Subchapter 26 - PSYCHIATRY
- Section 8:43G-26.1 - Scope of psychiatry standards
- Section 8:43G-26.2 - Psychiatry policies and procedures
- Section 8:43G-26.3 - Psychiatry staff qualifications
- Section 8:43G-26.4 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-26.5 - Psychiatry staff time and availability
- Section 8:43G-26.6 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-26.7 - Psychiatry patient services
- Section 8:43G-26.8 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-26.9 - Psychiatry space and environment
- Section 8:43G-26.10 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-26.11 - Psychiatry supplies and equipment
- Section 8:43G-26.12 - Psychiatry staff education
- Section 8:43G-26.13 - Reserved
- Section 8:43G-26.14 - Psychiatry quality assurance methods