N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-18.1
Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Common Name | Scientific Name |
American Eel | Anquilla rostrata |
Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua |
Atlantic Croaker | Micropogon undulatus |
Atlantic Mackerel | Scomber scombrus |
Atlantic Menhaden | Brevoortia tyrannus |
Black Drum | Pogonias cromis |
Black Sea Bass | Centropristis striata |
Blueline Tilefish | Caulolatilus microps |
Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix |
Cobia | Rachycentron canadum |
Conch | Busycon carica |
Busycotypus canaliculatum | |
Busycon contrarium | |
Dolphin | Coryphaena hippurus |
Goosefish (Monkfish) | Lophius americanus |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
Hybrid striped bass | Morone saxatilis x Morone spp. |
Kingfish | Menticirrhus saxatilis |
Menticirrhus americanus | |
King Mackerel | Scomberomorus cavalla |
Pollock | Pollachius virens |
Red Drum | Sciaenops ocellatus |
River herring | Alosa aestivalis (alewife) |
Alosa psuedoharengus (blueback herring) | |
Scup (Porgy) | Stenotomus chrysops |
Shad | Alosa sapidissima (American shad) |
Alosa mediocris (hickory shad) | |
Shark | Aggregated Large Coastal Group |
Ginglymostoma cirratum (Nurse Shark | |
Carcharhinus limbatus (Blacktip Shark) | |
Carcharhinus leucas (Bull Shark) | |
Negaprion brevirostris (Lemon Shark) | |
Carcharhinus falciformis (Silky Shark) | |
Carcharhinus brevipinna (Spinner Shark) | |
Galeocerdo cuvieri (Tiger Shark) | |
Hammerhead Group | |
Sphyrna mokarran (Great Hammerhead) | |
Sphyrna lewini (Scalloped Hammerhead) | |
Sphyrna zyqaena (Smooth Hammerhead) | |
Non-Blacknose Small Coastal Group | |
Sphyrna tiburo (Bonnethead) | |
Carcharhinus isodon (Finetooth Shark) | |
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (Atlantic | |
Sharpnose Shark) | |
Blacknose Group | |
Charcharhinus acronotus (Blacknose Shark) | |
Pelagic Group | |
Lamna nasus (Porbeagle Shark) | |
Isurus oxyrinchus (Shortfin Mako) | |
Prionace glauca (Blue Shark) | |
Carcharhinus longimanus (Oceanic Whitetip | |
Shark) | |
Alopias vulpinus (Thresher Shark) | |
Research Only Group | |
Carcharhinus plumbeus (Sandbar Shark) | |
Smoothhound Group | |
Mustelus canis (Smooth Dogfish) | |
Mustelus norrisi (Florida Smoothhound) | |
Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus maculatus |
Spider crab | Libinia dubia |
Libinia emarginata | |
Spiny Dogfish | Squalus acanthias |
Striped Bass | Morone saxatilis |
Summer Flounder | |
(Fluke) | Paralichthys dentatus |
Tautog (Blackfish) | Tautoga onitis |
Weakfish | Cynoscion regalis |
Cynoscion nebulosus | |
Winter Flounder | Pleuronectes americanus |
Species | Minimum Size (inches) |
American Eel | 9 |
Atlantic Cod | 19 |
Atlantic Croaker | No Limit |
Atlantic Mackerel | 7 |
Atlantic Menhaden | No Limit |
Black Drum | 16 |
Black Sea Bass | 11 |
Blueline Tilefish | No Limit |
Bluefish | 9 |
Cobia | 37 |
Conch | 5 |
Dolphin | No Limit |
Goosefish (Monkfish) | 17 |
Haddock | 16 |
Kingfish | 8 |
King Mackerel | 23 |
Pollock | 19 |
Red Drum | 18 |
River herring | No Limit |
(Alewife, blueback herring) | |
Scup (Porgy) | 9 |
Shad | |
American | No Limit |
Hickory | No Limit |
Shark | As specified at (b)4 below |
Aggregate Large Coastal Group | |
Hammerhead Group | |
Non-Blacknose Small Coastal Group | |
Blacknose Group | |
Pelagic Group | |
Smoothhound Group | |
Spanish Mackerel | 14 |
Summer Flounder | 14 |
Tautog (Blackfish) | 15 |
Weakfish | 13 |
Winter Flounder | 12 |
Species | Possession Limit |
Cobia | 2 per person, no more than 6 per vessel |
Red Drum | 1, no more than 27 inches |
Species | Minimum Size In Inches | Open Season | Possession Limit |
American Eel | 9 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 25 |
