- Section 7:26-3A.1 - Purpose, scope and applicability
- Section 7:26-3A.2 - Construction
- Section 7:26-3A.3 - Severability
- Section 7:26-3A.4 - Record retention
- Section 7:26-3A.5 - Definitions
- Section 7:26-3A.6 - Definition of regulated medical waste
- Section 7:26-3A.7 - Mixtures
- Section 7:26-3A.8 - Registration and fees for regulated medical waste generators, and owners and operators of transporters, collection facilities, transfer stations, intermediate handlers, and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.9 - Education
- Section 7:26-3A.10 - Segregation requirements
- Section 7:26-3A.11 - Packaging requirements
- Section 7:26-3A.12 - Storage of regulated medical waste prior to transport, treatment, destruction, or disposal
- Section 7:26-3A.13 - Decontamination standards for reusable containers
- Section 7:26-3A.14 - Labeling requirements
- Section 7:26-3A.15 - Marking (identification) requirements
- Section 7:26-3A.16 - General requirements for regulated medical waste generators, transporters, collection facilities, intermediate handlers and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.17 - Exemptions
- Section 7:26-3A.18 - Solid waste facility acceptance of regulated medical waste
- Section 7:26-3A.19 - Generator use of tracking form
- Section 7:26-3A.20 - Generators exporting regulated medical waste
- Section 7:26-3A.21 - Generator recordkeeping
- Section 7:26-3A.22 - Exception reporting for generators
- Section 7:26-3A.23 - Additional reporting for generators
- Section 7:26-3A.24 - Generators of regulated medical waste who incinerate regulated medical waste on-site
- Section 7:26-3A.25 - Recordkeeping for generators with on-site incinerators
- Section 7:26-3A.26 - Reporting for generators that incinerate regulated medical waste on-site
- Section 7:26-3A.27 - Transporters
- Section 7:26-3A.28 - Transporter acceptance of regulated medical waste
- Section 7:26-3A.29 - Reserved
- Section 7:26-3A.30 - Vehicle requirements
- Section 7:26-3A.31 - Tracking form requirements for transporters
- Section 7:26-3A.32 - Transporter compliance with the tracking form
- Section 7:26-3A.33 - Transporters consolidating waste to a new tracking form
- Section 7:26-3A.34 - Recordkeeping for transporters of regulated medical waste
- Section 7:26-3A.35 - Transporter reporting
- Section 7:26-3A.36 - Additional reporting for transporters of regulated medical waste
- Section 7:26-3A.37 - Transporter management of spills
- Section 7:26-3A.38 - Temporary authorization to operate a regulated medical waste incinerator
- Section 7:26-3A.39 - Collection facilities for medical wastes
- Section 7:26-3A.40 - Intermediate handlers and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.41 - Use of the tracking form for intermediate handlers and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.42 - Tracking form discrepancies for intermediate handlers and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.43 - Recordkeeping for collection facilities, intermediate handlers and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.44 - Additional reporting for collection facilities, intermediate handlers and destination facilities
- Section 7:26-3A.45 - Rail transporters
- Section 7:26-3A.46 - Rail shipment tracking form requirements
- Section 7:26-3A.47 - Alternative or innovative technology authorization
- Section 7:26-3A.48 - Requirements for generators using out-of-State facilities disposing of regulated medical waste from New Jersey
- Section 7:26-3A.49 - Duration of the letter of authorization; letter of authorization renewal requirements; continuation of an expiring letter of authorization and transfer of an existing letter of authorization for commercial collection facilities