E=1 - | V[v] (7.481) (T[s] + 460) (P[b]) | x 100 |
........................... | ||
V[T] (T[v] + 460 (29.92) |
E=Percent efficiency of the vapor recovery system at standard conditions.
V[v]=Volume of displaced vapors vented from the atmospheric vent in actual cubic feet (ACF).
V[T]=Volume of gasoline transferred to storage tanks in gallons.
T[v]=Temperature of vapors vented from atmospheric vent in degrees Fahrenheit.
T[s]=Standard temperature (70 [degree]F).
P[b]=Average barometric pressure during test in inches of mercury.
7.481=Conversion factor of gallons per cubic foot (Gal/ft[LESS THAN]3[GREATER THAN]).
29.92=Standard pressure in inches of mercury.
N.J. Admin. Code § 7:27B-3.16