Consistent with the Cultural Properties Act, Section 18-6-11.1 NMSA 1978 and Section 19-1-2.1 NMSA 1978, any information in the custody of the state land office concerning the location of cultural properties, the preservation of which is in the interest of the state of New Mexico, shall remain confidential and not subject to inspection under the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Section 14-2-1 to Section 14-2-12 NMSA 1978 unless the commissioner determines that the dissemination of such information will further the purposes of the Cultural Properties Act and will not create a risk of loss of cultural properties. ENFORCEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION: A. In the event any party becomes aware of actual or threatened damage to cultural properties on state trust lands where that party is conducting project activities or has filed an application to conduct project activities, the party shall immediately notify the state land office, which will then notify the SHPO, and the party shall immediately suspend all project activities in the immediate area of the damage or the threatened cultural property, in consultation with the state land office. Project activities shall remain suspended until the state land office, in consultation with the SHPO and any impacted tribe, approves resumption of those activities, and such approval may be conditioned on the party's adoption of compliance measures relating to project siting, avoidance, or mitigation of impacts to the cultural properties at issue. If human remains are uncovered, project activities within 50 feet shall stop immediately and the party shall notify the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, the state land office and the SHPO pursuant to the Cultural Properties Act, Subsection C of Section 18-6-11.2 NMSA 1978. Subsequent response by local law enforcement is governed by 4.10.11 NMAC.B. In the event a party conducts project activities without first performing a survey or does not comply with any applicable avoidance and mitigation measures established by the survey or contained within the relevant lease, permit, or other instrument, and cultural property is damaged in the process, the party will be required to conduct an archaeological damage assessment at the party's own expense and will be liable for damages as determined by the archaeological damage assessment in the amount equal to the cost of restoration, stabilization, and interpretation of the damaged cultural property. If the party failed to conduct an archaeological survey as required by this rule prior to conducting surface disturbing activity, that party shall undertake such survey after the fact. In addition, the commissioner may recover an amount equal to twice the cost of restoration, stabilization, and interpretation of the damaged cultural property, in accordance with the Cultural Properties Act, Section 18-6-9.2 NMSA 1978.C. All parties that are subject to any provision of and NMAC shall promptly provide to the state land office all records relating to compliance with this part upon request.D. As provided by the Cultural Properties Act, Section 18-6-9.2 NMSA 1978 the commissioner may initiate a civil action against any person violating the Cultural Properties Act on or with respect to state trust lands. This remedy is not exclusive and does not limit the rights or remedies that are otherwise available to the commissioner and the state land office under applicable law, including action against a lease, easement, or other instrument issued by the commissioner.E. The commissioner may refer a criminal violation of the Cultural Properties Act, Sections 18-6-9, 18-6-9.1, and 18-6-9.3 NMSA 1978 to the New Mexico attorney general or to the district attorney in whose district the violation took place.F. The state land office may undertake monitoring and staff training to protect against damage to cultural properties.G. The commissioner will develop instructional materials and forms necessary for the implementation of this rule.N.M. Admin. Code §
Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 18, September 27, 2022, eff. 12/1/2022