Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 3A:50-2.1 - Application for a certificate of approval(a) An organization interested in providing any kind of adoption service shall first secure a certificate of approval from the Department, pursuant to the requirements of this chapter. Operation of an adoption agency without a valid certificate, as required by law, constitutes a crime of the second degree, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:3-39.1.d.(b) The agency shall file a completed application for a new or renewed certificate with the Office of Licensing at least 60 calendar days prior to the anticipated date of operation or the expiration of an agency's existing certificate.(c) An applicant for a new certificate shall submit to the Office of Licensing a written plan for the agency's operation that includes the following: 1. A statement of agency purpose, scope of adoption program and target groups to be served, program goals and objectives, description of services, and plans for coordination with other agencies and community resources;2. A description of organizational structure, including the names of the board of directors and its committees, staff organization charts, number and qualifications of board members and names of executive officers and titles of offices held, such as president or chairperson;3. A list of all branch offices of the adoption agency, if any;4. A list of personnel, including all present and expected staff members who have direct contact with clients, their qualifications and duties;5. A budget and financial plan, including actual or projected statement of revenues and expenses, documentation of sufficient resources to support agency operations, general/comprehensive liability insurance coverage for agency operations, and a listing of fees for service;6. A copy of the forms to be used by the agency, including applications, intake, case record, evaluation, financial and statistical report forms;7. A copy of agency incorporation papers and proof of not-for-profit status;8. A copy of the agency's non-discrimination policy, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:50-1.7;9. A copy of an audit or financial statement, if requested by the Office of Licensing; and10. For agencies located outside of New Jersey, a copy of that agency's most current licensing or approval inspection report and the license or certificate that reflects the agency's licensing or approval status in that state or country or a statement indicating that the relevant state or country does not require licensure or approval for the provision of adoption services.(d) An agency applying for a renewal of a certificate of approval shall submit those items listed in (c)2, 3, 4 and 5 above, and (c)10 above, if applicable. An agency shall submit the item listed in (c)9 above upon request of the Office of Licensing.N.J. Admin. Code § 3A:50-2.1
Amended by R.1992 d.514, effective 12/21/1992.
See: 24 N.J.R. 3500(a), 24 N.J.R. 4552(a).
Requirements for out-of-State agencies added at (c)10.
Amended by R.2011 d.245, effective 10/3/2011.
See: 42 N.J.R. 1965(a), 43 N.J.R. 2600(a).
In (a), substituted "Department" for "Bureau" and "crime of the third degree" for "misdemeanor"; in (b), the introductory paragraph of (c), (c)9 and (d), substituted "Office of Licensing" for "Bureau"; in the introductory paragraph of (c), substituted "An applicant" for "Applicants"; in (c)2, inserted "and names of executive officers and titles of offices held, such as president or chairperson"; in (c)8, updated the N.J.A.C. reference; and in (d), substituted "(c)10" for "10".
Amended by R.2016 d.052, effective 6/6/2016.
See: 47 N.J.R. 3078(a), 48 N.J.R. 103(a), 48 N.J.R. 965(a).
In (a), deleted "the State Adoption Law and of" preceding "this", substituted "second" for "third", and updated the N.J.S.A. reference; in (c)5, substituted "or" for "and/or"; in (c)8, deleted "(b), and approved by the agency's governing board" following the N.J.A.C. reference; and rewrote (c)10.