N.J. Admin. Code § 7:7-2.2

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 19, October 7, 2024
Section 7:7-2.2 - CAFRA
(a) Subject to the interpretation and definition of certain statutory terms as provided at (b) below and subject to the exemptions identified at (c) below, a CAFRA permit shall be required for:
1. Any development located on a beach or dune;
2. A development located in the CAFRA area between the mean high water line of any tidal waters, or the landward limit of a beach or dune, whichever is most landward, and a point 150 feet landward of the mean high water line of any tidal waters or the landward limit of a beach or dune, whichever is most landward, that would result either solely or in conjunction with a previous development, in:
i. A development if there is no intervening development that is either completed or under active construction as of July 19, 1994 between the proposed site of the development and the mean high water line of any tidal waters;
ii. A residential development having three or more dwelling units if there is an intervening development that is either completed or under active construction as of July 19, 1994 between the proposed site of the development and the mean high water line of any tidal waters;
iii. A commercial development having five or more parking spaces or equivalent parking area if there is an intervening development that is either completed or under active construction as of July 19, 1994 between the proposed site of the development and the mean high water line of any tidal waters; or
iv. A public development or industrial development;
3. A development located in the CAFRA area between a point greater than 150 feet landward of the mean high water line or any tidal waters or the landward limit of a beach or dune, whichever is most landward, and a point 500 feet landward of the mean high water line of any tidal waters or the landward limit of a beach or dune, whichever is most landward, which is located within the boundaries of a qualifying municipality or which is located within the boundaries of a city of the fourth class with a population of over 30,000 persons according to the latest decennial census, that would result, either solely or in conjunction with a previous development, in:
i. A residential development having 25 or more dwelling units;
ii. A commercial development having 50 or more parking spaces or equivalent parking area; or
iii. A public development or industrial development;
4. A development located in the CAFRA area beyond 500 feet landward of the mean high water line of any tidal waters or the landward limit of a beach or dune, whichever is most landward, and which is located within the boundaries of a qualifying municipality or which is located within the boundaries of a city of the fourth class with a population of over 30,000 persons according to the latest decennial census, that would result, either solely or in conjunction with a previous development, in:
i. A residential development having 75 or more dwelling units;
ii. A commercial development having 150 or more parking spaces or equivalent parking area; or
iii. A public development or industrial development; and
5. Except as otherwise provided at (a)1, 2, 3, or 4 above, a development in the CAFRA area at a point beyond 150 feet landward of the mean high water line of any tidal waters or the landward limit of a beach or dune, whichever is most landward, that would result, either solely or in conjunction with a previous development in:
i. A residential development having 25 or more dwelling units;
ii. A commercial development having 50 or more parking spaces or equivalent parking area; or
iii. A public development or industrial development.
(b) The Department interprets its obligation and responsibility to regulate development as defined by CAFRA to include review of the potential impacts of any development, if at least part of that development is located within the area in which a CAFRA permit is required. Therefore, if any development requires a CAFRA permit, the Department will review all of the components of the development, not just those that triggered the regulatory thresholds of CAFRA. In addition, the Department will review all the components of a development that spans the zones in (a) above if the total development exceeds a regulatory threshold. The Department interprets the statutory intent as excluding developments with relatively minor impacts. In addition, the repair and maintenance of utilities within rights-of-way on beaches and dunes are not development, provided that all disturbed areas are restored to their pre-disturbance condition. To that end, the following statutory terms are interpreted to mean the following, for the purposes of this section.
1. The method for determining whether an existing development is an intervening development is as follows:
i. For proposed developments other than single family home or duplex and/or accessory development as described in (b)1ii below, extend a line landward and perpendicular to the mean high water line from each of the widest shore-parallel points of the footprint of the existing development (see Appendix B, incorporated herein by reference). If the proposed development does not fall entirely within these lines, then the existing development is not considered intervening development.
ii. For a proposed single family home or duplex and/or accessory development (such as garages, sheds, pools, driveways, excluding shore protection structures) that is not part of a larger development, extend a line landward and perpendicular to the mean high water line from each of the widest shore-parallel points of the footprint of the existing development (see Appendix C, incorporated herein by reference). If the proposed single family home or duplex and/or accessory development extends beyond these lines more than 15 feet on either side or a cumulative total of 20 feet, then the existing development is not considered intervening development.
