Subchapter 2 - RIGHT TO FARM
- Section 2:76-2.1 - Definitions
- Section 2:76-2.2 - Procedure for recommending agricultural management practices
- Section 2:76-2.3 - Determinations of site-specific agricultural management practices where a board exists
- Section 2:76-2.4 - Determinations of site-specific agricultural management practices where a board does not exist
- Section 2:76-2.5 - Utilization of agricultural management practices and procedures and site-specific agricultural management practices and procedures
- Section 2:76-2.6 - Negotiation of conflicts between State regulatory practices and SADC recommended agricultural management practices
- Section 2:76-2.7 - Disposition of conflicts between any person aggrieved by the operation of a commercial farm
- Section 2:76-2.9 through 2:76-2.10 - Reserved
- Section 2:76-2.8 - Hearing procedures for Right to Farm cases
- Section 2:76-2.10 - Reserved