Atlantic Cod | 23 | Jan. 1--May 31 and | 5 |
Sept. 1--Dec. 31 | |||
Atlantic Croaker | No Limit | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | No Limit |
Black Drum | 16 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 3 |
Black Sea Bass | 12.5 | May 17--June 19 | 10 |
July 1--Aug. 31 | 1 | ||
Oct. 1--Oct. 31 | 10 | ||
Nov. 1--Dec. 31 | 15 | ||
Blueline Tilefish | No Limit | May 1--Oct. 31 | 3, 5, 7 or |
as specified at | |||
(c)6 below | |||
Bluefish | No Limit | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 3 or 5 as |
specified at (o) | |||
below | |||
Cobia | 37 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 1 per vessel |
Dolphin | No Limit | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | No Limit |
Haddock | 18 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | No Limit |
Hybrid striped bass | |||
Atlantic Ocean | 28 | Jan 1--Dec 31 | 1 as |
specified at | |||
(h)1 below | |||
Delaware River and | 28 | Mar 1--Mar 31 and | 1 as |
tributaries | Jun 1--Dec 31 | specified at | |
(h)1 below | |||
All other marine | 28 | Mar 1--Dec 31 | 1 as |
waters | specified at | ||
(h)1 below | |||
Kingfish | No Limit | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | No Limit |
King Mackerel | 23 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 3 |
Pollock | 19 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | No Limit |
Red Drum | 18 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 1, not |
greater than 27 | |||
inches | |||
River herring | No Limit | None | 0 |
(Alewife, blueback | |||
herring) | |||
Scup (Porgy) | 10 | Jan. 1--Jun. 30 and | 30 |
Sept. 1--Dec. 31 | |||
Shad (Hickory and | |||
American) | |||
Delaware Bay, and | No Limit | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 6 combined, |
Delaware River and its | subject to (c)4 | ||
tributaries | below | ||
All other marine | No Limit | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 6 combined, |
waters | subject to (c)4 | ||
below | |||
Shark | As specified | As specified in | As specified |
in (c)2 below | n (c)2 below | in (c)2 below | |
Aggregated Large | Jan. 1-May 14, and | ||
Coastal Group | July 16-Dec 31 | ||
Hammerhead Group | Jan. 1-May 14, and | ||
July 16-Dec 31 | |||
Non-Blacknose | |||
Small Coastal Group | |||
Blacknose Group | |||
Pelagic Group | |||
Smoothhound Group | |||
Spanish Mackerel | 14 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 10 |
Summer Flounder | |||
(Fluke) | |||
Delaware Bay and | 17 | May 4--Sept. 25 | 3 |
tributaries | |||
Island Beach State | 16 | May 4--Sept. 25 | 2 |
Park (shore mode fishing | |||
only as provided at | |||
(c)5iv below) | |||
All other marine | As specified | May 4--Sept. 25 | As specified |
waters | at (c)5ii below | at (c)5ii | |
below | |||
Striped Bass | |||
Atlantic Ocean | 28 | Jan. 1--Dec 31 | 1 as |
specified at | |||
(h)1 below | |||
Delaware River and | 28 | Mar 1--Mar 31 and | 1 as |
tributaries | Jun 1--Dec 31 | specified at | |
(h)1 below | |||
All other marine | 28 | Mar 1--Dec 31 | 1 as |
waters | specified at | ||
(h)1 below | |||
Tautog | 15 | Jan. 1--Feb. 28 | 4 |
Apr. 1--Apr. 30 | 4 | ||
Aug. 1--Nov. 15 | 1 | ||
Nov. 16--Dec. 31 | 5 | ||
Weakfish | 13 | Jan. 1--Dec. 31 | 1 |
Winter Flounder | 12 | March 1--Dec. 31 | 2 |
Species | Scientific Name |
Atlantic Angel Shark | Squatina dumerili |
Atlantic Sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrhynchus |
Basking Shark | Cetorhinidae maximus |
Bigeye Sand Tiger Shark | Odontaspis noronhai |
Bigeye Sixgill Shark | Hexanchus vitulus |
Bigeye Thresher Shark | Alopias superciliousus |
Bignose Shark | Carcharhinus altimus |
Caribbean Reef Shark | Carcharhinus perez |
Caribbean Sharpnose Shark | Rhizoprionodon porosus |