iii. Existing developments that may be considered intervening development include above-ground structures such as houses, garages, cabanas or bath houses which are fully enclosed and serviced by a municipal sewer system, and commercial, industrial or public buildings provided the above-ground structure received all necessary Federal, State and local approvals and was:
(1) Completed or under active construction as of July 19, 1994;
(2) Exempt from CAFRA; or
(3) Constructed under a CAFRA permit.
iv. Existing developments that are not considered intervening development include shore protection structures, seawalls, bulkheads, retaining walls, gabions, revetments, fences, boardwalks, promenades, patios, decks, carports, prefabricated sheds without foundations, docks, piers, lifeguard stands, gazebos, swimming pools, utility lines, culverts, railroads, roadways, sewage pump stations, or seasonal or temporary structures associated with the tourism industry or constructed under the general permit for the construction of certain types of temporary and seasonal developments at hotels and motels, commercial developments, and multi-family residential developments of 75 units, 7:7-6.22.
2. If located in an area other than a beach or a dune, public development is not the following:
i. The maintenance, repair or replacement (including upgrade) of existing petroleum, sewage or natural gas pipelines, and associated pump stations and connection junctions, and electrical substations, located completely within paved roadways or paved, gravel, or cleared and maintained rights-of-way, provided that the replacement of sewage pipelines and associated pump stations does not result in an increase in the associated sewer service area;
ii. The maintenance, repair, modification, or replacement of sanitary system components other than pipelines and associated pump stations, including upgrading of systems from primary to secondary treatment, provided that an increase in capacity will not result;
iii. The construction, maintenance, repair or replacement (including upgrade) of water lines, telecommunication and cable television lines, including fiber optic cables, poles and transfer and/or switching stations associated with telecommunication lines, provided the transfer and/or switching station is located completely within paved roadways or paved, gravel, or cleared and maintained rights-of-way. This does not include the construction of telecommunication towers such as cellular telephone towers;
iv. The maintenance, repair or replacement of existing and functional railroads and related structures located completely within cleared and maintained rights-of-way;
v. The maintenance and repair of existing stormwater management facilities which receive, store, convey or discharge stormwater runoff;
vi. The construction of less than 1,200 linear feet of new stormwater pipes;
vii. The construction or expansion of educational facilities;
viii. The construction of seasonal or temporary structures related to the tourism industry; or
ix. The construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of power lines.
3. In addition to the activities identified at (b)2 above, if located more than 150 feet from the mean high water line of any tidal waters, or the landward limit of a beach or a dune, whichever is most landward, public development is not the following:
i. The construction of a new road, sanitary sewer pipeline, petroleum pipeline or natural gas pipeline of less than 1,200 feet in length or the extension of a road, sanitary sewer pipeline, stormwater management facility, petroleum pipeline or natural gas pipeline of less than 1,200 feet in length, not to exceed a cumulative total of 1,200 feet in any one municipality at any one site, unless the construction is located within a development requiring a CAFRA permit in which case it shall be considered part of the development for which a permit is required; or
ii. The construction of telecommunication towers such as cellular telephone towers.
4. Equivalent parking areas will be calculated at 270 square feet per parking space, including one half of the associated aisle area, excluding access drives. This calculation shall apply to both paved and unpaved parking areas.
5. A development that is used solely for the storage of food or other merchandise, excluding storage of agri-chemical and petroleum products, and that is not associated with any on-site manufacturing or industrial process and is not specifically included in the definition of industrial development at 7:7-1.5 is considered a "commercial development."
6. Municipal or other government administrative, public works, or emergency services buildings that are not specifically included in the definition of public development at 7:7-1.5 or parks which are publicly owned or controlled are considered commercial developments.
