Subchapter 8 - ENFORCEMENT
- Section 8:59-8.1 - Violations
- Section 8:59-8.2 - Civil administrative penalty
- Section 8:59-8.3 - Standing to sue
- Section 8:59-8.4 - Right to enter employer's facility
- Section 8:59-8.5 - Employee health and exposure records
- Section 8:59-8.6 - Civil administrative order
- Section 8:59-8.7 - Civil action
- Section 8:59-8.8 - Civil penalty
- Section 8:59-8.9 - Inspection procedures
- Section 8:59-8.10 - Representatives of employers and public employees
- Section 8:59-8.11 - Complaints by public or private employees
- Section 8:59-8.12 - Posting of orders, penalties, and notices of contest