Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 8:39-13.4 - Mandatory staff education and training for communication(a) Each service shall conduct an orientation program for new employees of that service unless the orientation program is conducted by the administrator or a qualified designee. 1. For purposes of complying with this requirement, "new employees" shall be defined to include all permanent and temporary resident care personnel, nurses retained through an outside agency, and persons providing services by contract.2. The orientation program shall begin on the first day of employment.3. The orientation program for all staff shall include orientation to the facility and the service in which the individual will be employed, at least a partial tour of the facility, a review of policies and procedures, identification of individuals to be contacted under specified circumstances, and procedures to be followed in case of emergency.(b) Each service shall provide education or training for all employees in the service at least four times per year and in response to resident care problems, implementation of new procedures, technological developments, changes in regulatory standards, and staff member suggestions. All staff members shall receive training at least two times per year about the facility's infection control procedures, including handwashing and personal hygiene requirements.(c) At least one education training program each year shall be held for all employees on each of the following topics: 1. Procedures to follow in case of emergency;2. Abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of resident property; i. Abuse prevention strategies including, but not limited to, identifying, correcting, and intervening in situations where abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of resident property is likely to occur;ii. Identifying events, such as suspicious bruising of residents or patterns and trends that may constitute abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of resident property;iii. Protecting residents from harm during an investigation of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of resident property;iv. Identification of staff responsible for investigating and reporting results to the proper authorities;v. Reporting substantiated incidents to the appropriate local/State/Federal agencies and taking all necessary corrective actions depending on the results of the investigation; andvi. Reporting to the State nurse aide registry or licensing authorities any knowledge of any actions of any court of law which would indicate that an employee is unfit for service;4. Training in the specialized care of residents who are diagnosed by a physician as having Alzheimer's disease. The required training program shall be in conformance with the curriculum developed by the Department in accordance with N.J.S.A. 26:2M-7.2 (for certified nurse aides, licensed practical nurses, registered professional nurses and other health care professionals who provide direct care to residents within the facility); i. Copies of the mandatory training program may be obtained from the Department by submitting a written request to: Certification Program
Division of Healthcare Facilities Evaluation and Licensing
New Jersey State Department of Health and Senior Services
PO Box 367
Trenton, NJ 08625-0367; and
5. Pharmacy (for all direct care staff).N.J. Admin. Code § 8:39-13.4
Amended by R.2005 d.164, effective 6/6/2005.
See: 36 N.J.R. 3616(a), 37 N.J.R. 2019(a).
In (c), added a new 4 and recodified former 4 as 5.
Amended by R.2007 d.83, effective 3/19/2007.
See: 38 N.J.R. 4141(a), 39 N.J.R. 924(a).
In (c)4i, updated address.