N.M. Admin. Code § 17.9.568.7

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section 17.9.568.7 - DEFINITIONS

Terms used in rule 17.9.568 NMAC shall have the following meanings:

A.Definitions beginning with "A":
(1)Applicant means a person or an entity that has filed an application to interconnect a generating facility to an electric power system. An applicant may include:
(a) A customer who applies for interconnection of a generating facility that will offset part or all of the load of a utility customer, the applicant is that customer, whether the customer owns the generating facility or a third party owns the generating facility.
(b) An owner of a generating facility that applies for interconnection of a generating facility that sells electric power to a utility.
(c) A subscriber organization as defined by the Community Solar Act, Subsection M. of Section 62-16B-2 NMSA 1978.
(2)Area network means a section of an electric power system served by multiple transformers interconnected in an electrical network circuit, generally used in large, densely populated metropolitan areas, to provide high reliability of service. Area network has the same meaning as the term "grid network" as defined in IEEE Std 1547.6TT. An area network is also referred to as a grid network or a street network.
(3)Auxiliary load means electrical power consumed by any equipment necessary to operate the generator or energy storage system. This is intended for in-front-of-the-meter systems.
B.Definitions beginning with "B": Business day means Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by the utility.
C.Definitions beginning with "C":
(1)Certified means equipment has been tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of IEEE Std 1547TT-2018 and IEEE Std 1547.1TT-2020 by any nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) recognized by the United States occupational safety and health administration to test and certify equipment pursuant to the applicable standard and the equipment has been labeled and is publicly listed by such NRTL at the time of the interconnection application. Equipment installed prior to March 28, 2023 will also be considered certified if it has been tested in accordance with IEEE Std 1547TT-2003 and 1547.1TT-2005.
(2)Customer options meeting means a meeting designed to review the status of the interconnection application initial review results, or to determine next steps needed to permit safe and reliable interconnection.
D.Definitions beginning with "D":
(1)Detailed study process means the procedure for evaluating an interconnection application that may include a scoping meeting, feasibility study, system impact study, or facilities study as described in 17.9.568.18 NMAC.
(2)Distributed energy resource (DER) means the equipment used by an interconnection customer to generate or store electricity that operates in parallel with the electric distribution system. DER may include, but is not limited to: an electric generator or energy storage system, a prime mover, or combination of technologies capable of injecting power and energy into the electric distribution system, which also includes the interconnection equipment necessary to safely interconnect with the distribution system. DER may not always be interconnected with the bulk power system. DERs may include distributed generation (DG) resources, distributed energy storage, demand response energy efficiency, and electric vehicles and chargers that are connected to the electric distribution power grid. DERs may be capable of exporting active power to an electric power system (EPS). The DER includes the customer's interconnection facilities but shall not include the area EPS operator's interconnection facilities.
(3)Distribution service means delivering energy over the electric power system pursuant to the approved tariffs of the utility other than services directly related to the interconnection of a generating facility under these interconnection procedures.
(4)Distribution system means the utility's facilities and equipment used to transmit electricity to ultimate usage points, known as premises, directly from nearby generators or from interchanges with higher voltage transmission networks which transport bulk power over longer distances. The voltage levels at which distribution systems operate differ among areas.
(5)Distribution upgrade means the additions, modifications, and upgrades to the utility's distribution system at or beyond the point of common coupling to facilitate interconnection of the generating facility and render the service necessary to effect the interconnection customer's operation of on-site generation. Distribution upgrades do not include interconnection facilities.
E.Definitions beginning with "E":
(1)Electric power system (EPS) means the equipment operated and maintained by a utility (may include: independent system operators, transmission owner/operator, vertically integrated utilities, electric cooperatives, municipals, and distribution companies) to deliver electric service to end-users, including transmission and distribution lines, substations, transformers, spot networks and area networks.
(2)Energy storage system (ESS) means any commercially available, customer-sited system or utility-sited system, including batteries and batteries paired with on-site generation, that is capable of retaining, storing, and delivering electrical energy by chemical, thermal, mechanical, or other means. For the purposes of this rule, an energy storage system can be considered part of a DER or a DER in whole that operates in parallel with the distribution system.
(3)Export capacity means the amount of power that can be transferred from the generating facility to the distribution system. Export capacity is either the nameplate rating, or a lower amount if limited using and acceptable means identified in 17.9.568.12 NMAC.
F.Definitions beginning with "F":
(1)Facilities study means a study that specifies and estimates the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement, and construction work needed to implement the conclusions of the system impact study.