Dusky Shark | Carcharhinus obscurus |
Galapagos Shark | Carcharhinus galapagensis |
Longfin Mako Shark | Isurus paucus |
Narrowtooth Shark | Carcharhinus brachyurus |
Night Shark | Carcharhinus signatus |
River Herring | Alosa aestivalis Alosa psuedoharengus |
Sand Tiger Shark | Odontaspis taurus |
Sandbar (Brown) Shark | Carcharhinus plumbeus |
Sharpnose Sevengill Shark | Heptranchias perlo |
Shortnose Sturgeon | Acipenser brevirostrum |
Sixgill Shark | Hexanchus griseus |
Silky Shark (recreational fishery only) | Carcharhinus falciformis |
Smalltail Shark | Carcharhinus porosus |
Whale Shark | Rhincodon typus |
White Shark | Carcharodon carcharias |
Species | Minimum Fillet or Part Length |
Atlantic Cod | 15.5 inches |
Atlantic Croaker | No Limit |
Black Drum | 9 inches |
Black Sea Bass | 5 inches |
Bluefish | No Limit |
Cobia | 26 inches |
Haddock | 14 inches |
Hybrid striped bass | |
(24 to less than 28 inches) | 11 to 20 inches |
(28 to less than 31 inches) | 15 to 22 inches |
Kingfish | No Limit |
King Mackerel | 16 inches |
Pollock | 13 inches |
Red Drum | 13 inches |
Scup | 4 inches |
Striped bass | |
(24 to less than 28 inches) | 11 to 20 inches |
(28 to less than 31 inches) | 15 to 22 inches |
Tautog | 7 inches |
Weakfish | 9 inches |
N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-18.1
See: 22 N.J.R. 3078(a), 22 N.J.R. 3628(b).
Added new (e) through (h), redesignated existing (e) as (i).
Amended by R.1991 d.132, effective 3/18/1991.
See: 23 N.J.R. 37(a), 23 N.J.R. 848(b).
Size limit for marine fish changed in (a). Added (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j).
Amended by R.1991 d.348, effective 7/1/1991.
See: 23 N.J.R. 43(a), 23 N.J.R. 2011(a).
Deleted ", winter flounder measuring less than six inches in length, or measuring less than 13 inches in length" with stylistic changes in (a). Added ", winter flounder under 10 inches in length, or red drum under 14 inches in length" with stylistic changes in (b). Added (d). Redesignated (d) as (e); added reference to "(d)". Redesignated (e)-(n) as (f)-(o).
Amended by R.1992 d.143, effective 3/16/1992.
See: 24 N.J.R. 4(c), 24 N.J.R. 1113(a).
Added requirements for weakfish management.
Petition for Rulemaking: Request for reduction of size limit; denied.
See: 24 N.J.R. 2957(a).
Public Notice: Announcement of fish checking stations for the Striped Bass Trophy Program.
See: 24 N.J.R. 3767(c).
Amended by R.1992 d.476, effective 12/7/1992.
See: 24 N.J.R. 1456(a), 24 N.J.R. 4368(b).
New (e) and (f) added prohibiting the filleting of any flatfish at sea in order to prevent circumvention of size limits on fluke and winter flounder; recodification of existing (e)-(o) as (g)-(q).
Amended by R.1993 d.56, effective 1/19/1993.
See: 24 N.J.R. 4249(a), 25 N.J.R. 303(a).
(c) repealed and replaced in accordance with the Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan developed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Amended by R.1993 d.77, effective 2/16/1993.
See: 24 N.J.R. 205(a), 25 N.J.R. 689(a).
Added Atlantic Sturgeon under 60 inches in height.
Administrative Correction.
See: 25 N.J.R. 4495(a).
Amended by R.1994 d.44, effective 1/18/1994.
See: 25 N.J.R. 2167(a), 26 N.J.R. 353(a).
Emergency Amendment, R.1994 d.230, effective 4/13/1994 (to expire June 12, 1994).
See: 26 N.J.R. 1885(a).
Amended by R.1994 d.248, effective 5/16/1994.
See: 26 N.J.R. 291(a), 26 N.J.R. 2021(b).
Adopted Concurrent Proposal, R.1994 d.339, effective 6/10/1994.
See: 26 N.J.R. 1885(a), 26 N.J.R. 2792(a).
Provisions of emergency amendment R.1994 d.230 readopted, with a change effective 7/5/1994.
Amended by R.1994 d.615, effective 12/19/1994.
See: 26 N.J.R. 1931(a), 26 N.J.R. 5011(a).
Amended by R.1995 d.82, effective 2/6/1995.