7. Churches, synagogues or other houses of worship are considered commercial developments.
8. Development or expansion of existing developments "either solely or in conjunction with a previous development" is described at (b)8i through iv below. "Previous development" includes developments that either were previously constructed after September 19, 1973 or developments that previously received a CAFRA permit which remains valid but the approved development has not yet been built. For the purposes of (b)8i, ii and iii below, contiguous parcels shall include, but not be limited to, those land areas which directly abut or are separated by a general access roadway or other right-of-way, including waterways, or those land areas which are part of a subdivision existing and under common ownership on or after September 19, 1973.
i. The construction of any residential or commercial development on contiguous parcels of property, regardless of present ownership, where there is a proposed sharing of infrastructure constructed to serve those parcels including, but not limited to, roads, utility lines, drainage systems, open spaces or septic drain fields;
ii. The construction of any residential or commercial development on contiguous parcels of property which were under common ownership on or after September 19, 1973, regardless of present ownership, or any subdivision or re-subdivision of a parcel of land which occurred after September 19, 1973;
iii. The construction of any residential or commercial development on contiguous parcels of property, where there is some shared pecuniary, possessory, or other substantial common interest by one or more individuals in the units;
iv. The addition of one or more parking spaces or dwelling units or equivalent to any existing dwelling units or parking spaces or equivalent parking area for which construction had commenced subsequent to September 19, 1973 where such addition, when combined with the existing dwelling units or parking area, results in a total exceeding the regulatory threshold. Any dwelling units or parking areas in existence on or before September 19, 1973 which have been determined by the Department to be exempt from the requirements of this subchapter due to on-site construction on or before September 19, 1973 will not be counted when determining if a new or expanded development exceeds the regulatory threshold.
(1) The addition of parking spaces by restriping is not regulated.
v. The total number of dwelling units or parking spaces in a new or expanded development need not be restricted to any single municipal tax block nor to any one period in time in order to require a permit;
vi. The construction of a development below the regulatory threshold as defined in this section, where such construction is part of a larger planned development in which the total development will exceed the regulatory threshold.
9. Commercial development not located on a beach or a dune and not located within 150 feet of the beach, dune or mean high water line unless there is an intervening development as described at (b)1 above, excludes development which:
i. Does not cause the number of parking spaces (either solely or in conjunction with the existing development) to exceed the regulatory threshold of the appropriate zone; or
ii. Does not propose development of any new parking spaces, regardless of whether the total number of existing parking spaces exceeds the regulatory threshold of the appropriate zone.
10. The elevating of an existing residential, commercial, industrial, or public building on pilings does not require a CAFRA permit, unless the elevating of the existing building is associated with an enlargement and such enlargement is not exempt under CAFRA pursuant to (c)4 below or unless the elevating of the existing building involves excavation, filling, or grading on a beach or a dune. Additional parking spaces located under a building elevated in accordance with this paragraph are not counted toward the parking space or equivalent parking area limits at (a) above.
11. Residential developments which include the offsite construction of more than 1,200 linear feet of new sewer pipelines or roads require a CAFRA permit regardless of the number of dwelling units. For all other residential developments which are not located on a beach or dune, whether a CAFRA permit is required is based on the number of dwelling units proposed only and not the length of roadways or sewer pipelines on-site.
12. The classification or removal from classification of the municipality in which a development is located as a "qualifying municipality" affects the requirement for a CAFRA permit for such development as follows:
i. If construction of the development under a valid CAFRA permit has been started and the municipality in which the development is located either becomes classified or is removed from classification as a "qualifying municipality," the permittee is obligated to comply with all conditions of the permit;
ii. If construction of the development under a valid CAFRA permit has not been started at a time when the municipality in which the development is located is classified as a "qualifying municipality" such that the development does not require a CAFRA permit under (a)3 or 4 above, the permittee need not comply with the conditions of the issued permit;
iii. If construction of the development is started in accordance with all necessary approvals at a time when the municipality in which the development is located is classified as a "qualifying municipality" such that the development does not require a CAFRA permit under (a)3 or 4 above, and if subsequently the municipality is removed from classification as a "qualifying municipality," the Department shall not require a CAFRA permit for the development provided construction continues to completion with no lapses in construction that cumulatively total one year or more;
iv. If site plan approval is obtained for the development pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law (40:55D-1 et seq.) at a time when the municipality in which the development is located is classified as a "qualifying municipality" such that the development does not require a CAFRA permit under (a)3 or 4 above, and if subsequently the municipality is removed from classification as a "qualifying municipality," the Department shall not, for a period of one year from the date that the municipality is removed from classification as a "qualifying municipality," require a CAFRA permit for the development, provided construction is started within this one-year period and continues through completion with no lapses in construction that cumulatively total one year or more;
v. If preliminary subdivision approval is obtained for a residential development pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law (40:55D-1 et seq.), and no subsequent site plan approval is required, at a time when the municipality in which the development is located is classified as a "qualifying municipality" such that the development does not require a CAFRA permit under (a)3 or 4 above, and if subsequently the municipality is removed from classification as a "qualifying municipality," the Department shall not, for a period of one year from the date that the municipality is removed from classification as a "qualifying municipality," require a CAFRA permit for the development, provided construction is started within this one-year period and continues through completion with no lapses in construction that cumulatively total one year or more;
vi. For the purposes of (b)12iii through v above, construction means having completed one of the following, as approved as part of the municipal site plan or subdivision approval:
(1) The foundation for one of the buildings or structures;
(2) The subsurface improvements for the roadways; or
(3) The bedding for utilities.
