The RFP competitive sealed proposal process is authorized to give using agencies flexibility to achieve the best overall value from a procurement contract. This is accomplished by permitting consideration of certain contractor qualification and performance factors that add value to a procurement contract, such as contractor past performance, technical expertise and experience, management capabilities and resources, subcontractor teams and craft personnel resources. It can also be achieved by permitting consideration of other technical or non-price factors that add value to a procurement contract, including schedule or contract warranty. Due to the inherently complex nature of most construction contracts and contracts for facility maintenance, service and repairs, the procurement of these services can often be accomplished more effectively through competitive sealed proposals, rather than competitive sealed bids, since the latter process essentially makes price the sole determining factor. When the competitive sealed proposal process is used, however, it is critical that appropriate procedures, criteria and information-gathering techniques be utilized to ensure that the RFP process works efficiently and fairly and achieves optimal results. The following sections are designed to assist using agencies in meeting these goals.
N.M. Admin. Code §