N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Two-part proposal submissions. In addition to any requirements imposed by NMAC through NMAC, or otherwise specified in the request for proposal document, RFPs issued under this rule shall instruct offers to submit two-part, two-volume written proposals. Each volume shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope or package and offerors shall be instructed to clearly label each volume with their name, address and date of submittal and prominently identify each as: volume I: technical proposal and volume II: price proposal.
B. Restrictions regarding opening of proposals. Price proposals shall remain sealed until the using agency has completed its evaluation of the technical proposals for all offerors and has prepared final technical scores as required by this rule.
C. Representations in RFP process. All RFP documents executed in connection with an RFP issued pursuant to this rule shall contain an acknowledgement and certification section with the following provisions.
(1) All RFP documents shall be signed by a director, officer or manager of the submitting firm who has sufficient knowledge to fully address all matters and respond to all inquiries included in RFP documents.
(2) The submitting firm shall represent that the information provided in the RFP documents is truthful, accurate and complete and that the firm and individual responsible for the submission shall be fully responsible for and bound by all information, data, certifications, disclosures and attachments included in the RFP documents.
(3) The submitting firm further understands:
(a) the information and data provided in connection with the RFP documents, as well as any other relevant information obtained from any other sources regarding the firm, may be reviewed to determine whether it qualifies as a responsible contractor pursuant to NMAC and whether its offer represents the best value to using agency;
(b) a firm's failure to meet responsibility standards or provide requested information may render it ineligible to perform work on the prospective procurement contract;
(c) the submitting firm acknowledges its obligation to carefully review and complete, and, when applicable, update the RFP documents;
(d) the omission of any material fact concerning requested or submitted information, or the submission of any material false or misleading statement, or misrepresentation of a material fact concerning any requested or submitted information, may lead to the disqualification of the proposal.
(4) The submitting firm agrees that if it is awarded the contract, the RFP documents, and all terms and conditions specified therein, and all information, data, certifications and disclosures included in the RFP documents, shall be incorporated into the contract.
(5) The submitting firm further understands that if is determined that it has intentionally or recklessly failed to disclose requested information, or has intentionally or recklessly made a false statement, misrepresentation, or omission regarding a material fact relating to the RFP documents, the firm may be declared in default of contract and any such conduct shall provide the using agency with grounds to terminate the contract and/or withhold full or partial payment and/or impose any sanctions or penalties, as deemed appropriate and available under New Mexico law.
D. Contractor/Subcontractor Qualification Statements. A general contractor or other prime contractor submitting a proposal pursuant to an RFP issued under 1.4.8 NMAC shall be required to submit as part of its technical proposal a certified contractor qualification statement and certified subcontractor qualification statements in accordance with the requirements of NMAC.
(1) Use of Qualification Statements. Contractor and subcontractor qualification statements shall be submitted on forms prepared by the general services department or the using agency. Information provided in these statements shall be considered by the using agency for evaluating and scoring contractors and subcontractors on technical proposals required under this rule. These statements shall also be considered in determining whether a contractor or subcontractor is a responsible contractor for purposes of NMAC. RFPs should inform contractors and subcontractors, however, that in making such evaluations and determinations, the using agency is not restricted to the minimum information required for disclosure qualification statements and that any relevant information regarding performance from reliable sources may be considered.
(2) Subcontractor Qualification Statements. Subcontractor qualification statements shall be required for all subcontractors identified in the technical proposal pursuant to the subcontractor listing requirements NMAC, where the value of the subcontract is fifty-thousand ($50,000) or five percent, whichever is greater. A using agency may reserve the right to require subcontractor qualification statements from any other subcontractors, at whatever tier and regardless of the value of the subcontract.
(3) Minimum Information Required. Contractor and subcontractor qualification statements required pursuant to Subsection D of NMAC shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
(a) a list of all projects the firm has performed work on in the five (5) years immediately preceding the submission of its proposal that are similar in size and scope, as specified by the using agency in the RFP, to the prospective procurement project; in the event that an offeror or a pre-listed subcontractor is a new business and does not have a performance record sufficient to evaluate the firm's past performance, the using agency may consider the past performance of the firm's officers, management and owners or partners;
(b) copies of any types of performance evaluations reports for the past five (5) years prepared in connection with the work identified in Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (3) of Subsection D of NMAC;
(c) the following representations, regarding the firm's present capabilities to perform the procurement contract and its prior history for the past three (3) years immediately preceding the date of this statement:
(i) the firm has a current contractor registration, as required by Section 13-4-13.1 NMSA 2004;
(ii) the firm has all applicable business and/or contractor licenses required by state or local law;
(iii) the firm possesses the necessary equipment, financial resources, technical resources, management, professional and craft personnel resources and other required capabilities to successfully perform the contract, or will achieve same through its prelisted subcontractors;
(iv) the firm has not had any business, trade or contracting license suspended or revoked;
(v) the firm has not been debarred by any government agency;
(vi) the firm has not defaulted on any project;
(vii) the firm has not committed willful or repeated violations of federal or state wage laws as determined by a final non-appealable decision of a court or government agency;
(viii) the firm has not committed serious or willful violations of federal or state safety laws as determined by a final non-appealable decision of a court or government agency;
(ix) disclosure by the firm of the following most recently available safety data: experience modification ratings; total lost workday incident rates (calculated by the number of lost time injuries and illnesses x 200,000 ÷ total hours worked); and recordable incident rates (calculated by the number of injuries x 200,000 ÷ total hours worked).
(4) Additional Performance Related Information. Using agencies may also require additional relevant information relating to a firm's past performance or present capability to perform the procurement contract. The extent of detail of such information may vary with the size and complexity of the project. Using agencies may require that additional information required from contractors and subcontractors be included in contractor and subcontractor qualification statements, or in other sections of the offeror's technical proposal. Types of additional information using agencies may wish to consider include, but are not limited to:
(a) information regarding the firm's financial status and financial resources;
(b) bonding information, including affirmative letters of bonding from certified bonding companies;
(c) past incidents involving denials of pre-qualification or findings of non-responsibility;
(d) past incidents of law violations in any area relating to contracting, including violations of environmental laws, antitrust laws, licensing laws;
(e) outstanding tax delinquencies to the state of New Mexico or its political subdivisions;
(f) disclosure of the names of any corporations, partnerships or other business entities the firm or its owners or officers have owned or operated in the past five (5) years;
(g) disclosure of the following information with regard to all projects identified in response to Subsection D (3)(a) of NMAC:
(i) the original bid or proposal price of the projects and the final price of the projects and a brief explanation of cost growth, if any, for such projects;
(ii) the originally scheduled completion date of the projects and the final completion dates of the projects and a brief explanation of schedule growth, if any, for such projects;
(iii) a list of any contract claims or cases in litigation or arbitration concerning the projects, a brief description of the reasons for such disputes and status of such cases.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 09-30-05