vii. Development under (b)12iii through v above is limited to the specific project depicted on the approved site plan or for residential developments only, the specific project that was the subject of the subdivision approval, namely development of the subdivision which is consistent with the lot coverage, use and density restrictions of the zoning ordinances that were in effect at the time of the subdivision approval or that were authorized by the subdivision approval.
13. Development is not the following:
i. The installation of a wind turbine(s) provided the wind turbine(s) is:
(1) On or structurally attached to a legally existing building;
(2) Less than 200 feet in height, measured from the ground surface to the tip of the blade at its highest position;
(3) No greater than 2,000 square feet in cumulative rotor swept area; and
(4) Any portion of the tower of the wind turbine more than 100 feet above the ground surface is a freestanding monopole;
ii. The installation of a solar panel(s) provided the solar panel(s) is:
(1) On or structurally attached to a legally existing building;
(2) On or structurally attached to a utility pole (electric, telephone, cable and lighting) within a maintained utility right-of-way or on or structurally attached to a parking lot light pole;
(3) On legally existing impervious cover unless the solar panel would be located in a floodway; or
(4) On a sanitary landfill provided the solar panel is authorized under a solid waste landfill closure and post-closure plan or disruption approval issued by the Department pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26-2A.8 or 2A.9; or
iii. The rehabilitation and use of an existing dredged material management area within the same footprint.
(c) A CAFRA permit shall not be required for:
1. A development which received preliminary site plan approval pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55-1 et seq., or a final municipal building or construction permit on or before July 19, 1994, provided that construction began by July 19, 1997, and continues to completion with no lapses in construction activity of more than one year;
i. An exemption under this section is granted only for the specific project depicted on the approved site plan or described in the building or construction permit.
ii. Any development that required a permit pursuant to CAFRA prior to July 19, 1994, shall continue to require a CAFRA permit and shall not be exempted under this section.
iii. For purposes of this paragraph, "construction" means having completed one of the following as approved as part of the site plan:
(1) The foundation for one of the buildings or structures;
(2) All of the subsurface improvements for roadways;
(3) The installation of all of the bedding materials for utility lines; or
(4) The installation of a well or septic system, for projects which are exempt based on receipt of a final municipal building or construction permit.
iv. To determine if construction of a development or part of a development began by July 19, 1997, the Department shall evaluate such proofs as may be provided by the applicant, including, but not limited to, the following: documentation that the local construction official has completed the inspection at 5:23-2.18(b)1 i(2) or 2.18(b)1i(3) for foundations of buildings or structures; reports from the municipal engineer documenting inspections of road bed construction; or billing receipts documenting the completion of the above construction activities.
v. In the event the final municipal building or construction permit expired and the permit was renewed or a new permit was obtained for the same project, the development will remain exempt provided construction began by July 19, 1997. In cases where the municipal approval expired and was renewed or that a new permit was issued, the Department will require documentation that the new or renewed permit authorized the same construction as the original permit, and that the currently authorized construction would not result in additional adverse impacts to any special areas as defined at N.J.A.C. 7:7-9 that are greater than any adverse impacts associated with the development authorized before July 19, 1994, and the proposed construction is either 15 feet inshore of a bulkhead or no closer to the water than the original approval.
