N.J. Admin. Code § Tit. 4A, ch. 6, subch. 1, app APPENDIX

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Appendix - APPENDIX

Major Provisions of Federal and State
Family and Medical Leave Laws
FederalNew Jersey
IssuesEnforced byEnforced byMost
U.S. Dept.DivisionFavorable to
of Laboron Civil Rights,Employees
Dept. of Law and
Public Safety
EmployersEmployers of 50 orSimilarComparable
Coveredmore employees in
at least 20 weeks
of the current or
preceding year
EmployeesHave worked forHave workedNew Jersey
at least 1,250employer at least
hours in preceding1,000 hours in
12 months andpreceding 12
employed formonths and
at leastemployed for at
12 months; andleast
employed12 months
at worksite by
with 50 or more
within 75 miles of
that worksite
Amount of12 weeks during a12 weeks during aFederal,
Leave12-month period24-month periodexcept for
Leave for birth,No reduction inleave sharing
adoption, or toleaverequirement
care forrequirement forfor spouses
sick parentspouses working
must be shared byfor same employer
spouses working
for same employer
Type ofBirth,Birth or adoption,Federal for
Leaveadoption orserious healthcoverage of
foster care;conditionemployee's own
to care forof parent, parentserious health
parent, childof spouse, childcondition
or spouse withor spouseNew Jersey
serious healthfor coverage
condition,of inlaws
or employee's own
serious health
SeriousMeans illness,Means illness,Comparable
Healthinjury, impairment,injury,
Conditionor physicalimpairment, or
or mentalphysical or
condition involvingmental condition
incapacity orwhich requires
treatment connectedinpatient care
with inpatient carein a hospital,
in hospital, hospice,hospice or residential
or residentialmedical treatment or
medical-carecontinuing supervision
facility; orby a health
continuing treatmentcare provider
by a health
care provider involving:
(1) incapacity or
absence of more
than 3 days
from work,
school or other
activities; (2)
chronic or long-term
condition incurable
or so serious if
not treated would
result in incapacity
of more than
3 days; or
(3) prenatal care.
HealthMeans doctorsMeans any personFederal
Careof medicinelicensed under
Provideror osteopathyFederal,
authorized toState or local
practice medicinelaw, or
or surgerythe laws
in the State;of a foreign
podiatrists,nation, to
dentists,provide health
clinical psychologists,services,
optometrists,or any other
chiropractors (forperson who has
manual manipulationbeen authorized to
of spine toprovide health care
correct subluxationby a licensed
demonstrated byhealth care
Xray), nurseprovider
and nurse-midwives,
if authorized
to practice
under State law;
or, Christian
Science practitioners
listed with the
First Church of
Christ, Scientist
in Boston,
IntermittentNotFederal in
LeavePermittedpermitted unlesscases of
for seriousemployerserious
health conditionandhealth
when medicallyemployee agreecondition
necessary. Not
permitted for birth
or adoption unless
employer agrees
SubstitutionEmployee maySimilar, butNew Jersey
ofelect oran employer
Paid Leaveemployer maymay
require accruedonly require
paid leavean employee
to beto exhaust
substituted inpaid leave
some cases.while on
No limits onfamily leave
substituting paidif this policy
vacation oris already
personal leave.in place
Employee mayfor other,
not substituteunpaid leaves
paid sick,of absence.
medical, or
family leave for
any situation not
covered by employer's
leave plan.
ReinstatementMust be restored toSimilarComparable
Rightssame or equivalent
in all terms
and conditions
KeyExempts salariedExempts highestNew Jersey
Employeeemployees ifpaid fivein most
Exceptionamong highestpercent ofcases
paid 10employees or
percent andone of
if restorationthe seven
would causehighest paid
grievous economicemployees,
harm to employerwhichever is
if restoration
would lead
to substantial
economic injury
to employer.
MaintenanceHealth insuranceSimilar provisionFederal
or Healthmust bein New Jersey
Benefitscontinued underhas been
Duringsameheld to
Leaveconditions asbe preempted
prior to leaveby ERISA
in an April 1,
1991 Superior
Court of
New Jersey
LeaveMade byMade byComparable
Requestsemployeeemployee 30for
30 days indays inbirth or
advance or asadvance oradoption
soon asas soonNew Jersey
practicableas practicablefor serious
for birthhealth
or adoption,condition
15 days in
advance or as
soon as
practicable for
serious health
MedicalRequest forSimilar forFederal
Certificationleave becauseserious healthNot Applicable
May Beof seriouscondition of
Required Byhealth conditionfamily member.
Employer ToCertification may
Support:also be
required for
the birth
or placement
of a child.
Employee's fitness toNot applicable,
return to work fromlaw does not
medical leaveprovide leave for
employee's own
serious health
Executive,Salaried executive,Unpaid leaveComparable
Administrativeadministrative,would not
andand professionalresult in
Professionalemployees ofloss of
Employeescovered employersexempt status
who meetunder State
the Fairminimum wage
Labor Standardsand overtime
Act (FLSA)law
criteria for
exemption from
minimum wage
and overtime
under Regulations,
29 CFR Part
541, do
not lose
their FLSA exempt
status by using
any unpaid
FMLA leave.
This special
exception to
the "salary
basis" requirements
for FLSA's
extends only
to "eligible"
employees' use
of leave
required by

N.J. Admin. Code Tit. 4A, ch. 6, subch. 1, app APPENDIX

New Rule, R.1994 d. 620, effective 12/19/1994.
See: 26 New Jersey Register 3511(a), 26 New Jersey Register 5002(b).