N.J. Admin. Code § 2:18-1.1
As used in this subchapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
"Commercial shipment" is a shipment for gain or profit.
"Dealer" means a person who purchases nursery stock from other certified nurserymen and offers such stock for sale at a retail outlet or through landscaping services.
"Federal phytosanitary inspection" means the examination of plant materials to determine freedom of plant pest and diseases for those persons desiring to ship plants or plant products to another country and the issuance of a United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Pest Quarantine inspection certificate.
"Low value commercial shipment" is a shipment accompanied by an invoice which states that the items being shipped are worth less than $ 1,250.
"Non-commercial shipment" is a shipment not for gain or profit.
"Nursery" includes all lands, premises and buildings upon, on or in which plants, trees, shrubs or vines of any kind, whether for fruit, shade or ornament, are grown for sale within the State or for shipment to other states or countries.
"Nursery stock" includes all plants, shrubs, trees and vines grown for sale, as well as buds, grafts, stocks, scions and other parts of plants, shrubs, trees and vines that may be sold for propagation; but shall not include herbaceous annuals or plants, flowers, vines or cuttings grown under glass and commonly known as florists stock.
"Nurseryman" includes any person, firm, co-partnership or corporation growing plants, trees, shrubs or vines for sale or dealing in such stock, whether he/she or they be owners, lessees or tenants of or on the premises upon which the stock is grown or offered for sale.
"Post-entry quarantine inspection" means an examination of plants imported to the United States, which are grown under USDA permit in a restricted area and inspected for two active growing seasons, to verify their freedom from specific pests or pathogens.
"Reinspection" is an inspection of a location in a nursery, previously inspected by the Department during the current growing season, found to be infested/infected with insect pests or plant diseases, for the purpose of determining whether pest problems found earlier have been controlled by the nurseryman.
"Special inspection" is the examination of plant materials to determine freedom of plant pests and diseases and issuance of a special State certificate for those persons who do not possess a nursery or dealers certificate and who desire to ship plant materials to another state.
N.J. Admin. Code § 2:18-1.1
See: 28 New Jersey Register 2816(a), 28 New Jersey Register 3915(b).
Added "Commercial shipment", "Low value commercial shipment", "Non-commercial shipment" and "Reinspection"; and amended "Federal phytosanitary inspection".
Amended by R.2002 d.159, effective 5/20/2002.
See: 34 New Jersey Register 624(a), 34 New Jersey Register 1855(a).
Added "Post-entry quarantine inspection".