2. A residential development which received preliminary subdivision approval or minor subdivision approval pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1et seq., on or before July 19, 1994, where no subsequent site plan approval is required, provided that construction began by July 19, 1997, and continues to completion with no lapses in construction activity of more than one year;
i. An exemption under this section is granted only for the specific project that was the subject of the subdivision approval, namely development of the subdivision which is consistent with the lot coverage, use and density restrictions of the zoning ordinances that were in effect at the time of the subdivision approval or that were authorized by the subdivision approval.
ii. Any development that required a permit pursuant to CAFRA prior to July 19, 1994, shall continue to require a CAFRA permit and shall not be exempted under this section.
iii. For purposes of this paragraph, "construction" means having completed one of the following as approved as part of the subdivision approval:
(1) The foundation for one of the buildings or structures;
(2) All of the subsurface improvements for roadways; or
(3) The installation of all of the bedding materials for utility lines.
iv. To determine if construction of a development or part of a development began by July 19, 1997, the Department shall evaluate such proofs as may be provided by the applicant, including, but not limited to, the following: documentation that the local construction official completed the inspection at 5:23-2.18(b)1 i(2) or 2.18(b)1i(3) for foundations of buildings or structures; reports from the municipal engineer documenting inspections of road bed construction; or billing receipts documenting the completion of the above construction activities.
3. The reconstruction of any development which was legally existing on and damaged subsequent to July 19, 1994 that is damaged or destroyed, in whole or in part, by fire, storm, natural hazard or act of God, provided that such reconstruction is in compliance with existing requirements or codes of municipal, State and Federal law; and further provided that such reconstruction does not result in:
i. The enlargement or relocation of the footprint of the development; or
ii. An increase in the number of dwelling units or parking spaces within the development.
iii. A relocation landward or laterally may qualify for the exemption at (c)3 above if the Department determines, in writing, that such a relocation would result in less environmental impact than the in place reconstruction of damaged or destroyed development.
iv. Any person requesting a determination concerning relocation landward shall follow the procedures for an exemption determination at (f)2 below.
v. An increase in the area covered by buildings and/or asphalt or concrete pavement.
4. The enlargement of any building provided that such enlargement does not result in:
i. The enlargement of the footprint of the development; or
ii. An increase in the number of dwelling units or parking spaces associated with the building;
5. The construction of a patio, deck, or similar structure at a residential development, provided such construction does not result in the grading, excavation, or filling of a beach or dune.
i. For the purposes of this paragraph, "similar structure" includes porches, balconies and verandahs. The exemption for the construction of a patio, deck, porch, balcony or veranda only remains in effect as long as the patio, deck, porch, balcony or veranda remains used for the purpose that it was originally constructed. Further, the exemption shall not include the placement of any structure such as a pool, roof or enclosure with walls or windows on a patio, deck, porch, balcony or veranda. Such activities will require a CAFRA permit.
ii. For the purposes of this paragraph, the following shall be considered "similar structures" at a residential development, provided that their construction does not include the placement of pilings or placement of a structure on a beach, dune, or wetland: fences, flower boxes, gardens, a landscape wall (for example, railroad ties) no more than one foot in height (or a series of walls not to exceed a cumulative total of one foot in height), satellite dishes and antennas, and wooden boardwalks and gravel or brick/paver block walkways.
iii. For the purposes of this paragraph, the following shall also be considered "similar structures" at a residential development, provided that their construction does not include the placement of pilings or placement of a structure on a beach, dune, wetland or coastal bluff: sheds (with a footprint of 120 square feet or less), open carports, gazebos, propane tanks properly anchored, and showers, spas, hot tubs and above ground swimming pools (not exceeding 500 square feet of surface area) which do not discharge to surface waters or wetlands.
iv. For the purposes of this paragraph, the construction of elevated timber or at-grade dune walkover structures constructed in accordance with Department specifications found at N.J.A.C. 7:7-10.4(d) and (e)1, 2, and 3, respectively, shall be considered a "similar structure" at a residential development.
v. For the purposes of this paragraph, the following shall not be considered "similar structures" at a residential development: swimming pools, garages, retaining walls, bulkheads, revetments, driveways and associated parking areas, paved yard areas, or outbuildings, except as provided at (c)5iii above.
