soil conditioner to be introduced in the affected area prior to or during planting;
U. a tentative statement of the operator's present plan with respect to revegetation and reclamation efforts not otherwise set forth in the proposed mining plan;
V. the location where waste materials will be deposited and the period of time for depositing waste materials in a given location prior to grading;
W. any comments which the operator feels may be desirable, including comments on any anticipated reclamation problems; and a statement that the operator shall comply with all of the general performance standards contained in these regulations.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Recompiled 6/4/02