Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - REFERENCE LISTA. New Mexico state statutes and traffic laws, as amended.B. The current editions, as amended, of the following NMDOT manuals, standards, and policies: (1) State access management manual.(2) Standard specifications for road and bridge construction.(3) State transportation commission policies.(4) Standard drawing serials and designated drawings.(5) Drainage manual, volume I - hydrology, volume II - sedimentation and erosion, and drainage design criteria (administrative memorandum 221), latest editions.(6) New Mexico state traffic monitoring standards.(7) Railroads and utilities manual.(10) Location study procedures, a guidebook for alignment and corridor studies.C. A policy on geometric design of highways and streets, American association of state highway and transportation officials, latest edition.D. Manual on uniform traffic control devices for streets and highways, U.S. department of transportation, federal highway administration, latest edition.E. Highway capacity manual, transportation research board, national research council, latest edition.F. Trip generation, institute of transportation engineers, latest edition.G. Roadside design guide, American association of state highway and transportation officials, latest edition.H. Manual of transportation engineering studies, institute of transportation engineers.I. A guide for erecting mailboxes on highways, American association of state highway and transportation officials.J. Americans with Disabilities Act, accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities (PROWAG), architectural and transportation barriers compliance board, as amended; 36 CFR Part 1191.K. Traffic engineering handbook, current edition, institute of transportation engineers.L. Access management guidelines for activity centers, NCHRP 348.M. Manual of traffic signal design, second edition, institute of transportation engineers.N. Traffic access and impact studies for site development, institute of transportation engineers.O. Guide for the development of bicycle facilities, American association of state highway and transportation officials, 3rd edition.P. Transportation and land development, institute of transportation engineers.Q. An informational guide for roadway lighting, American association of state highway and transportation officials.R. Web sites (note: web addresses may change without notice):(1) New Mexico department of transportation: Federal highway administration: Institute of transportation engineers: Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 18 NMAC 31.6.9, 10/15/2001, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 12, June 27, 2017, eff. 6/27/2017