If for the calendar year 2000 as filed in the statistical statement, or following any even calendar year thereafter, the combined loss ratios of all insurers writing credit accident and health insurance, individual or group, does not equal or exceed ninety percent of the loss ratio stated in Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of NMAC then the credit accident and health insurance premiums as stated in Subsections A and B of NMAC, Subparagraphs (a) and (b) of Paragraph (1) Subsection D of NMAC and Subparagraphs (a) and (b) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection D of NMAC or as subsequently adjusted by this section shall be reduced by ten percent with the results rounded to the higher whole cent and shall be effective at the beginning of the next calendar year as the prima facie rate.
N.M. Admin. Code §