See: 26 N.J.R. 4277(b), 27 N.J.R. 487(a).
Administrative Change.
See: 27 N.J.R. 1793(a).
Amended by R.1996 d.587, effective 12/16/1996 (operative January 1, 1997).
See: 28 N.J.R. 3998(a), 28 N.J.R. 5231(a).
Changed section name from "Size and possession limits"; added species and changed size and possession limits throughout; in (a) and (b), inserted provisions relating to presumed possession; and in (c), inserted reference to bait nets.
Administrative change.
See: 29 N.J.R. 2278(a).
In (b), increased minimum size of Summer Flounder and Tautog; and in (c), increased possession limit of Summer Flounder.
Amended by R.1997 d.246, effective 6/2/1997.
See: 29 N.J.R. 285(a), 29 N.J.R. 2555(a).
In (a) and (b), added "(total length), except as noted below"; in (a), in table, changed minimum size for "Black sea bass" from 8 to 9 inches and added "Tautog (blackfish)"; inserted new (a)1, and recodified former (a)1 and (a)2 as (a)2 and (a)3; in (b), added "Black sea bass" to table; added (b)1; in (c), added "Black sea bass" to table; in (e), inserted "or possess such mutilated fish,"; and in (f)3v, added "Black sea bass" and "Scup" to table.
Amended by R.1998 d.40, effective 1/5/1998.
See: 29 N.J.R. 4595(a), 30 N.J.R. 226(a).
Added Bluefish to size limits; in (b) changed minimum size for Atlantic Cod and Haddock from 19 inches to 21 inches; in (f)3v, changed minimum length of Atlantic Cod and Haddock from 13 inches to 14 inches.
Administrative change.
See: 30 N.J.R. 1319(b).
Administrative change.
See: 30 N.J.R. 1402(b).
Amended by R.1999 d.52, effective 2/16/1999.
See: 30 N.J.R. 3881(a), 31 N.J.R. 538(a).
Rewrote (a) through (f).
Administrative change.
See: 31 N.J.R. 1084(a).
Amended by R.2000 d.10, effective 1/3/2000.
See: 31 N.J.R. 2555(a), 32 N.J.R. 48(a).
In (c), changed minimum size for Winter Flounder; in (h), substituted "upstream side of the U.S. Route 1 Bridge" for "Trenton Falls" following "from the".
Administrative change.
See: 32 N.J.R. 1387(a).
Amended by R.2000 d.395, effective 10/2/2000.
See: 31 N.J.R. 2555(a), 32 N.J.R. 3592(b).
In (c), increased minimum size for Winter Flounder; in (h), substituted "upstream side of the U.S. Route 1 Bridge" for "Trenton Falls"; inserted a new (n); and recodified former (n) through (p) as (o) through (q).
Amended by R.2001 d.73, effective 3/5/2001.
See: 32 N.J.R. 4435(a), 33 N.J.R. 874(a).
Administrative change.
See: 33 N.J.R. 1589(a).
Amended by R.2001 d.346, effective 9/17/2001.
See: 33 N.J.R. 453(a), 33 N.J.R. 3352(a).
Rewrote the section.
Administrative change.
See: 34 N.J.R. 921(a).
Administrative change.
See: 34 N.J.R. 1023(b).
Administrative change.
See: 34 N.J.R. 1669(a).
Amended by R.2002 d.277, effective 8/19/2002.
See: 34 N.J.R. 1375(a), 34 N.J.R. 2995(a).
In (a) to (c), added "River herring"; in (g), deleted "(a),", "or" preceding (e), inserted "or (f)" after (e); rewrote (h).
Administrative change.
See: 35 N.J.R. 708(a).
Administrative correction.
See: 35 N.J.R. 1561(a).
Administrative change.
See: 35 N.J.R. 1927(a).
Administrative correction.
See: 35 N.J.R. 5619(a).
Amended by R.2004 d.20, effective 1/5/2004.
See: 35 N.J.R. 4224(b), 36 N.J.R. 174(b).
In (a), amended the table of Common Name and Scientific Name; in (g), substituted "$ 30.00" for "$ 20.00".
Administrative change.
See: 36 N.J.R. 1191(c).
Administrative change.
See: 36 N.J.R. 2420(c).
Administrative change.
See: 37 N.J.R. 1177(b).
Administrative change.
See: 37 N.J.R. 3696(a).
Amended by R.2005 d.413, effective 11/21/2005.
See: 37 N.J.R. 742(a), 37 N.J.R. 4408(a).
