N.J. Admin. Code § 8:21-7.29

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 8:21-7.29 - Plant sanitary facilities
(a) The water supply shall be adequate as to quantity, of a safe, sanitary quality, and from an approved water supply system which is constructed, protected, operated, and maintained in conformance with the New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act (N.J.S.A. 58:12A-1 et seq.) and regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:10) and local laws, ordinances, and regulations; provided, that if approved by the Department of Environmental Protection, a nonpotable water supply system may be permitted within the establishment for purposes such as air conditioning and fire protection, only if such system complies fully with N.J.A.C. 8:24-6.6 (Size, installation and maintenance of plumbing), and the nonpotable water supply is not used in such a manner as to bring it into contact either directly or indirectly with food, food equipment or utensils.
(b) Hot and cold running water, under pressure, shall be provided in all areas where frozen desserts are prepared, and where equipment, utensils or containers are washed.
(c) Each plant shall be provided with adequate, conveniently located toilet facilities and dressing rooms accessible to the employees at all times which meet the following criteria:
1. Toilet facilities and dressing rooms shall be installed in accordance with applicable State and local standards;
2. Doors to toilet rooms and dressing facilities shall be self closing and shall not open directly into areas where products are exposed to airborne contamination; except where alternate means have been taken to prevent such contamination;
3. Toilet facilities and dressing rooms including toilet rooms and fixtures shall be kept clean and in good repair and free from objectionable odors;
4. Toilet rooms shall be equipped with lavatory fixtures which shall be located therein or immediately adjacent and shall be supplied with soap, running hot and cold water, single service towels or an approved hand drying device;
5. Handwashing signs directing employees to wash their hands before returning to work, shall be posted conspicuously in all toilet rooms and at each separate lavatory in the plant;
6. Handwashing facilities shall be conveniently located in processing rooms, and shall include a lavatory supplied with soap, running hot and cold water, single service towels or an approved hand drying device.
(d) All sewage and waste water shall be disposed of by means of a public sewage system or disposal system which is constructed and maintained in conformance with applicable State and local requirements.
(e) Garbage and refuse shall be so stored and disposed of as to minimize the development of odors, prevent waste from becoming an attractant and harborage or breeding place for vermin, and prevent contamination of food or food contact surfaces, ground surfaces, ground surfaces and water supplies.

N.J. Admin. Code § 8:21-7.29

Recodified from N.J.A.C. 8:21-7.40 by R.1998 d.341, effective 7/6/1998.
See: 30 New Jersey Register 1361(a), 30 New Jersey Register 2516(c).