N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A."Voter registration organization" means one or more persons organized as a group that are engaged in voter registration activities and includes, but is not limited to, political parties, candidate committees, political action committees, political advertising campaigns, campaign committees and non-partisan interest groups.
B. "Registrant" means a qualified elector who has completed and subscribed a new or existing certificate of voter registration.
C."Registration agent" means a state, county or federal employee who provides voter registration at a state agency (a/k/a registration officer), or tribal registration officer, or any other individual who assists another person in completion of a voter registration application.
D. "Third-party registration agent" means any individual who solicits and provides substantive assistance to another person (who is not his or her family member) in the completion of a certificate of voter registration on behalf of a voter registration organization that is not a state, county or federal agency.
E."Assist" or "assistance" means taking physical possession of a certificate of voter registration completed by a registrant. An individual who engages in conduct intentionally designed to either disenfranchise a potential or current voter or defraud the state of New Mexico through the voter registration process shall be deemed to have assisted a voter.
F."Voter's receipt" means the receipt for the certificate of voter registration, provided to the voter by a third-party registration agent.
G."A person having decision-making authority involving the organization's voter registration activities" means a person who organizes or directs voter registration drives.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 8-15-2005; A/E, 9-21-2010