Subchapter 8 - CENTRAL SERVICE
- Section 8:43G-8.1 - Central service policies and procedures
- Section 8:43G-8.2 - Central service staff qualifications
- Section 8:43G-8.3 - Central service staff education and training
- Section 8:43G-8.4 - Central service patient services
- Section 8:43G-8.5 - Single use medical devices and outsourcing
- Section 8:43G-8.6 - Central service space and environment
- Section 8:43G-8.7 - Use and sterilization of patient care items
- Section 8:43G-8.8 - Monitoring the sterilization cycle
- Section 8:43G-8.9 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-8.10 - Central service quality improvement methods
- Section 8:43G-8.11 - Sterilizer patient services
- Section 8:43G-8.12 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-8.13 - Reserved