N.J. Admin. Code § Executive Order No. 28 (2018)
Mandate to Convene the Energy Master Plan Committee
Issued: May 23, 2018.
Effective: May 23, 2018.
WHEREAS, the international scientific and political communities have widely accepted that human activity is the main driver of global climate change and its corresponding deleterious impacts on our natural environment; and
WHEREAS, traditional methods of energy production that rely on the burning of fossil fuels release harmful emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which in turn contribute to global climate change; and
WHEREAS, in order to curtail the serious impacts of global climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, New Jersey must shift away from its reliance on fossil fuels as a primary energy source and turn to clean energy sources; and
WHEREAS, my administration has already taken several steps to move New Jersey in this direction, including Executive Order No. 7 (2018), which directed New Jersey to begin the process of re-entering the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and Executive Order No. 8 (2018), which emphasized the vital importance of offshore wind energy to the State of New Jersey; and
WHEREAS, by law, N.J.S.A. 52:27F-14, et seq., the State of New Jersey, through the Energy Master Plan Committee, is required to prepare an Energy Master Plan and revise and update that plan at least once every three (3) years; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey's Energy Master Plan is intended to set forth a strategic vision for the production, distribution, consumption, and conservation of energy in the State of New Jersey; and
WHEREAS, the Energy Master Plan was last updated in 2015; and
WHEREAS, in order to achieve appropriate reductions in dangerous greenhouse gases, New Jersey must overhaul the 2015 Energy Master Plan and adopt an innovative Energy Master Plan that recognizes the need for significant investment and support for clean energy sources, particularly the considerable opportunity for the development of wind energy in New Jersey, and that aims to shift New Jersey's energy production profile away from reliance on outdated technologies that contribute to global climate change and towards clean energy sources;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, PHILIP D. MURPHY, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
This 2019 Energy Master Plan (the "2019 Plan") shall provide a comprehensive blueprint for the total conversion of the State's energy production profile to 100% clean energy sources on or before January 1, 2050, and shall further provide specific proposals to be implemented over the next ten (10) years in order to achieve the January 1, 2050 goal.
In addition to wind energy development, the 2019 Plan shall include provisions guiding the continued development of solar energy in New Jersey, including community solar projects.
The 2019 Plan shall also explore methods to incentivize the use of clean, efficient energy and electric technology alternatives in New Jersey's transportation sector and at New Jersey's ports.
N.J. Admin. Code Executive Order No. 28 (2018)