Subchapter 7 - TURFGRASS SOD
- Section 2:16-7.1 - Application and amplification of general standards
- Section 2:16-7.2 - Eligibility requirements for certification
- Section 2:16-7.3 - Sources of certified turfgrass sod
- Section 2:16-7.4 - Establishing the source of seed or propagating material
- Section 2:16-7.5 - Labels for certified stock; evidence of identity
- Section 2:16-7.6 - Pest control required
- Section 2:16-7.7 - Complying with Federal and State laws
- Section 2:16-7.8 - Dates for filing application
- Section 2:16-7.9 - Maps of production areas
- Section 2:16-7.10 - Land requirements
- Section 2:16-7.11 - Sod inspections
- Section 2:16-7.12 - Field standards; general requirements
- Section 2:16-7.13 - Specific field standards and requirements
- Section 2:16-7.14 - Sod quality
- Section 2:16-7.15 - Seed requirements for New Jersey certified sod production
- Section 2:16-7.16 - Seed standards for sod quality grass seed
- Section 2:16-7.17 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.18 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.19 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.20 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.21 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.22 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.23 - Reserved
- Section 2:16-7.24 - Reserved