N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A.Safety helmets: All OHV operators and passengers under the age of 18 shall wear safety helmets that comply with the safety standards of Title 49 Transportation, Chapter V - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, Part 571-Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Subpart B-Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Standard No. 218, Motorcycle helmets of the Code of Federal Regulations ( 49CFR 571.218); or with the safety standards of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation 22.05, or their superseding standards. A decal exhibiting the symbol DOT in conformance with 49CFR 571.218, or the symbol ECE22.05 in conformance with ECE Regulation 22, permanently affixed to a safety helmet shall constitute prima facie evidence of compliance with this standard.
B.Eye protection: All OHV operators and passengers under the age of 18 shall wear eye protection that meets or exceeds the Vehicle Equipment Safety Standards Regulations VESC-8 (Minimum Requirements for Motorcycles, Eye Protection Section 11-1306(e) or the American national standards institute (ANSI) Standard Z87.1 and more generally known as safety glasses, safety goggles, or a face shield. Additionally, the protective eyewear must be free of scratches and fastened securely in the manner that the eyewear's manufacturer prescribes.
C.Age-appropriate size-fit standards for ATVs: Standards governing the relationship between the engine size (displacement measured in cubic centimeters, or cc.) of an ATV and the minimum age an operator must attain before operating an ATV of that engine size, combined with objective measurements of how a rider physically fits on an ATV and can operate basic controls, are called "age-appropriate size-fit standards" and include, but are not limited to:
(1) No person less than six years of age shall operate an ATV on public land.
(2) Operators less than 10 years of age shall not operate an ATV with an engine size larger than 110 cubic centimeters and shall comply with the physical fit standards set forth below in Subsection D of this section.
(3) Operators from 10 through 15 years of age shall not operate an ATV with an engine size larger than 250 cubic centimeters and shall comply with the physical fit standards set forth below in Subsection D of this section.
(4) Notwithstanding Paragraph (3) of this subsection, operators who are 14 or 15 years of age and who possess a valid driver's license may operate an ATV with an engine size not larger than 450 cubic centimeters.
(5) Operators at least 16 years of age and less than 18 may operate an ATV with an engine size larger than 250 cubic centimeters and shall comply with the physical fit standards set forth below in Subsection D of this section.
D.Physically-appropriate size-fit standards for ATVs: Unless the relationship between an operator and the ATV being operated complies with the following standards, it is a violation of the age-appropriate size-fit standards of these rules, regardless of whether the operator is in compliance with the engine size standards set forth above in Subsection C preceding this section.
(1) Seat clearance when standing: The minimum clearance between the ATV seat and the operator's inseam while standing on the operator's foot rests should be three inches. The intent for requiring minimum clearance is two-fold: first, to permit the rider to stand up and absorb shocks through the legs while traversing rough terrain; second, to minimize the possibility of the rider being struck by the seat and catapulted over the handle bars.
(2) Upper leg position when seated: The upper portion of the operator's leg, roughly from the top of the knee to the hip, should be approximately horizontal when seated. Minor departures a little above or below the horizontal are not violations of this standard, but gross departures (knees visibly significantly below or above the hips) shall warrant further inquiry and may constitute a violation of this standard. Knees that are significantly above the hips and which contact the handlebars in either direction when they are turned constitute a violation of this standard.
(3) Foot reach: With the boot or shoe placed in the proper position upon the foot rest or on the running board, the toe should be able to operate the foot brake (on an ATV so equipped) with a simple downward rotation of the foot. The rider should be able to operate the brakes consistently with no impairment of full range of motion. The same standard applies to the operator's boot or shoe and the foot-operated shift lever (on an ATV so equipped).
(4) Handlebar grip reach: With the rider in the normal seated position (not leaning forward) and the hands on the handlebar grips, the elbows should have a distinct angle between the upper arm and the forearm. If the operator's posture is such that the operator's arms present a straight line from wrist to shoulder, then the operator's ability to maintain directional control of the ATV is compromised, particularly in rough terrain.
(5) Throttle and engine stop switch: With the hands in the normal operating position and the handlebars turned fully either left or right, the operator must be able to operate the throttle and engine stop switch.
(6) Hand-brake lever or clutch lever reach: With the hands in the normal operating position and the handlebars turned fully either left or right the first joint (from the tip) of at least one finger should be able to extend beyond the hand-brake levers (or clutch lever on an ATV so equipped) and fully operate the hand levers. If not, the hands are too small to grasp the levers effectively.
E.Age-appropriate size-fit standards for ROVs and ROV youth models: Standards governing the relationship between the engine size (displacement measured in cubic centimeters, or cc.) of an ROV or ROV youth model and the minimum age an operator must attain before operating an ROV or ROV youth model of that engine size, combined with objective measurements of how a rider physically fits in an ROV or ROV youth model and can operate basic controls, are called "age-appropriate size-fit standards" and include, but are not limited to:
(1) No person under six years of age shall operate an ROV or ROV youth model on public land.
(2) Operators at least six and less than 10 years of age shall not operate an ROV or ROV youth model with an engine size larger than 200 cubic centimeters and shall comply with the physical fit standards set forth below in Subsection F of this section.
(3) Operators at least 10 years of age and less than 18 years of age shall comply with the physical fit standards set forth below in Subsection F of this section
F.Physical-appropriate size-fit standards for ROVs and youth-model ROVs: Unless the relationship between an operator and the ROV or ROV youth model being operated complies with the following standards, it is a violation of the age-appropriate size-fit standards of these rules, regardless of whether the operator is in compliance with the engine size standards set forth above in Subsection E of this section.
(1) The operator shall be able to reach and fully operate the pedals with the operator's back flat against the driver's seat and with the operator's seatbelt properly fastened.
(2) The operator shall be able to reach the steering wheel and turn the wheel fully in both directions with arms slightly bent while keeping the operator's back flat against the driver's seat with the operator's seatbelt properly fastened.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5-28-10; A, 12-30-11, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVII, Issue 19, October 14, 2016, eff. 10/14/2016, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 12, June 27, 2017, eff. 6/27/2017