6. Services provided, within the existing public right-of-way, by any government entity which involve:
i. The routine reconstruction, substantially similar functional replacement, or maintenance or repair of public highways. The paving of an existing unpaved roadway is not considered to be a substantially similar functional replacement;
ii. Public highway lane widening, intersection and shoulder improvement projects (including new paving or repaving) which do not increase the number of travel lanes;
iii. Public highway signing, lighting, guide rail and other nonintrusive safety projects, including traffic control devices; or
iv. Re-striping of public highways and the addition of toll booths provided that these activities do not result in any increase in asphalt or concrete pavement.
7. Any development that has an existing, valid CAFRA permit dated prior to July 19, 1994, provided that construction, as defined at 7:7-2.2(c)1 iii, begins prior to the expiration date of the permit and continues with no cumulative lapses in construction activity of more than one year.
8. The expansion of an existing, functional amusement pier, provided such expansion does not exceed the footprint of the existing, functional amusement pier by more than 25 percent, and provided such expansion is located in the area beyond 150 feet landward of the mean high water line, beach or dune, whichever is most landward.
(d) Any exemption based upon on-site construction, as defined at 7:7-2.2(c)1 iii on or before September 19, 1973, expired on July 19, 1997.
(e) A development shall no longer be exempt from the requirement of obtaining a CAFRA permit if significant changes are made to the development which would void the approvals listed at (c)1 and 2 above, or which would result in additional impacts to special areas, as defined at N.J.A.C. 7:7-9, which additional impacts are greater than the impacts associated with the originally exempt development.
(f)Development that is exempt from CAFRA requires no certification or approval from the Department, except as may be required by other programs administered by the Department. Any person who wishes may request from the Department a written determination of a development's exemption from the requirements of this chapter.
1. For an exemption pursuant to (c)1 and 2 above, the following shall be submitted:
i. A folded copy of the approved site plan or subdivision plan, a copy of the resolution approving the site plan or subdivision, or a copy of the building permit and approved plan and soil conservation district approval where required;
ii. In the event that the final municipal building or construction permit expired and the permit was renewed or a new permit was obtained for the same project, the development will remain exempt provided construction began by July 18, 1997. To make such a determination, the Department will require documentation that the new permit authorized exactly the same construction as the original permit, such as a copy of the original building permit with approved plan and soil conservation district approval where required and a copy of the new building permit with approved plan depicting the exact development as the original;
iii. The fee specified at 7:7-25.1; and
iv. A completed application form described at N.J.A.C. 7:7-27.3(c)1 and available from the Department at the address set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:7-1.6.
2. For an exemption pursuant to (c)3, 4, and 5 above, the following shall be submitted:
i. Plans showing the existing structures and site conditions with locations and dimensions, and all proposed structures, filling, grading, excavation and clearing;
(1) For exemptions based on fire, storm, natural hazard or Act of God, the site plans submitted shall also indicate all preexisting structures to be rebuilt.
ii. Photographs of the site;
iii. The fee specified at 7:7-25.1; and
iv. A completed application form described at N.J.A.C. 7:7-27.3(c)1 and available from the Department at the address set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:7-1.6.
3. For an exemption pursuant to (c)8 above, the following shall be submitted:
i. A description of the location of the amusement pier including county, municipality, lot(s) and block(s);
ii. A copy of a site plan showing the location of the existing, functional amusement pier and the proposed location of the expansion;
iii. Documentation concerning the size of the footprint of the existing functional amusement pier and the size of the proposed expansion;
iv. Photographs of the site;
v. The fee specified at 7:7-25.1; and
vi. A completed application form described at N.J.A.C. 7:7-27.3(c)1 and available from the Department at the address set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:7-1.6.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:7-2.2

Renumbered from 7:7-2.1 by 47 N.J.R. 1392(a), effective 7/6/2015
Amended by 50 N.J.R. 361(a), effective 1/16/2018
Amended by 53 N.J.R. 514(b), effective 4/5/2021