In (a), added common name "Striped Bass" and scientific name "Morone saxatilis"; in (c), added species "Striped Bass" and open season information "refer to N.J.S.A. 23:5-45.1"; in (f)3vii, increased number of days suspension to 60 for first offense and 120 for second offense; added (f)3viii; recodified former (f)3viii as (f)3ix.
Administrative change.
See: 38 N.J.R. 1731(a).
Administrative correction.
See: 38 N.J.R. 2797(b).
Administrative change.
See: 39 N.J.R. 1473(b).
Amended by R.2008 d.15, effective 1/7/2008.
See: 39 N.J.R. 143(a), 40 N.J.R. 126(a).
In the tables in (a) and (c), inserted the entries for "Dolphin" and "Hybrid striped bass"; in the table in (b), inserted the entry for "Dolphin"; in the introductory paragraph of (e), inserted "(e)2 and"; added (e)2; in the introductory paragraph of (f)3v, inserted "fish of any species less than the minimum size limit specified in (c) above shall be filleted and no", and in the table in (f)3v, inserted the entries for "Hybrid striped bass" and "Striped bass"; in (g), substituted "(d) or (e)" for "(d), (e) or (f)"; in (p), inserted "or to maintain consistency with any Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council plan adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service"; and in (q), inserted the second and third sentences.
Administrative change.
See: 40 N.J.R. 150(c), 2109(c).
Administrative change.
See: 41 N.J.R. 2012(a), 4114(a).
Administrative change.
See: 42 N.J.R. 789(a), 1374(a).
Amended by R.2010 d.155, effective 7/19/2010.
See: 42 N.J.R. 700(a), 42 N.J.R. 1527(a).
In (a), rewrote the table; in the introductory paragraph of (b), inserted a comma following the second occurrence of "sale"; in the tables following the introductory paragraphs of (b) and of (c), inserted the entries for "Large Coastal Group", "Small Coastal Group" and "Pelagic Group" under entry "Shark", and inserted the entry for "Smooth Dogfish"; in the introductory paragraph of (c), substituted "be measured" for "measure"; in the table following the introductory paragraph of (c), in the entry for "Shark", deleted "48" from the Minimum Size in inches" column and "Jan. 1-Dec. 31" from the "Open Season" column and substituted "1 per vessel, as specified in (c)2 below" for "2 per vessel" in the "Possession Limit" column; rewrote (c)2, the table in (d) and (e)1; and in (p), inserted ", and the list of shark species contained within any of the shark groups".
Administrative change.
See: 43 N.J.R. 1332(b), 1424(a).
Administrative change.
See: 44 N.J.R. 493(a), 1262(a), 1973(a), 2650(a).
Administrative change.
See: 45 N.J.R. 205(a), 1129(a), 1399(a), 1915(a), 2040(a).
Administrative change and correction.
See: 46 N.J.R. 212(b).
Administrative change.
See: 46 N.J.R. 293(a), 695(a), 789(a), 1641(c).
Administrative change.
See: 47 N.J.R. 1320(a), 2292(c).
Amended by R.2016 d.057, effective 6/6/2016.
See: 47 N.J.R. 1815(a), 48 N.J.R. 953(b).
Section was "Size, season and possession limits". In the introductory paragraph of (b), deleted "or" preceding "exposed", and inserted "barter, trade, or exchange for money or for any other thing of value, or attempt to purchase, sell, offer for sale, barter, trade, or exchange for money or for any other thing of value," and "or permitted"; in (g), inserted ", except that the penalty shall be $ 100.00 for each tautog taken or possessed"; and in the introductory paragraph of (h), inserted a comma following the second occurrence of "take", and substituted "Calhoun Street Bridge" for "U.S. Route 1 Bridge".
Administrative change.
See: 48 N.J.R. 959(a).
Administrative change.
See: 49 N.J.R. 1681(a), 1682(a).
Administrative change.
See: 50 N.J.R. 813(a), 1259(a), 1440(a).
Administrative change.
See: 51 N.J.R. 876(a).
Administrative change.
See: 51 N.J.R. 1355(a).
Administrative change.
See: 52 N.J.R. 887(b).
Administrative change, effective 12/7/2020.
See: 53 N.J.R. 77(b).
Administrative change, effective 7/20/2021.
See: 53 N.J.R. 1377(b).
Amended by R.2021 d.142, effective 12/20/2021.
See: 53 N.J.R. 297(a), 53 N.J.R. 2139(a).
Rewrote (c)2, (h)4, and (p).