N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - BYLAWS The local board must establish bylaws that include, at a minimum, the following sections:
A. Establishment. Acknowledge that the local board is established in accordance with WIOA section 107;B. Name. Identify the name of the local board.C. Purpose. Acknowledge the establishment of the local board consistent with WIOA sections 107;D. Duties and responsibilities. Acknowledge the duties and responsibilities as outlined in WIOA and in the partnership agreement between the CEOs and the local board.E. Membership. Include a description of membership as outlined in WIOA section 107 and in the CEO agreement, as required by this rule.F. Local board chair election. Describe the process used to elect a local board chair, including term details.G. Election of officers. Outline officer positions, the process used to elect officers, officer terms, removal of officers, and specific officer roles and responsibilities.H. Meetings. (1) Information on how often local board and committee meetings will be held.(2) Acknowledgement of open meeting requirements and compliance.(3) Description of the process of announcing regular and special meetings.(4) Acknowledgement that a quorum shall consist of at least a simple majority of the currently appointed membership.(5) Clarification as to whether phone and web-based meetings will be permitted.I. Delegation of local board duties. Acknowledge that local board members will not be permitted to delegate any local board duties to proxies or alternates.J. Committees. Include a list of standing committees including the descriptions for each and composition, and description of the process for having ad hoc committees.K. Conflict of interest. Acknowledge that local board members shall adhere to the following in regard to conflict of interest:(1) A local board member may not vote on any matter that would provide direct financial benefit to the member or the member's immediate family, or on matters of the provision of services by the member or the entity the member represents.(2) A local board member shall avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Prior to taking office, local board members shall provide to the local board chair a written declaration of all substantial business interests or relationships they, or their immediate families, have with all businesses or organizations that have received, currently receive, or are likely to receive contracts or funding from the local board. Such declarations shall be updated annually or within 30 days to reflect any changes in such business interests or relationships. The local board shall appoint an individual to timely review the disclosure information and advise the local board chair and appropriate members of potential conflicts.(3) Prior to a discussion, vote, or decision on any matter before a local board, if a member, or a person in the immediate family of such member, has a substantial interest in or relationship to a business entity, organization, or property that would be affected by any official local board action, the member shall disclose the nature and extent of the interest or relationship and shall abstain from discussion and voting on or in any other way participating in the decision on the matter. All abstentions shall be recorded in the minutes of the local board meeting and be maintained as part of the official record.(4) It is the responsibility of the local board members to monitor potential conflict of interest and bring it to the local board's attention in the event a member does not make a self-declaration.(5) In order to avoid a conflict of interest, a local board shall ensure that the local board's workforce service providers shall not employ or otherwise compensate a current or former local board member or local board employee who was employed or compensated by the local board or its administrative entity, fiscal agent, or grant recipient anytime during the previous 12 months.(6) Local board members or their organizations may receive services as a customer of a local workforce service provider or workforce system partner. To avoid conflict of interest, a local board shall ensure that the local board, its members, or its administrative staff do not directly control the daily activities of its workforce service providers, workforce system partners or contractors.L. Compensation and reimbursement of expenses. A description of the policy on compensating local board members and reimbursing expenses shall be included.M. Amendment. Include a description of the process for amending the bylaws.N. Compliance with law. (1) Acknowledgement stating, in execution of its business, the local board shall comply with all applicable New Mexico statutes and regulations including, but not limited to, the state Procurement Code, the state Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1978 Compilation, and the state Mileage and Per Diem Act.(2) Acknowledgement stating, in execution of its business, the local board shall comply with WIOA and related regulations as well as state policies and directives.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 8-15-2012, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 11, June 12, 2018, eff. 7/1/2018