The spaceport America director of business development reviews new written requests to use spaceport America facilities in any manner contemplated by this Part and applies the applicable selection guidelines set forth in NMAC. The spaceport America director of business development shall then brief the spaceport America directors on each request and make a recommendation as to each request presented. The NMSA executive director shall review all requests and approve or deny each request. If the NMSA executive director denies a request, the spaceport America director of business development shall notify the requester in writing of the denial and the rationale for the denial. If within 10 business days after the requester gives written notice to the spaceport America director of business development of its desire to appeal the denial, the request will be placed on the agenda for the next NMSA board of directors meeting for consideration and the requester shall have the burden of establishing that the denial was inconsistent with the selection guidelines. The decision of the NMSA board of directors shall be final and may not be appealed, except as otherwise permitted by law.
N.M. Admin. Code §