N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Modification or withdrawal of proposals: Proposals may be modified or withdrawn as provided in NMAC of this rule.
B. Mistakes discovered after receipt of proposals: This subsection sets forth procedures to be applied in several situations in which mistakes in proposals are discovered after receipt of proposals.
(1) Confirmation of proposal. When the procurement officer or procurement manager knows or has reason to conclude before award that a mistake has been made, the procurement officer or procurement manager should request the offeror to confirm the proposal. If the offeror alleges mistake, the proposal may be corrected or withdrawn during any discussions that are held or if the conditions set forth in Subsection C of this section are met.
(2) During negotiations. If best and final offers are requested in the RFP, between the period of selecting short-listed/finalist offerors and the date set for best and final offers, any short-listed or finalist offeror may freely correct any mistake by modifying or withdrawing the proposal until the time and date set for receipt of best and final offers.
C. Technical irregularities: Technical irregularities are matters of form rather than substance evident from the proposal document, or insignificant mistakes that can be waived or corrected without prejudice to other offerors; that is, when there is no effect on price, quality or quantity. If discussions are not held or if best and final offers upon which award will be made have been received, the procurement officer or procurement manager may waive such irregularities or allow an offeror to correct them if either is in the best interest of the state. Examples include, but are not limited to, the failure of an offeror to:
(1) return the number of signed proposals required by the RFP;
(2) sign the appropriate forms where called for, but only if the unsigned forms are accompanied by other material indicating the offeror's intent to be bound; or
(3) acknowledge receipt of an amendment to the RFP, but only if:
(a) it is clear from the proposal that the offeror received the amendment and intended to be bound by its terms; or
(b) the amendment involved had no effect on price, quality or quantity.
D. Correction of mistakes: If discussions are not held, or if the best and final offers upon which award will be made have been received, mistakes shall be corrected to the intended correct offer whenever the mistake and the intended correct offer are clearly evident to the evaluation committee members or the procurement officer or the procurement manager on the face of the proposal, in which event the proposal may not be withdrawn.
E. Withdrawal of proposals: If discussions are not held, or if the best and final offers upon which award will be made have been received, an offeror alleging a material mistake of fact which makes a proposal non-responsive may be permitted to withdraw the proposal if:
(1) the mistake is clearly evident to the evaluation committee members or the procurement officer or the procurement manager on the face of the proposal but the intended correct offer of the offeror is not; or
(2) the offeror submits evidence which clearly and convincingly demonstrates that a mistake was made.
F. Determination required: When a proposal is corrected or withdrawn, or correction or withdrawal is denied under Subsections C through E of this section, the procurement officer or procurement manager shall prepare a written determination showing that the relief was granted or denied in accordance with this section.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 08-30-13, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 12, June 21, 2022, eff. 6/21/2022