(2)Fast Track means the process for evaluating an interconnection application utilizing established screens as described in 17.9.568.16 NMAC.
(3)Fault current means the current produced during a short circuit on the electric power system measured in amperes.
(4)Feasibility study means a preliminary technical assessment of the proposed interconnection that identifies any potential adverse system impacts that would result from the interconnection of the generating facility.
G.Definitions beginning with "G":
(1)Generating facility means the equipment used by an interconnection customer to generate, store, manage, interconnect and monitor electricity. A generating facility includes the interconnection equipment required to safely interconnect the facility with the distribution system. DERs are generating facilities.
(2)Grid network Grid network is also commonly referred to as area network or street network. For definition, refer to "Area Network".
H.Definitions beginning with "H": Host load means the electrical power, less the DER auxiliary load, consumed by the customer at the location where the generating facility is connected.
I.Definitions beginning with "I":
(1)IEEE means the institute of electrical and electronic engineers.
(2)IEEE standards means the standards published by the IEEE, often in collaboration with American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), UL, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), CIGRE, and National Fire Protection Institute (NFPA), available at www.ieee.org.
(3)Inadvertent export means the unscheduled export of active power from a generating facility, exceeding a specified magnitude and for a limited duration generally due to fluctuations in load-following behavior.
(4)Interconnection agreement means a standard form agreement between an interconnection customer and a utility that governs the interconnection of a generating facility to a utility's electric delivery system, as well as the ongoing operation of the generating facility after it is interconnected.
(5)Interconnection application means the request by an interconnection customer to interconnect a new generating facility, increase the capacity or make a material modification to the operating characteristics of an existing generating facility that is interconnected with the utility's electric power system.
(6)Interconnection customer means any person who proposes to interconnect a generating facility with the utility's system.
(7)Interconnection facilities means the utility's interconnection facilities and the interconnection customer's interconnection facilities. Collectively, interconnection facilities include all facilities and equipment between the generating facility and the point of common coupling, including any modification, additions or upgrades that are necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the generating facility to the utility's electric power system in a safe and reliable manner. Interconnection facilities are sole use facilities and shall not include distribution upgrades.
(8)Interconnection upgrade cost sharing means the allocation of distribution upgrade costs among multiple generator facility projects that utilize the hosting capacity created by a distribution upgrade.
(9)Interconnection procedures means the procedures specified in 17.9.568.12 NMAC through 17.9.568.23 NMAC.
J.Definitions beginning with "J": [RESERVED]
K.Definitions beginning with "K": [RESERVED]
L.Definitions beginning with "L":
(1)Limited export means the exporting capability of a DER whose generating capacity is limited by the use of any configuration or operating mode described in 17.9.568.12 NMAC.
(2)Line section means that portion of a utility's electric power system connected to a customer that is bounded by automatic sectionalizing devices or the end of the distribution line.
M.Definitions beginning with "M":
(1)Material modification means a modification to machine data, equipment configuration or to the interconnection site of the DER at any time after receiving notification by the utility of a complete interconnection application that has a material impact on the cost, timing, or design of any interconnection facilities or distribution upgrades, or a material impact on the cost, timing, or design of any interconnection application with a later queue priority date or material impact on the safety or reliability of the electric power system. A change to the point of interconnection would require either a new interconnection application or a change in queue position. A material modification does not include, for example;
(a) a change of ownership of a generating facility:
(b) a change or replacement of generating equipment that is a like-kind substitution in size, ratings, impedances, efficiencies, or capabilities of the equipment specified in the original interconnection application; or
(c) a reduction in the output of the generating facility of ten percent or less. Replacement of existing inverters with new inverters that conform to new standards after March 28, 2023, will not be considered a material modification, so long as the generating facilities output or export status does not change as a result.
(2)Minimum load means the lowest measured circuit/substation load regardless of time of day.
(3)Minor modification means any modification to a utility's electric power system that involves limited work or low costs. Minor modifications include, but are not limited to, activities like changing the fuse in a fuse holder cut-out or changing the settings on a circuit recloser.
N.Definitions beginning with "N":
(1)Nameplate rating means the sum total of maximum rated power output of a DER's constituent generating units or ESS, as identified on the manufacturer's nameplate, regardless of whether it is limited by any approved means.
(2)Network system means a collection of secondary networks, or combinations of such networks on a primary network feeder or primary network feeders that supply them. This may also consist of primary feeders networked to supply connected loads.
(3)Network transformer means a transformer designed for use in a vault to feed a variable capacity system of interconnected secondaries.
(4)Non-export or non-exporting means when the DER is sized and designed using any of the methods described in 17.9.568.12 NMAC, such that the output is used for host load only and no electrical energy (except for any inadvertent export) is transferred from the generating facility to the distribution system.
O.Definitions beginning with "O": Operating mode means the mode of DER operational characteristics that determines the performance during normal and abnormal conditions. For example, an operating modes can include "export only," "import only," and "no exchange."
P.Definitions beginning with "P":
(1)Parallel Operation means the simultaneous operation of a generating facility with power delivered or received by the electric power system while interconnected. Parallel operation includes only those generating facilities that are interconnected with the electric power system for more than 60 cycles (one second).
(2)Parties means the applicant and the utility in a particular interconnection agreement. "Either party" refers to either the applicant or the utility.
(3)Person means, for purposes of this rule, an individual, firm, partnership, company, rural electric cooperative organized under Laws 1937, Chapter 100 or the rural electric cooperative act, corporation or lessee, trustee or receiver appointed by any court.
(4)Point of interconnection means the point where the interconnection facilities connect with the electric distribution system. Point of interconnection has the same meaning as the term "point of common coupling" as defined in IEEE 1547-2018.
(5)Power control system (PCS) means systems or devices which electronically limit or control steady state currents to a programmable limit.
(6)Primary network feeder means a feeder that supplies energy to a network system or the combination of a network system and other radial loads. Dedicated primary network feeders are feeders that supply only network transformers for the secondary network
(7)Power conversion unit (PCU) means an inverter or AC generator, not including the energy source.
(8)Premise means a piece of land or real estate including buildings and other appurtenances thereon.
(9)Protective function means the equipment, hardware, or software in a generating facility (whether discrete or integrated with other functions) for the purpose of protecting against conditions that, if left uncorrected, could result in harm to personnel, damage to equipment, loss of safety or reliability, or operation outside pre-established parameters required by the interconnection agreement.
Q.Definitions beginning with "Q.": [RESERVED]
R.Definitions beginning with "R":
(1)Rated capacity means the total AC nameplate rating of the power conversion unit(s) at the point of common coupling.
(2)Reference point of applicability (RPA) means the location where the interconnection and interoperability performance requirements, as specified by IEEE 1547-2018, apply.
(3)Relevant minimum load means the lowest measured circuit or substation load coincident with the generating facility's production. For solar-only facilities this shall be the daytime minimum load.
S.Definitions beginning with "S":
(1)Secondary network means an AC distribution system where the secondaries of the distribution transformers are connected to a common network for supplying electricity directly to consumers.
(2)Simplified process means the procedure for evaluating an interconnection application for a small certified inverter-based DER described in 17.9.568.15 NMAC.
(3)Small utility means a utility that serves fewer than 50,000 customers.
(4)Supplemental review means additional engineering evaluation to determine if a generating facility can be interconnected following the (simplified or fast track) process without the need for detailed study as described in 7.9.568.17 NMAC.
(5)System emergency means a condition on a utility system that is likely to result in imminent significant disruption of service to customers or is imminently likely to endanger life or property.
(6)System impact study means a study that identifies and details the electric system impacts that would result if the proposed generating facility were interconnected without project modifications or electric system modifications, focusing on the adverse system impacts preliminarily identified in the feasibility study (if conducted), or to study potential impacts, including but not limited to those identified in the scoping meeting. A system impact study shall evaluate the impact of the proposed interconnection on the safety and reliability of the electric power system.
T.Definitions beginning with "T": Technical Interconnection and Interoperability Requirements (TIIR) documents are public documents, often utility specific, which include requirements for interconnection, interoperability, capabilities, and their utilization (settings), and grid integration (e.g., protection coordination, telemetry).
U.Definitions beginning with "U":
(1)UL means the company by that name which has established technical standards for safe operations of electrical devices, previously known as underwriter's laboratory.
(2)UL 1741 CRD for PCS means the certification requirement decision for power control systems for the standard titled "inverters, converters, controllers and interconnection system equipment for use with distributed energy resources". (March 8, 2019), Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook IL 60062-2096.
(3)Unintentional island means an unplanned island per IEEE 1547-2018.
(4)Utility means a utility or public utility, as defined in Subsection G of Section 62-3-3 NMSA 1978, serving electric customers subject to the jurisdiction of the commission.
V.Definitions beginning with "V": [RESERVED]
W.Definitions beginning with "W": [RESERVED]
X.Definitions beginning with "X": [RESERVED]
Y.Definitions beginning with "Y": [RESERVED]
Z.Definitions beginning with "Z": [RESERVED]

N.M. Admin. Code § 17.9.568.7

17.9.568.7 NMAC - N, 10/15/08, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIV, Issue 03, February 14, 2023, eff. 2/14/2023